Liens de la semaine (weekly)

  • « An essential part of the third era of computing—cognitive computing—will be our ability to interact with smart machines in ways that are more natural to us. Making them conversational is an important part of that effort. »

    tags: cognitivecomputing ibm watson conversation conversationalskills

    • In the cognitive era of computing, machines will better understand us and relate to us in more human ways.
    • We’ll integrate conversational services from a variety of sources.  Some are the natural evolutions of our original Watson technology that understood language. 
    • we have also acquired the startup, Cognea, which offers virtual assistants that relate to people using a wide variety of personalities—from suit-and-tie formal to kid-next-door friendly
    • Smart machines will serve as virtual personal assistants, health coaches, companions for elderly people, investment advisors, tutors, travel agents, customer care agents and shopping advisors.
  • « Successful business intelligence has always been about negotiating the right tradeoffs between the needs of individual business people and the needs of the organization as a whole. »

    tags: information BI data datadiscovery

    • nformation anarchy results from individuals or entire departments taking their informational needs into their own hands.
    • They realized that whatever information they could procure from the glass house of the IT department would not be adequate.
    • the onset of information anarchy is often followed by a brief period of euphoria. Departments that set up their data silos are briefly enthusiastic about their limited solution, until the point in time when someone in senior management receives two reports with inconsistent data from different departments and questions the validity of the information.
    • Executives and other business managers are « beholden to number-crunching wizards specially trained with reporting, analytic, and statistical software installed on their computers. » The concept was to expand the use of information to many more business users… however, very quickly, this technology-schooled cadre of individuals became, without knowing it, information dictators of another sort.
    • Businesses should strive to combine consistent information governance with decentralized access to data and decision-making.
    • Giving business users more freedom to access and use information may result in more mistakes and duplication than IT is comfortable with, but the alternative is often worse: business people making decisions with inadequate data because they can’t wait for slow IT processes.
    • Business people must realize that optimizing only their own information use and access can damage the ability of the organization as a whole to get a clear picture
  • « Jusqu’à maintenant, les entreprises cherchaient des moutons à 5 pattes. Dans un avenir proche, le salarié idéal ressemblera plutôt à un caméléon. C’est ce que prédit une étude du cabinet EY et de LinkedIn sur la révolution des métiers qui est déjà en marche. »

    tags: skills employees competences adaptability

    • La dimension collaborative du travail est d’ailleurs la compétence comportementale qui sera la plus importante dans les 5 ans à venir pour les entreprises. Viennent ensuite la gestion du stress, la capacité à intégrer le changement, à résoudre des problèmes, la faculté d’apprendre et à absorber une charge de travail importante
  • « Our recent Social Collaboration Survey proved how most of the market is still immature when it comes to collaborative programs. In a very simplistic way I’d guess the following taxonomy hold mostly true: »

    tags: socialbusiness maturity deployment collaboration

  • « The other night, Audrey Watters and Kate Bowles were picking apart a new Sebastian Thrun interview on Twitter. While such activities are indeed highly amusing, I’ve been busy writing about refrigerators these last few days so I figured I would just let it go. But then Audrey linked to the job description of a Udacity Course Manager. »

    tags: humanresources mooc training learning udacity

    • To date, there has been little evidence collected that would allow an assessment of whether MOOCs do indeed provide a cost-effective mechanism for producing desirable educational outcomes at scale.
    • To date, there has been little evidence collected that would allow an assessment of whether MOOCs do indeed provide a cost-effective mechanism for producing desirable educational outcomes at scale.
    • I noticed that no specific content knowledge is required to be a Udacity course manager at all.
    • It would be interesting to know what the difference is between a course manager and a mentor. I’m guessing the course manager serves as the mentors’ boss. Yet some of those course managers are actually part time.
    • No matter what, this whole set up is most decidedly not automated education. It’s cheap. It’s online. But it’s not automated. People who need to be trained require money for their labor and the source of that money has to be the students. That’s why Thrun says:


      If you’re affluent, we can do a much better job with you, we can make magic happen.

