Bookmarks du 11/21/2008

  • La réalité, c’est que la crise n’est que l’écume des choses qui vient révéler l’immobilisme face à  la nécessité de prendre acte que le monde change. Et le fait est que le monde change vite et va changer encore plus vite car, justement, les crises ont cette faculté de faire bouger, de révéler que le train est déjà  parti du quai, en fait.

    Mais affronter l’incertitude n’est pas qu’une conclusion au présent, c’est aussi une des dure leçon de la partie vraie de la crise. Si celle-ci s’est produite, c’est notamment parce que personne n’a réagit aux signes annonceurs. Pourquoi ? non pas qu’il n’y a eu aucun signe annonceur, simplement que ceux-ci n’étaient pas dans le tableau de bord ou que le signal qui y apparaissait n’était pas identifié.

    tags: crisis, management, uncertainty, weaksignals, ideas, culture, projects, strategy

  • The majority of large Australian companies are trialing social networks within their organisations and senior executives believe that, rather than being a waste of employee time, there is substantial value to be harvested from connecting with Web 2.0, a report released today says.

    tags: Autralia, socialnetworks, collaboration, strategy, adoption, generationy, timemanagement, talents

    • Our trial of social networks is going exceptionally well €“ there is very positive feedback from employees. They see it as a personal touch that improves their enjoyment of the work environment.”
    • “What if I have one of my best performers spending an hour a day on Facebook – do I really want to stop them?”
    • “The whole organisation is about collaboration. So the area of social networks is really critical for us, particularly if we want to provide a seamless service delivery to the client.”
    • “For Gen Y, social networking is much more open than traditional computing. Look at gaming. They have a collective mindset €“ achieving common goals is more important to them. They either win together or they don’t win. ”
    • We are serious about finding ways to engage people. We have to compete for talent.
    • “The way products and services are sold in our industry will be vastly different to how it is done today”
    • We have an evolving strategy. Fail fast and cheap. We’re finding that’s the best strategy
  • Nortel CTO John Roese wrote a blog post about the decision to give the business units more autonomy, focussing on the speed benefits of the new structure and abandonig the previous matrix structure

    tags: nortel, management, matrixmanagement, decisionmaking

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.
Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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