Liens de la semaine (weekly)

  • « A new study, the product of three years of research based on the careers of about 3,000 Canadian knowledge workers, provides some surprising insights into the career ambitions of four generations of workers. Among the surprises: The dramatic unhappiness of Generation X employees, and the ongoing ambitions of the oldest group, dubbed « Matures. » »

    tags: generationx generationy work happiness millenials ambition matures worklifebalance workenvironment

    • Matures place little emphasis on work/life balance. « Balance » was ranked in the top ten for Millennials, GenXers and Boomers, but not for Matures.
    • Millennials and Matures are most ambitious. Only Millennials placed « advancement » in their top 10. It was somewhat important to Matures, but not to Boomers or Gen Xers.
    • Matures want to be challenged. They’re the only ones that placed « challenge » in their top 10.
    • Older workers are the most interested in learning. « Opportunities for continuous learning » was most important to Boomers and Matures. Those in Generation X were least likely to say this is essential.
    • Given that many workplaces have large numbers of GenXers and Millennials reporting up to Boomers and Matures, it seems there’s a built-in potential for conflict here.
    • Millennials are more focused on meeting individual and social needs through work
    • GenX place the most emphasis on balance and flexibility,
    • Boomers are most concerned about the work environment itself
    • Matures are more ambitious than stereotypes might lead you to believe
  • « There’s mounting evidence that Moore’s Law applies to commodity work — labor that can be produced by many different individuals with a minimal amount of training. It’s difficult to distinguish the output of one commodity worker from another, just as it is difficult to differentiate wheat grown on one farm from wheat grown on another. If Moore’s Law applies to commodity work, commodity workers are in big trouble. »

    tags: productivity work employment mooreslaw commodity commoditywork skills

    • Noyce maintained that the proper way to measure the industry’s productivity was to measure output not in dollars but in transistors per employee. By that measure, our productivity was growing at 40 percent per yea
    • I suspect that just as the number of transistors in an integrated circuit continues to grow at an exponential rate, commodity workers using computers and the Internet are increasing their productivity at an exponential rate.
    • If worker productivity is growing at an exponential rate and lots of new facilities are being built, we are at the point where commodity worker output can easily exceed the demand
    • The value of doing those commodity chores is dropping as well and so to maintain our current salary, we have to run faster as well
  • « Il n’y a plus un jour, une conférence, une note, qui ne se réfère à  l’entreprise 2.0 et aux formidables changements que vont apporter les applications de partage et de collaboration, la maîtrise de la réalité augmentée, le cloud, etc..

    Au delà  de l’enthousiasme, il faut « savoir raison garder » et nous méfier de notre capacité à  nous émerveiller facilement et de notre candeur. »

    tags: enterprise2.0 output socialbusiness priorities informationoverload outputmanagement

    • Le modèle 2.0 est porteur de beaucoup de promesses, mais la réalité est qu’aujourd’hui peu d’entreprises l’ont mis en oeuvre et que beaucoup de questions restent ouvertes ou sont découvertes à  l’occasion des phases de test en cours dans les organisations.
    • Notre réalité est plus simple à  décrire bien que incroyablement plus compliquée à  affronter : nous avons à  gérer, à  ingérer et à  digérer trop d’information !
    • L’entreprise 2.0 joue avec « l€˜instantanéité et la facilité d’accés à  l’information » en y ajoutant la possibilité de participer activement à  des processus jusqu’alors réservé aux ayants-droits !
    • L’output management n’a jamais cessé d’exister !
       C’est un domaine essentiel au service des organisations qui leur permet tout simplement de mettre en oeuvre une communication pertinente et de qualité avec les récipiendaires des contenus échangés.
    • Avec les technologies d’output management et une évaluation sérieuse de ses actifs en terme de contenus, l€˜entreprise 2.0 valorise et pérennise (pour une période plus ou moins longue) son capital informationnel
    • L’output management permet la synthèse et la respiration dans l’exploitation et la compréhension des données (business intelligence) en étant au coeur de la stratégie de gouvernance de l’information
  • « It’s probably since the very moment I started focusing my attention on Enterprise 2.0 that I wanted to understand how it might have worked a company where formal and informal exchanges supported each other, where communities were eventually integrated into processes, where knowledge assets could be accessed, used and constantly renewed through the participation of all the actors involved. Not so much a world entirely made of 2.0 but more one in which social is seen as a mean to accelerate the achievement of those same goals companies have always imposed to themselves. »

    tags: socialbusiness enterprise2.0 valuechain socialization socialsoftware enterprisesocialsoftware processes workflow

