Liens de la semaine (weekly)

  • « Tech-savvy employees increasingly expect the digital solutions at work to be more like the easier-to-use software at home. And while they may complain about software usability, they do not always know exactly what they need. That means CIOs must develop a keener understanding of what users want — and require — based on how they work. Rewards go to those who get it right. Research shows that design-centric businesses that place more value on UX than their peers achieve productivity gains and higher equity valuations. « 

    tags: userexperience employeeexperience productivity design intranetdesign digitalworkplace value ROI

    • People may not exactly be getting more technically proficient, but they have become more comfortable using their phones and tablets to download music, find the nearest movie theater or pay for purchases.
    • If Amazon or Google sets the standard for ease of use, that is what [people] expect everywhere – in all categories.
    • “A lot of in-house interfaces are terrible to use. People have to go through multiple layers of interfaces in order to get to what they are looking for,”
    • One telltale sign of a cumbersome UX is that impatient employees bring in unapproved software because they are frustrated with the old system,
    • o what constitutes a good UX? It has to be intuitively simple to use, personalized for the individual employee and most importantly, empower end users to be more effective and productive. The UX also must be consistent across desktop and mobile environments so employees do not have to relearn new commands for different devices
    • Stock prices of companies that invest in design outperformed the S&P 500 index by 219% between 2004 and 2014.
      • Monetary Value:



      • increased use of existing software licenses;

      • increased employee productivity;

      • fewer data errors thus lower costs;

      • lower training costs;

      • lower load on IT service desks;

      • faster resolution of IT issues;

      • fewer change requests;

      • time and cost savings with mobile and cloud access; and

      • savings from upgrading instead of replacing existing software.
    • Human Value:



    • more satisfied employees;

    • higher retention rates;

    • greater internal collaboration and cohesion;

    • better performance.
  • The return on investment of a good UX ranges from $2 to $100 for every $1 invested.
  • UX improvement efforts could fail when developers view it as “something superficial and add a little feature here and a little feature there.
  • « The result: an 85-slide PowerPoint deck that shows top tweets about each intranet and annotated screenshots highlighting key trends, best practices and possible pitfalls of these leading intranets. »

    tags: intranet casestudies digitalworkplace design homepage

  • « Réalisé par Hootsuite avec l’Adetem et Visionary Marketing, le baromètre des médias sociaux montre l’engagement des entreprises dans l’utilisation des nouveaux canaux digitaux. Mais aussi une forme étendue d’incompréhension et leurs possibilités : ils sont très utilisés mais sans coordination ni intégration dans le cycle de création de valeur »

    tags: socialmedia ROI valuecreation

    • Quatre défis ont été identifiés suite au baromètre : la mise en place d’une stratégie globale sur les médias sociaux, l’exploitation des données générées, les investissements nécessaires, ainsi que le calcul du retour sur investissement.
    • lles sont confrontées à la pression de leurs prestataires, qui voient dans ces plateformes de nouveaux budgets à récupérer, et celle de leurs confrères qui se vantent de chiffres totalement décorrélés du business et de ce que doivent être leurs prérogatives.
    • Pourtant, le fait d’y aller ou non doit être motivé par l’impact positif potentiel, et non par une quelconque forme de pression effectuée par des leaders d’opinion qui ont décidé qu’il fallait absolument y être.
    • L’objectif de l’utilisation peut être d’augmenter la notoriété de la marque, la préférence de marque ou encore le nombre de canaux disponibles pour que les consommateurs puissent directement échanger avec la marque
    • Si les challenges et enjeux stratégiques de votre entreprise ne sont pas sur ces thématiques, parce que ce n’est pas à ce niveau que l’amélioration de votre performance se fait, aucun intérêt de dépenser plus d’argent sur ce poste de coûts. Faites le minimum syndical
    • comment pourrez-vous augmenter votre capacité à gérer ces nouveaux contacts sans diminuer la qualité des interactions ?
    • Bien entendu, si vous êtes une marque qui a une histoire à raconter, qui a besoin de faire rêver les consommateurs au quotidien pour les amener vers vous, investissez dans les médias sociaux qui sont une caisse de résonnance sans commune mesure
  • « As of September, one of the largest companies in the world will do all of its employees and managers an enormous favor: It will get rid of the annual performance review.