    • Stupid me, who’s actually going to be dumb enough to assign papers if they’re facing a 72 hour turnaround time on all student-submitted work?
    • The problems here go well beyond that in both cases. No academic freedom. No research. Very little control over your own class. [In the case of MOOCs that goes for both the mentors and to some extent the superprofessor too.] These things aren’t just important to the faculty involved. They’re vitally important to the quality of the course. Happy, knowledgable teachers teach better than peons on an academic assembly line.
    • I’m beginning to think that administrators and edtech providers of all stripes, MOOCs or otherwise, have an evil tacit bargain all their own. Move college online, the deal goes, not because it will do anything in particular for education, but because it will help backfill all the government funding you’ve been losing over the last few decades. As an added benefit, it will certainly help you cut labor costs as your formally highly-paid, influential teachers can be replaced by an online army of the under-employed, or worse yet, robots.
    • he fact that so many people can learn those skills at the same time will only drive down the wages that graduates would earn for having them. If those skills are best practiced online, our students would then be facing the same kind of job market that new Ph.D.s are, and that’s not good news for anybody.
    • In short, why would anybody pay to have “magic happen” if they’re never going to get a chance to make a decent living using the skills they learn?
  •  » The reason it resonated with me is that I’m in the middle of examining privacy implementation and governance approaches that will allow people analytics play an increasingly valuable role within the enterprise; first and foremost for the individual, and secondly for the organization. »

    tags: data bigdata analytics privacybydesign legal lawyers

    • After having spent several years working on people analytics and having completed many privacy reviews, I’m now firmly convinced that a “Privacy by Design” approach is the only way to go.
    • The technologist has absolutely no chance of understanding the subtleties of privacy compliance, particularly the global implications. Similarly the lawyer is unable to decipher the technical complexity of the solution, particularly in the case of an analytics solution where a few lines of code and a bigdata platform can transform public data into private (and sensitive) data.
    • I believe we need to embed privacy policy, practice, and implementation into the fabric of application development. The legal team become partners in the development process, providing expertise, advise, and counsel (perhaps simplified through templates, checklists, and validation tools),
    • In my experience both sides want to create exciting new solutions that will add value to customers, they just come at the problem from different perspectives. However when you bring them together and the whole is definitely better than the parts.
  • « As workplace cultures continue to evolve and promote collaborative and open working environments, distractions in the workplace can be just as detrimental to productivity as a dog who wants to play fetch at home, or a passenger on the seat next to you on a flight who wants to chitchat. »

    tags: remotework management attention

    • Data from Gallup’s State of the American Workplace reveals that nearly 4 out 10 (39%) companies currently allow some employees to work remotely. Even more interesting was that the survey revealed remote workers log more hours than their in-office counterparts (4 extra hours per week). And, the seemingly good news doesn’t stop there. Employees who work remotely (according to the report) seem to be slightly more engaged than those who work in the office (32% engaged Vs. 28% engaged).
  • « From a management perspective, making decisions based on data is a clear win. Yet it’s often difficult to adopt a data-informed culture. In every organization, there are teams and employees who embrace this transition, and those who undermine it. To convert your biggest data skeptics, the first step is to understand the psychology of their resistance. »

    tags: data management analytics performance

  • « A l’occasion de sa conférence annuelle la NRF (National Retail Fondation) dressait le bilan des tendances dans le secteur du Retail pour les prochaines années, mettant en avant l’omnicanal comme l’un des principaux investissements des entreprises. L’un des enjeux réside donc dans la capacité à se lancer dans des programmes globaux impliquant une refonte du système d’information, des stratégies, de l’aménagement des espaces et de repenser le parcours client. »

    tags: data bigdata customerjourney retail stores customerexperience analytics

    • L’analyse des données de trafic globales et locales pour comprendre qui vient dans mon magasin et une nouveauté nommée le « Customer Experience Analytics ».
    • Au-delà du simple usage d’interaction des capteurs et de la possibilité de pousser des contenus personnalisés, il s’agit d’aller plus loin en favorisant le croisement des données.
    • Marketing et Publicité : Le ciblage et la géolocalisation des messages sont parmi les moyens les plus rapidement déployables à court/moyen termes
    • – Design de service et interaction : L’utilisation des données et leur croisement avec des services pourraient permettre de mettre à disposition des shoppers en magasin, des tablettes et applications pour augmenter de 10 à 20% les ventes,
    • – Management et gestion du magasin : Utiliser les données de localisation et d’analyse, pour comprendre les limites dans les process et analyser le temps d’attente des clients dans les différents rayons du magasin, permettraient ainsi une remontée d’informations supplémentaires sur les besoins en personnel pour chaque secteur.
    • – Stratégie : Il s’agit out simplement ici de récupérer des informations sur les principales zones de trafic dans un lieu, afin de déployer ou non de nouveaux magasins et définir les catégories de produits à mettre en avant dans les magasins.
    • De moins en moins de gens veulent vivre ou faire du shopping sous son format actuel. Ce n’est pas que l’expérience en magasin qu’il s’agit de repenser, mais aussi l’emplacement, la cohérence et l’intégration dans une ville et dans un parcours client qui devient de plus en plus personnalisé, entre plusieurs canaux et contextes.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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