      • From a business, organizational, technological perspective, companies have particularly struggled to


      • Business: to frame social in a way that was understandable to senior management and could give business results
      • Adoption: to ensure the attainment of a critical mass of participation needed to achieve the return on investment
      • Technology: to reposition existing enterprise systems and services within the new paradigm
      • Strategy: to understand, from an organizational and a workflow point of view, how to put together communities for customers, communities for employees and partners, encoded processes
  • here is no social business without business.
  • Even socializing as a single process (such as Social CRM or Social Product Development) doesn’t necessarily contribute to an overall view of evolution of the extended chain value
  • o socialize the business, you cannot start from social. You must first visualize the fundamental constructs on which each company is based
  • Socializing a business then means socializing the basic constructs, namely the processes that make it possible for a company to run around the individuals that constitute it.
  • Isolated and above-the-flow communities (of employees or customers). This is often the starting point for any company that begins to experiment the participation of customers, employees and other stakeholders through communities born bottom-up or in any case not explicitly connected to existing workflows.
  • Above-the-flow communities in support of a traditional process. The next step is to recognize the complementarity of processes and communities by enhancing an existing workflow (that remains unmodified) with social tools to capture exceptions to the process, not codified informal exchanges, the tacit knowledge needed to run the process.
  • Socialized process. In order to ensure user adoption, traditional process and collaboration have to come together by providing a single place where work is performed.
  • Integration of socialized processes. Dreamforce and the vision proposed by Salesforce are here to show that you can do much better than creating a myriad of siloed socialized processes. By providing a set of common services (collaboration to be used for evolving traditional applications, unified management of identities, a mechanism for integrated social and transactional business intelligence, activity streams as a layer to collect updates from every disparate system and makes them the social object of collaboration throughout the enterprise
  • Blindly introducing additional communities and social networks within your company is not sufficient to increase social business maturity.
  • « Imagine booting your computer one morning and being presented with the three to five core tasks you need to complete that day. You click on the first item, and everything you need (tools; the latest sales report from your business intelligence (BI) system; notifications regarding a new CRM opportunity; an expense report requiring approval; and input from colleagues, partners, and/or customers) appears in a single workspace, where you can easily synthesize the information and take the next appropriate action.

    Contrast that to today’s siloed work approach with several open screens and applications and time wasted toggling back and forth between a CRM system, a BI system, a to-do list, email, documents, Web pages, a search engine, a chat window, a spreadsheet (or two), and some form of collaborative or social management tool. »

    tags: socialbusiness ENTERPRISE2.0 socialsoftware enterprisesocialsoftware businessapplications context collaboration BI decisionmaking

    • Collaboration within context. In a recent report, IDC referred to “collaborative, process-centric computing” as a key requirement for productive collaboration.
    • IDC estimated the amount of time wasted working in this type of fragmented environment, and the cost per worker, per year are notable, such as:


      People not finding the information they seek: $5,974
      Reformatting data from multiple sources: $5,974
      Publishing via multiple applications: $3,991

    • Enterprise-relevant use cases and best practices. Over the past year, the opportunity to significantly impact employee productivity has created a lot of interest in social collaboration products, and companies big and small have launched a number of new social products. The challenge is finding a solution that truly addresses real work that people are doing in their organization versus providing with a generic toolset.
    • A focus on decision making. Did you know that the average person makes more than 200 food-related decisions on a daily basis? Imagine how many more you make at work.
  • « In my last article, I talked about the Community Manager job title and how it can mean a lot of different things to different people. I’d like to continue that discussion today by reflecting on another trend that I have noticed.

