Liens de la semaine (weekly)

  • « The concept of waste has lately been transferred from manufacturing to other practices such as product development. According to lean principles, when a development project is started, the goal is to complete it as rapidly as possible. In a sense, ongoing development projects are just like inventory sitting around in a factory. Design and prototypes are only valuable when (paying) customers are involved. »

    tags: LEAN waste processes customer customerinvolvement communication networks agility agilebusiness unpredictability conversations dynamicprocesses dynamicbusiness

    • People are used to lean thinking when it comes to technology and processes but it is still very rare to look at taking waste out of communication. Many managers still trivialize the power of conversation. They think that social interaction issues are soft compared to the hard issues of technology and process.
    • We still don’t understand that work is communication: we live and work in a network of conversations. Being lean means understanding that conversations are never neutral. They always affect the quality and pace of the outcome. Communication either accelerates or slows down. Communication either creates value or creates waste. Communication can create energy and inspiration or take energy away and reduce inspiration.
    • Many managers possess the skills that meet the challenges of static conditions. Those conditions are based on predictability and systems thinking, meaning that the crucial variables are known in advance. The main risk factor is then the accuracy of the predictions.
    • In dynamic business conditions the management practices described above are not only unhelpful but cause damage and create waste rather than value.


      If you cannot predict you have to invest in real-time learning and iterations instead of more predictions.

    • Success is based on speed of learning and responsiveness. Responsiveness is not possible if you are many handshakes away from the things that you should respond to. Learning is then based, not on teaching materials, but on conversations linking interdependent people.
    • We need to embrace change, unpredictability and complexity as inescapable constants in all product development. It is about being lean and social!
  • Chess Media Group recently released “The State of Enterprise 2.0 Collaboration” report which collected survey responses from 234 executives and decision makers implementing these collaborative solutions in their workplace. The report covers things such as business drivers, ROI, types of tools that are being used, how budgets are being allocated, and how strategies are being developed. The report is completely free to download »

    tags: enterprise2.0 socialbusiness collaboration survey report strategy IT ROI value problemsolving measurement

    • Business managers and IT managers are beginning to work more closely together to co-own and co-sponsor emergent collaboration initiatives.
    • There is not a strong enough focus on developing an enterprise strategy before deploying a technology platform.
    •  However, most companies are not defining performance indicators to measure any type of success or progress.  Those that are defining them do not actually have a tracking or measurement system in place.  Without having a process evaluate results, it is impossible to see any type of tangible or intangible value or business benefit.
    • Solving a business problem or achieving an objective is just as good as being able to show a financial ROI.
    • A combination of both a structured and unstructured approach is the most successful and commonly used approach by organizations.
  • tags: survey engagement motivation

  • « I have admired the capabilities within Socialtext for some time. It was one of the early enterprise 2.0 providers, well before the term was coined. They began with a wiki base and have added capability over time to build a comprehensive platform. A couple of years ago they added Socialtext Signals, one of the first enterprise micro-blogging tools. A wrote about them a year ago on this blog (see Socialtext Adds Micro-messaging and Goes Mobile). Recently, I spoke with their CEO, Eugene Lee, on their latest offerings. »

    tags: enterprisesocialsoftware socialtext socialsoftware enterprise2.0 socialbusiness integration CRM businessapplications process

    • The platforms that Socialtext can easily integrate with include SharePoint and These are good choices. In my view SharePoint, and other document management systems, should be treated like other enterprise applications of record in the same way as an ERP or CRM system is being treated. Socialtext can then help increase engagement with these systems
    • Now you can bring issues form the CRM tool into Socialtext to generate more engagement and more focus
    • I really like their focus on integration and their emphasis on connecting with work processes. It is great to see Socialtext continue to evolve in the right directions.
  • « The Jive Apps ecosystem is win-win-win for Jive, their customers and business partners
    Jive will be offering a new Jive Cloud deployment model
    Lots of free things for Jive 5 customers, including Analytics Dashboard, the Jive Social Media Engagement application and 100 licenses of Jive for Outlook
    Lots of cool stuff on the future roadmap »

