Liens de la semaine (weekly)

  • « The company is approaching a critical juncture in its history: Half its work force here in the Puget Sound region will be eligible for retirement within the next decade. With an influx of largely younger employees, Boeing is searching for ways to retain its knowledge base before its experienced Machinists and engineers leave.

    « My job title is tribal knowledge facilitator, » Spigler said with a laugh during an interview recently.

    But that tribal knowledge really is the reason Boeing reached out to retirees still living in the region, said Joyce Whitehorn, a manufacturing and quality assurance manager who helped get the program going.

    « These are people who have a proud legacy with the Boeing Co., » she said.

    Retirees such as Gandee and Spigler were at the pinnacle of Machinists’ knowledge when they left the company, making them ideal teachers of new employees, Whitehorn said. »

    tags: knowledgemanagement boeing retirement knowledgetransfer retirees

  • « Ten years of knowledge sharing deployments convince me that the rules are different for E2.0. Transactional system benchmarks just don’t work, but we keep applying them to collaborative situations anyway. When you think about it, it doesn’t make sense.

    Consider the “truths” for traditional back-office deployments: get everything right before you go live. Mandate a cutover date and turn off the old system. Calculate ROI by increases or decreases in anything tangible €” widgets, hours, paperwork. »

    tags: enterprise2.0 adoption deployment bestpractices compliance training

    • 1. Launch Before You Are Comfortable
    • 2. Training Discourages Adoption
    • 3. Compliance is Not Victory
    • 4. Impossible Deadlines Work Best
    • 5. Past Successes Don’t Count
    • 6. Accomplishment Trumps Productivity
  • « While there are extreme competitive advantages to effectively deploying social media strategies to build communities around your enterprise, there is also no shortage of misconceptions, »

    tags: socialnetworking socialnetworks internalcommunities enterprise2.0 innovation

    • 1) Build it and they will (continue to) come:
    • 4) My company is smarter than I am: Companies are too obsessed or hidebound with delivering the marketing or approved-by-legal line in social media forums, versus allowing for spontaneous, human-to-human interactio
    • 6) It’s my world, customer, just live in it
    • 7) You can control your brand: The power of brand creation is shifting away from corporate corner offices and toward consumers
  • « Two-and-a-half years ago, we described eight technology-enabled business trends that were profoundly reshaping strategy across a wide swath of industries.1 We showed how the combined effects of emerging Internet technologies, increased computing power, and fast, pervasive digital communications were spawning new ways to manage talent and assets as well as new thinking about organizational structures. »

    tags: cocreation network innovation IT socialnetworks management collaboration technology mckinsey

  • « To help with keeping up with the fast moving pace of Social Business, we’ve created a useful new model aimed at helping you stay up-to-date with the major moving parts of Social Business today. We define Social Business here as the distinct process of applying social media to meet business objectives. »

    tags: socialbusiness enterprise2.0 maturitycurve maturity

  • « Here’s a theme that’s been causing a lot of debate amongst my peers of late €” is a social intranet the same thing as a social workplace and the same as social collaboration? Can one product or set of features meet the needs of all of these requirements? »

    tags: socialintranet socialworkspace collaboration communities team knowledgemanagement expertslocation intranet

      • Community: a group of people, usually a larger one, 25+ members with some affinity for each other.
      • Organization: a company, government agency, enterprise or other formally recognized institution that has a defined purpose for its existence.
      • Team: a group of people with a specific objective or purpose for their association.
    • Creative collaboration is a purpose-driven effort toward a specific outcome
    • Connective collaboration is the fine are of connecting the dots, where we (through a weaker set of ties) are able to discover related ideas, key information, spot trends and generally ensure that information and insight is discovered and connected in the right context, at the right time, by the right people. People also use terms like « expertise identification » and « serendipity » to describe this type of collaboration.
    • Compounding collaboration is where present meets and leverages past.
    • An intranet is (or should be) the digital embodiment of an organization’s purpose and resources. It should inform, empower and enable employees to understand the organization, its mission, and the resources and processes available to help them get their work done.

      A good intranet is current, authoritative, relevant and inclusive. It keeps the organization as a whole informed, and gives employees both the map and the keys to the corporate assets.

