Bookmarks du 06/04/2008

  • If you think about it, talent managment really starts from recruiting through on-boarding; and carries on until the employee is comfortable with the culture, is made to feel at home in the organization, and is equipped with the tools to be productive.

    tags: retention, talents, hr, hr2.0, humanressources, talentmanagement, socialnetworking, recruitment, recruitment2.0

    • The real work for HR really begins once the offer is accepted. Promises made during the interviews need to be fulfiled. Many times a company hires a person for a specific role but what really keeps that person in his chair is not merely the role he was hired for. For large companies, it is difficult for HR to provide every employee the attention they deserve. Therefore HR needs to consider providing ‘self-service’ tools and methods to retain employees.

      To retain an employee it is important to provide him the right tools to be productive, and that includes providing the ability to quickly establish the social connections that he needs to be successful in job. We all know that work is really done through informal networks and with the tacit or unstructured type of work these days, structured tools and systems that exist in organizations today do not help.

    • These methods can particularly be useful in tough times, i.e. when resolving issues at work. They can particularly prevent employees from leaving the company when they are not satisfied with their current roles by letting them search and apply for internal job postings.
  • « The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. »

    tags: IT, networks, process, business, businessprocess, enterprise2.0

    • The first is an ability to impose new work structures€”business processes, work flows, interdependencies, decision right allocations, data formats, operating models, etc.€” on their organizations, and to have great confidence that these work structures will be followed with great fidelity, both across locations and over time.
    • The second thing IT does is give business leaders the ability to let new work structures emerge without forcing them. Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 technologies are wonderful new tools for letting processes, interdependencies, decision right regimes, operating models, etc. appear over time without central direction, and without much (if any) up-front guessing about how these structures will or should look.
  • Networks will not replace or supplement hierarchies; rather the two will be encompassed within a broader conception that embraces both.

    We are still a long way from figuring out the appropriate and encompassing organization models for the economy we are now in. »

    tags: hierarchy, wirearchy, decision, decisionmaking, networks, socialnetworks, trust

    • Networks allow us to create temporary responsibility-driven hierarchy whilst at the same time distributing complementary responsibilities in a decentralized fashion.  Thus, it may be that we are moving into conditions wherein « it’s not all top-down, but it’s also not all bottom-up ».  It’s « both / and » depending upon what’s needed where, when and by whom.
Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.
Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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