    tags: jive jiveworld2011 socialsoftware enterprisesocialsoftware

    • Tony announced a modification to Jive’s previous slogan of « The New Way To Work », updating it to « The Only Way To Work ». He also introduce « Me to the power of We », at which point I had enough of heard marketing slogans! My cynicism aside, the core of his talk was about the billions of dollars enterprises have spent over the last few decades creating silos of ERP, HCM, CRM, ECM (and other alphabet soup) systems, and how now is the time to transform those systems into ones where people are now the most important asset
    • Jive for Outlook brings social features to the tools that many people already use for work
    • external communities can authenticate with Jive using OAuth, providing a seamless experience.
    • Jive profiles will be able to pull in information from LinkedIn
    • Custom Streams: People will be able to create custom streams based on content, roles, tags and more, then share those streams with colleagues.
    • Free Analytics Dashboard: Jive’s acquisition of Proximal Labs provided them with an advanced analytics platform for monitoring the usage and interaction of people and pages inside Jive
    • Multi-communities: These will allow you to invite external people into your internal instances. They see a slimmed down UI that only shows the parts of the community that they have access to.
    • For the second key theme, « Turn Social Capital into business value », David Gutelius (Chief Social Scientist) discussed how the combination of data + context = intelligence. For example, different people searching for the same term should not get back the same results. Instead, the person’s role, expertise and social graph should all factor into the information that is returned to them. David concluded by explaining that the future is not just about improving search, but instead improving ways that the system will know who/what to show you, even without you having to look for it.
  • « Tomorrow is the Australian Human Resources Institute HR Technology conference. I will be MC for the conference day, and will also run a half-day workshop on Creating Results Using Social Media on the following day.

    I thought I would share the visual content we will be using during the workshop. As usual, the slides are not intended to be useful by themselves, but to provide supporting content for the activities and discussions of the session. « 

    tags: humanresources humanresources2.0 socialmedia learning engagement presentation

  • « Incentive programs are ubiquitous in corporations, but there are serious flaws in how they have been implemented, particularly for executives. For an incentive system to usefully support a firm’s long-term, society-focused agenda, companies need to lessen their reliance on financial rewards to motivate top management, strengthen share-ownership requirements and stock-vesting conditions for senior executives and board members, and change CEOs’ perception of compensation as a tool to « keep score » vis-à -vis their peers and bolster their own egos. »

    tags: incentives CEO longterm rewards

    • Given the limited effectiveness of economic incentives in bringing about desired behaviors, it goes without saying that all companies €” but particularly those committed to creating value for society €” should avoid focusing inordinately on monetary rewards to motivate their executives.
    • he also relied on « pride and recognition that come from being a good citizen and living up to the values of society » to drive the right behaviors. In fact, he emphasized that he didn’t want « pay to disturb motivation. »
    • To keep executives focused on long-term outcomes, some compensation committee chairmen and CEOs recommend that top executives be required to retain all shares purchased or awarded to them (except for the proportion needed to be sold to meet tax obligations arising from the shares’ vesting) until several years after their departure or retirement from the firm
    • CEOs who are sincere about putting their companies on a path to maximize value for society should measure their achievements through impact in that arena rather than through quantum of pay.
  • Organizational culture powerfully influences a company’s performance €” or at least we say so. I often hear executives reassure me that projects will get done because « we have an execution culture, » or that customers will be well taken care of because « we have a culture where the customer comes first. » At the same time, culture is also one of the great rationalizations for managerial shortcomings. Many times I’ve heard that a project was delayed because « we don’t make quick decisions around here, » which is the managerial equivalent of « the dog ate my homework. »

    tags: management culture rewards incentives informationsharing risk riskmanagement

    • Organizational culture powerfully influences a company’s performance €” or at least we say so. I often hear executives reassure me that projects will get done because « we have an execution culture, » or that customers will be well taken care of because « we have a culture where the customer comes first. » At the same time, culture is also one of the great rationalizations for managerial shortcomings. Many times I’ve heard that a project was delayed because « we don’t make quick decisions around here, » which is the managerial equivalent of « the dog ate my homework. »
    • Any management team can assess its culture by asking these kinds of simple questions across a range of organizational behaviors. For example: To what extent do we reward individual vs. team results? To what extent do we share information broadly or parcel it out narrowly? To what extent do we encourage or discourage risk?

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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