Bookmarks du 08/15/2008

  • mais il faut aussi stocker, archiver€¦ De quoi faire exploser les serveurs. « Des filtres automatiques ont permis de réduire le nombre de spams, explique-t-on chez Deloitte, mais il reste beaucoup à  faire sur les comportements compulsifs, qui, eux, sont du seul ressort de l’humain. » « Spamers internes », c’est ainsi qu’un fabricant de solutions pour les messageries électroniques, Mirapoint, qualifie ces salariés qui envoient des mails en rafale, mettent plus de monde qu’il n’en faut en copie et relancent dès qu’on ne leur répond pas dans le quart d’heure. Des pollueurs de messageries, en somme. Vont-ils faire des crises de manque les vendredis ?

    tags: intel, deloitte, email, infobesity, informationmanagement, spam, humanressources

  • In this experiment 300 engineers and managers, located in two US sites (Austin, TX and Chandler, AZ), agreed to minimize interruptions and distractions every Tuesday morning. During these periods they had all set their email and IM clients to “offline”, forwarded their phones to voice mail, avoided setting up meetings, and isolated themselves from “visitors” by putting up a “Do not disturb” sign at their doorway. The purpose was to see the effect of 4 hours of contiguous “thinking time”.

    On the whole, the 7-month pilot returned markedly positive results. It has been successful in improving employee effectiveness, efficiency and quality of life for numerous employees in diverse job roles. 45% of post-pilot survey respondents had found it effective as is, and 71% recommended we consider extending it to other groups, possibly after applying some modifications

    tags: email, informationoverload, infobesity, intel, productivity, interruption

  • I could share dozens and dozens of items on what it has meant for me to eventually move away from corporate e-mail and instead engage through social software to increase my collaborative and knowledge sharing efforts. However, going to try to keep it short. So I will mention that my main key benefits from making such jump have been to no longer feel stranded in the e-mail world, having tasks delegated on to you, just because you have the information / knowledge. I no longer have the pressure of having to constantly keep up with the incoming flow of e-mails of which a good chunk of them I wouldn’t even need to get them in the first place! I no longer sense I have lost control of my own productivity while helping others get their tasks done. I no longer feel it is me against them and the corporation. Them sending e-mails across more and more by the day, me, attempting to address them all and try to finish with a zero inbox, which almost never happened!

    tags: email, infobesity, productivity, education, collaborators, tasks, socialsoftware, informationoverload

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.
Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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