Liens de la semaine (weekly)

  • « Finance departments don’t immediately come to mind in conversations about social collaboration technology. Most of the software used for social collaboration that I’ve seen demonstrated focuses on the big data technologysales process or for broader employee engagement. The Facebook-style interface may cause finance department managers and executives to roll their eyes, especially if they’re over 40 years old. Yet business and social collaboration is an important set of capabilities that has been taking hold in business. »

    tags: socialcollaboration analytics collaboration mobile bigdata finance

    • There are many use cases for comprehensive collaboration capabilities in ERP or accounting and financial performance management software.
    • The financial close has multiple steps where time saved by resolving snags or clearing up ambiguities consistently can have a meaningful impact on shortening the process. Likewise, planning and review involve a great deal of collaboration, especially in understanding assumptions and expectations or providing perspectives on causal factors behind better or worse than expected results.
    • When tightly integrated into business software of all kinds, social collaboration will become an essential capability by enabling people to resolve issues faster and with less effort than other means of communication. Vendors that focus on the finance function should ignore today’s lack of enthusiasm for social but more practical collaborative capabilities and ensure that their software is designed for the next generation of financial software users.
  • « I’m knee deep in interviews for the upcoming report on this topic, the Collaborative Economy, which will answer how corporations can be part of this sharing movement €“and not be left behind. In my previous post, we’ve made the case this is the next phase of Social Business, and have probed 200 startups from the sharing movement, and have compiled a list of brands that are already participating like Barclay’s, Toyota, BMW, and Walmart.
    [This rising behavior is being caused by three major trends: social, economic, and technology drivers] »

    tags: collaborativeeconomy

  • « Cinq étapes à  aborder pour être au top de ce sujet ! »

    tags: service serviceinnovation

    • Résoudre les « irritants » de ses clients et de ses collaborateurs :
    • Mettre en place des repères à  court termequi vont enchanter vos clients, valoriser vos collaborateurs et avoir pour vous un avantage économique
    • Trouver de nouveaux services à  rendre. La réponse à  cette question se trouve en général dans la tête de ceux qui servent et dans celle des clients.
    • Faire du design du service l’une de vos compétences.
    • Réaliser ce travail d’innovation dans le bon ordre

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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