    I am hearing about companies that have training programs for community managers €“ and many of them. They hire people, put them through a training program and, bam, you have a community manager. This seems to be in contrast to how many other management type positions are handled. »

    tags: communitymanagement communitymanager jobdescription marketers martketing career position jobtitle

    • Though, it is likely that some “community managers” are really social media marketers, it is a good thing for the profession and, it leads me to ask: has Community Manager become an entry level position?
    • Given the confusion surrounding the job title, and the number of tasks that are being thrown into it that should really go to marketers or copywriters or someone else, just how much experience is needed is debatable. For some roles, depending on the responsibilities, it may not be entry level.
    • Rarely, I have seen Vice President of Community or Social Media and Chief Community Officer
  • « Basically, brands and businesses need, as Brito suggests, to be aligned in order for the enterprise to be successful.

    Complicating this need for alignment, unfortunately, is the complexity involved in aligning the processes, technologies, and governance practices associated with communication and collaboration. As Brito points out in his piece, the “siloing” we see in traditional organizations poses a challenge to such alignment. »

    tags: alignment governance processes complexity brand

    • Doing and managing business has always been “social.” Business has always involved people working individually or in groups. Creating a synthetic concept called “social business” to promote technology-enabled processes, collaboration, and information sharing among customers, employees, and business partners might be a valuable short term marketing initiative. But sometimes it smells like it’s just being used to promote software sales and consulting. (I should know!)
    • when two or more “camps” emerge within an enterprise in terms of the collaboration tools they support. As usage of such tools spreads through the organization and people choose “sides” by investing time and energy in building profiles, usage patterns, and relationships via one toolset or another, the possibility emerges that the concept of “siloing” will extend beyond organizational or departmental boundaries to boundaries defined by tool use and loyalty.
    • Enterprise social software standards may solve part of the problem that relates to system integration barriers. But I suspect standards won’t be enough to overcome siloing related to different groups’ competing governance priorities.
    • Real alignment will only occur when management and staff work together in support of corporate goals, regardless of whether the tools and processes they use are “social” or not.
    • Focusing on making a business or brand “social” without first thinking about goals, processes, and governance can take us down the road to focusing on technology first
  • « The publication this month of The Ultimate Question 2.0 (revised from an earlier edition) provides us with an opportunity to ask ourselves just what is the ultimate question in management. »

    tags: management NPS trust

    • Tracking the net promoter score, according to the authors, can lead to improvements in both management and performance.
    • we have a tendency to want to simplify things. Evidence of this is the plethora of management books with single word titles such as Accountability, Transparency, and Teamwork. We search for the one key to management success.
    • . Respondents in the study made a convincing case that trust was absolutely essential to the successful implementation of policies and practices necessary to implement any strategy
    • My study led to an exploration of the underpinnings of trust, as suggested by related survey data. One major determinant is whether a manager or the organization does what it says it will do
  • tags: casestudies hr recruitment innovation failure culture peerreview review management networking informationsharing Google

    • 6. Les  » peer bonus « . Encore du pouvoir pour des pairs. Ils récompensent l’effort particulier d’un collègue – souvent sur les projets transversaux – en lui attribuant une somme d’argent  » symbolique  » (100 $).
    • 9. Des bols d’air. Le programme maison de rotations, mensuelle, trimestrielle ou annuelle à  l’international permet de sortir de sa bulle. Et chaque métier- commercial-marketing, RH, ingénieur- a le sien.
      Les collaborateurs occupent alors des missions temporaires de 1, 3 ou 12 mois dans l’un des 30 pays, grand ou petit, où Google est implanté.
  • « Google emploie 29 000 salariés dans le monde, dont 250 en France (bientôt 500). Son esprit start-up anticonformiste séduit et retient. Mais sous les apparences rugit un puissant moteur : partager le pouvoir pour mieux se nourrir de la vitalité de l’individu. »

    tags: management Google review recruitment innovation failure networking culture informationsharing peerreview hr casestudies