    • n other words, teams should also have the ability to be a part of a larger, weaker-tied community within the organization, and constantly have rich, highly contextualized access to prior relevant work.
    • In a perfect world, the two flow and leverage one another, but social intranets and collaboration can’t replace each other. They have different goals and different requirements.
  • « Every month I review the search terms that lead people to our Knoco website, just to see what people are searching for. A common search term that came up again this month, is « How to incentivise knowledge sharing ».

    I thought it was worth a blog post on it’s own.

    The simple answer is Don’t! »

    tags: knowledgesharing knowledgemanagement incentive pull push explicitknowledge tacitknowledge rewards

    • Firstly, make it clear that Knowledge Sharing is part of the job. If you need your sales reps to put knowledge into the CRM system, then write it into the company expectations. Just as timewriting is an expectation, or performance appraisals are an expectation, so knowledge entry should be an expectation, in this case
    • Whatever conversations you have about performance, knowledge sharing needs to be part of that conversation.
    • Thirdly, it does no harm at all, and is positively beneficial, for the community coordinator or the KM coordinator of the knowledge base, to publically thank the good contributors
    • Fourthly, you use the Nudge principle of peer pressure. You publish, to management, league tables of KM activity. You highlight the divisions that are sharing freely, and the ones that aren’t sharing at all.
    • If you focus only on Explicit Push, you miss 75% of Knowledge Management territory, and it is the more powerful 75% that you have missed.
  • « The boundary between the technologies in the home and at the office is becoming less marked, but I still have the impression that the products developed are evolutionary rather than revolutionary €“ blogs, wikis, communities and so on with an €˜enterprise control’ layer €“ nothing disruptive as such. If you look at Gartner’s Magic Quadrants on the subject, you see that there are some big and a plethora of smaller actors (ripe for a round of consolidation?) with all of them having more or less the same feature set. So the question that arises in my opinion is where do we find inspiration for software innovation? »

    tags: software softwareinnovation socialsoftware customers partnership socialcrm socialcustomer customerenablementtechnology analytics socialanalytics customerfeedback feedback

    • Analytics is going to be the hot topic the next 2-3 years, and in my opinion especially when we start combining Social Network interactions and interrelations with transactional customer data in our CRM systems.
    • but again these are systems are developed by ESVs from the point of view of enterprise needs.  Ideas are funneled into business processes, lost to the customers because they are left to €˜wander off’ to be worked upon behind closed doors.
    • Where an ESV can add value is by devising platforms that are designed from the outset to facilitate interaction and engagement between all actors of the collaborative value chain, and in particular to capture the customer’s job-to-be-done and facilitate collaboration that leads to the desired outcomes. Facebook, blogs and Twitter are interesting platforms but when customers post comments or ideas for a company €“ they do so with the hope that the company is listen AND will do something about it AND will acknowledge and give them feedback
    • ESVs could focus more on providing solutions that help the customer partner with the enterprise
  • « lmost all companies have a sign on a wall stating something similar to “Our employees are our most important asset.” The wording may be slightly altered, and “asset”’ may be replaced with “resource,” but usually there is such a sign posted somewhere on the premises. Regardless of the exact wording, the intent is the same: the organization is trying to say that it values its employees and the sign is a visible indicator of that value or belief. « 

    tags: employees assets employeesatisfaction value humanresources

    • First of all, assets don’t walk out if they are dissatisfied.
    • Another reason the message is flawed involves the issue of creation. Assets don’t create; they modify (like a printing press) or shape (like a metal lathe.) They transform (like a computer) or direct (like an artificial intelligence software application), but assets don’t create something that was not there before. Creation is the territory of people.
    • By placing people and assets in the same basket, a sort of mental confusion begins and real problems can develop. People’s objections can be dismissed more easily, because they are in the class with assets (owned articles.
  • « he sense-making part of the process requires action and it takes practice to be good at it. How to make sense of one’s experiences is up to the individual. Sense-making is an activity, a regular practice. It can be a simple as creating a list (Filtering) or as complicated as a thesis (Customization). People with better sense-making skills are able to create higher value information and when this is shared, they contribute to their networks. This strikes me as the core of collaborative knowledge work. »

    tags: sensemaking personalknowledgemanagement

  • « We go in search of expertise, or the person with knowledge about a subject, for many reasons:

    * to answer our work-related questions, whether large or small

    * to determine who should be included on a work team

    * to bring together a community of practice

    * to improve our problem-solving

    * to improve our decision-making

    * to fill in gaps in our own knowledge

    * when looking for a mentor

    * to add to our knowledge management system

    * to identify and fill gaps in expertise

    * to determine what expertise can be leveraged for future opportunities. »

    tags: expertise experts expertslocation directory communities communitiesofpractices

    • if you speak French in New York you are an
      expert in French; if you speak French in France, you are just another
      person on the street.
    • An expertise directory may be a good starting point
      if you are lucky to have one already created; however you will
      probably need to supplement it. If you do not have one available,
      you will need to start looking from scratch.
    • To find expertise inside your
      organisation, you ultimately want to tap into what Joel Alleyne
      calls ‘expertise networks’ or ‘social, technical and organisational
      networks that connect experts with novices and other networks’
    • Communities of Practice – perhaps you
      have a business network type system inside your organisation for
      your staff that is not indexed by enterprise search. You will want
      to go there directly as well to hunt through the profiles and
    • Ask around – continue by asking those
      inside your network in the organisation whether they know anyon
  • « “Social learning allows humans to learn through a self-directed mechanism that involves finding, organizing and categorizing resources in a coherent manner for their personal learning needs. Resources include connecting with experts and communities; watching presentations and videos; listening to podcasts; reading articles, blogs, books, and documents; and observing others perform tasks.” »

    tags: sociallearning learning socialmedia mentoring

      • Internal “YouTube-Like” Solution €“ provides a mechanism for subject matter expert (SME) employees to create and share tutorial videos; ability to purchase industry expert tutorial videos
      • Connecting With Experts €“ the prevalence of social networking as part of E2.0 toolsets has created a mechanism called “Expert Exchange” where a set of experts can share and collaborate with an entire community of people. This of course assumes that you have rich social/user profiles in place which is really the new-age employee directory!
      • Instant Messaging/Twitter €“ provides an informal real-time mechanism to chat with one or more individuals
      • Webinars and Narrated Presentations €“ the ability to easily capture a presentation with full audio and video then post for others to watch; the narration provides essential context which is otherwise difficult to convey
      • Video Conferencing €“ connecting with one or more people with full-streaming video provides a rich collaboration platform; the ability to see facial expressions, emotions and body language are extremely important €¦
  • « The « real » Enterprise 2.0 is not a technology or marketing plan, but the reinvention of the enterprise itself. It’s a rethinking of the structure, process, culture and even, in some cases, the very purpose of the enterprise.

    With technology erasing barriers to participation and communication, we’re seeing a change in the nature of how we go about running an organization. »

    tags: enterprise2.0 organization structure processes culture purpose informationsharing sharing transparency participation leadership collaboration

    • 1. The Power Shift From Information Hoarding to Sharing
    • This means that your ability to recognize where and when your information is valuable, and being recognized as a reliable source confers more status.
    • 2. Replacing Perfection with Perfect Aspirations
    • The idea that we must not show vulnerability or imperfection is being replaced by the idea that only by exposing what is going wrong do we have a chance of doing great things.
    • 3. Transparency
    • A transparent culture gives people permission to be imperfect. It gives them permission to share prior to completion, to seek out problems, and openly discuss and resolve them.
    • 4. Participation
    • One of the great things about this new appreciation for participation is that employees whose ideas are sought and valued are much, much more committed to the success of the venture.
    • 5. Leadership
      • There are 4 hallmarks of a collaborative team:

        1. Shared mission: Without a common goal, it is nearly impossible to form an effective team.
        2. Mutual respect: This is not about who’s better. The team members must not be questioning each others competence or trying to demonstrate their own.
        3. Trust: Mutual respect enables trust that allows for frank discussions and debates, focusing on the issues, not the people.
        4. Commitment to continual improvement and to each other.
  • « Quel est ce tabou dont on n’ose parler sur la place publique? Eh bien, je vous le donne en mille. C’est l’incompétence de plusieurs personnes qui travaillent dans les départements de Ti, l’obsession pour la sécurité de leurs gestionnaires et l’immobilisme général qu’ils imposent à  l’entreprise. »

    tags: entreprise2.0 governance usages adoption ITdepartment

    • . Comme dans 70% des cas, toutes entreprises confondues, cette équipe fait partie du département des communications. L’équipe est consciente qu’elle doit prendre le virage 2.0 et teste les différents outils (blogue, wikis, etc.) mais doit le faire «sous le radar», en dehors de l’entreprise et de son firewall et surtout pas sur les serveurs de l’entreprise.
    • L’informatique de cette entreprise est tellement dépassée et bureaucratisée qu’elle a évalué que la mise en place d’un blogue interne coûterait, tenez-vous bien, au-delà  de 100 000$€¦
    • La gouvernance implique un partage équitable des pouvoirs de décision et d’action en ce qui a trait à  la mise en oeuvre d’une stratégie Web d’entreprise et ce, entre plusieurs acteurs importants, habituellement, les Communications, les Ressources humaines, les Ti,  une ou plusieurs unités d’affaires en tant que clients stratégiques (Qui sont en demande et ont les budgets) réunis pour la prise de décision dans un comité directeur (VPs et CIO) et pour le prise d’actions dans un comité de coordination.
  • « As you may expect, I have a management lens through which I look at these things. I really think that it is significantly a management problem, more than an economic problem or financial problem. If you look at the sub-prime issue, there were two things that were indications of management gone wrong. One is the short-term nature in how people manage. So, write those mortgages as quick as you can, cash in and get the heck out which is a very short-term perspective with people who are mismanaging »

    tags: crisis management economics mintzberg shortterm leadership communities communityship cooperation Sustainabledevelopment

    • This is partly because they do not care about the long-term and partly because they do not care about their own institutions or customers, they care about themselves.
    • Even if leadership is designed to encourage and to bring along other people and engage other people, it is still the individual driving it
    • I think that we need to put more emphasis on what I prefer to call, there is no word for it but I use the word ‘community-ship’, which is the idea that corporations and other organizations, when they function well, are communities.
    • So, you have destroyed the whole sense of community. I think that the worst thing about the American economy today is not what has happened, it is the total depreciation of so many publicly-traded corporations and they are just going down the drain
    • To add one other thing, part of the problem is this whole phony separation between leadership and management. The idea that somehow they are the big shots who do all of the leadership, and it is everybody else who does the scud work as managers.
    • lso, just one last point, we make a lot of fuss over micro-managing, meddling in the affairs of your subordinates. Macro-managing or macro-leading is a much bigger problem: people who are managing at such an abstract level that they do not know what is going on and that includes all of those bankers that bought all of that mortgage junk
    • So, they are not trained to understand and respect their businesses, they are trained to flip from one case to another and it is very dysfunctional.
    • I think that there are many more long-term, sustainable manners of raising capital through patient capital, patient capital investors perhaps the sort of Warren Buffett type of person, I do not know, through co-ops. There are amazingly successful business co-ops such as Mondragà³n in the Basque country that has something like eighty thousand employees and is totally a co-op.
  • « Teens are a « leading indicator » here. The rest of us will follow. Facebook users appear to follow a predictable pattern of evolution with their feelings about Facebook, and teenagers are just further along.

    Here are the five stages of Facebook grief: »

    tags: facebook socialnetworks teens teenagers adoption privacy

    • 1. Confusion. What’s it for?
    • 2. Discovery. Hey, my high school friends are here. Reading my News Feed actually makes me feel more connected to people. This is actually pretty fun.
    • 3. Utility. Facebook helps me stay connected to former colleagues, which could help me find a job in the future.
    • 4. Embarrassment. Whoa! I did NOT want my co-workers to see the picture of me someone else tagged. Too much personal information in that post! Whoops! I did not mean to offend someone — I forgot who would be listening.
    • 5. Withdrawal. To avoid problems, I’m going to have to assume that everything I say is public, not private like I used to think.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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