    • 1. Un recrutement partagé et diversifié. Ni le manager, ni le recruteur ne choisissent seuls. Au moins un collaborateur, issu d’un autre service, mène un entretien individuel avec le postulant.
    • La priorité sera donnée à  ceux qui ont prouvé une capacité à  fonctionner en réseau,  » en capillarité  » avec les autres tout en gardant une certaine humilité. Les candidats doivent en outre être capables de s’engager sur  » des missions qui les dépassent  » et de de partager leur expertise.
    • 2.  » Le projet 20% « . C’est la formule consacrée. Chacun, ingénieur développeur ou pas, a le droit d’user librement de 20% de son temps de travail pour creuser une idée personnelle, un projet original hors du  » core business  » et qui lui tient à  coeur.
    • 3. La culture beta. Le droit à  l’erreur est un principe. Et ça vaut pour tous les domaines.  » On fait des paris. Il n’y a pas de pensée magique. Un collaborateur ou une entité lance quelque chose, si ça ne va pas, ou si c’est mal perçu, on le retire.
    • 4. La culture du débat. Les dirigeants sont accessibles à  tous. Les interventions des fondateurs sont ainsi retransmises en direct depuis la Californie par visioconférence et les objectifs ou certaines décisions peuvent être discutées à  distance, voire remises en question.
    • 5. Les  » peer reviews « . Une fois par an, chacun est évalué par ses pairs et pas uniquement par son manager. Parce que ce dernier est souvent le moins bien informé du travail au quotidien de ses collaborateurs.
  • « The decision to purchase an enterprise software application is one that generally demands a variety of different views about benefits. Because with most enterprise systems €“ Enterprise 2.0 included €“ there are a variety of benefits: »

    tags: enterprise2.0 socialbusiness ROI benefits customersatisfaction agility innovation employeesatisfaction revenue costs costreduction collaboration

  • « Companies are increasingly adopting social media technologies, using Facebook to reach out to customers or YouTube to demonstrate new products. These are good first steps, but there is so much more that “social” has to offer. Social media is just one dimension of today’s social business. »

    tags: enterprise2.0 socialbusiness businessvalue culture socialnetwork informationoverload trust

    • Today, by combining social networking tools €“ internally and externally €“ with sophisticated analytic capabilities, companies are transforming their business processes, building stronger relationships among their employees, customers and business partners and making better decisions, faster. This is what makes a social business €“ embracing networks of people to create new business value and opportunities.
    • Here’s the trick with social business: Focus on people and culture.
    • Creating a social business culture can be the most difficult hurdle to overcome, but it’s also the most important.
    • Because we’re now a society of information creators, the data deluge is on. This is where technology can step in.
    • Imagine if a combination of social software and analytics could draw together all the data about your business day automatically alerting you, based on what you’ve done in the past, what the key tasks of the day are, what the emails you need to respond to are, when your can’t-miss meetings of the day are
  • The event encouraged healthy discussions and provocative ideas by the analysts, other speakers and an active audience around the future of organizational processes in the landscape of ground-shaking technologies like social networking, mobile, cloud and analytics

    tags: hr processes chro talent talentmanagement education P2Plearning

    • VP & Principal Analyst Yvette Cameron spoke of the need for Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs) to shift their focus from policy administration to showing how they create value out of the people in the organization
    • Creating value is more a strategic affair and the opportunity here for HR lies in acquiring, managing, and developing talent.
    • Mr. Hagel asserted that what is becoming more and more marginalized is the talent development program.
    • From the social business viewpoint, talent development is still done by talking at the employee-students, rather than conversing with them and bringing their own tacit knowledge to bear and share. While the concept of social or peer-to-peer learning is growing in prominence, official corporate directed programs are still not common, and more so, the system of learning itself has not completely solidified.
    • It begins, per the Li & Fung model, with a strong anchor willing to share knowledge but also recognition that this organizational learning should go both ways. We can be both teachers and learners at the same time.
  • tags: enterprise20 socialbusiness socialcustomer engagement roi metrics marketing

  • Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

    Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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