    Accenture CEO Pierre Nanterme told The Washington Post that the professional services firm, which employs hundreds of thousands of workers in cities around the globe, has been quietly preparing for this “massive revolution” in its internal operations. »

    tags: casestudies performancereview accenture humanresources

    • It will implement a more fluid system, in which employees receive timely feedback from their managers on an ongoing basis following assignments.
    •  that all the time, money and effort spent didn’t ultimately accomplish their main goal — to drive better performance among employees.
    • Deloitte announced that it was piloting a new program in which, like at Accenture, rankings would disappear and the evaluation process would unfold incrementally throughout the year
    • Microsoft did away with its rankings nearly two years ago, attracting particular attention since it had long evangelized about the merits of its system that judged employees against each other.
    • We’re going to evaluate you in your role, not vis à vis someone else who might work in Washington, who might work in Bangalore. It’s irrelevant. It should be about you
    • Employees that do best in performance management systems tend to be the employees that are the most narcissistic and self-promoting
    • a company of about 10,000 employees spends roughly $35 million a year to conduct reviews
    • The art of leadership is not to spend your time measuring, evaluating,”
  • « Over the past few weeks I’ve been writing about various types of organizational structures that either already exist in today’s business landscape or are starting to emerge as viable options for the future of work. »

    tags: humanresources organization structure management futureofwork hierarchy holacracy

    • Traditional hierarchy


      There are many challenges with this model but to name a few. Communication typically flows from the top to the bottom which means innovation stagnates, engagement suffers, and collaboration is virtually non-existent

    • Flatter organizations


      Unlike the traditional hierarchy which typically sees one way communication and everyone at the top with all the information and power; a “flatter” structure seeks to open up the lines of communication and collaboration while removing layers within the organization.

    • Flat organizations


      Unlike any other corporate structure that exists, flat companies are exactly that…flat. Meaning there are usually no job titles, seniority, managers, or executives. Everyone is seen as equal. Flat organizations are also oftentimes called or referred to as self-managed organizations (there can be some differences but for our case we will put them together)

  • « KLM’s social media manager Karlijn Vogel-Meijer said that they’re now generating €25m ($US27.3m) in sales, per year, that they can directly attribute to their social media efforts. That’s no small feat – so how do they do it? I got a chance to speak with Vogel-Meijer to find out just how KLM goes about their social media process. »

    tags: casestudies klm socialmedia customerservice customercare marketing

    • “Our strategy is very simple and based upon three pillars: service, brand & reputation and commerce,”
    • Social Bakers rated KLM as the number one “Socially Devoted” brand globally, with data showing that they responded to 98.5% of the 80,000 questions posed to them on Facebook, while doing so 3 hours faster than the airline industry average.
    • “If people don’t have anything to ask us, we still want to be present in their timelines,” Vogel-Meijer continued. “People only follow a limited number of brands, so our content needs to be relevant and worth sharing.”
    • “We want to be where our customers are, so in that sense, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin are top of mind,”
    • why should we redirect you to the KLM website if we can offer you the opportunity to book a flight via a tweet or a post?”
    • We focus on response time and the number of cases, in relation to service; on reach and engagement, when it’s about brand; and we measure commerce via last click, 28 days cookie time, via our internal measurement tool. But we also look at Facebook post view conversions.”
    • “The true value of social media is two-way, honest communication between a customer and a brand,
  • « Ever since a group of scientists switched the lights on and off at the Hawthorne factory in the mid-1920s, scholars and executives alike have been obsessed with increasing their employees’ productivity. In particular, happiness as a way to boost productivity seems to have gained increased traction in corporate circles as of late. Firms spend money on happiness coaches, team-building exercises, gameplays, funsultants, and Chief Happiness Officers (yes, you’ll find one of those at Google). These activities and titles may appear jovial, or even bizarre, but companies are taking them extremely seriously. Should they? »

    tags: management productivity happiness work

    • it’s actually not clear that encouraging happiness at work is always a good idea. Sure, there is evidence to suggest that happy employees are less likely to leave, more likely to satisfy customers, are safer, and more likely to engage in citizenship behavior.
    • To start, we don’t really know what happiness is, or how to measure it.
    • Happiness doesn’t necessarily lead to increased productivity.
    • One study on British supermarkets even suggests there might be a negative correlation between job satisfaction and corporate productivity: The more miserable the employees were, the better the profits
    • Happiness can be exhausting. The pursuit of happiness may not be wholly effective, but it doesn’t really hurt, right? Wrong
    • But today, many non-customer facing employees are also asked to be upbeat. This could have some unforeseen consequences.
    • One study found that people who were in a good mood were worse at picking out acts of deception than those who were in a bad mood.
    • Happiness could damage your relationship with your boss. If we believe that work is where we will find happiness, we might, in some cases, start to mistake our boss for a surrogate spouse or parent.
    • It could also hurt your relationship with friends and family. In her book Cold Intimacies Eva Illouz noticed a strange side effect of people trying to live more emotionally at work: They started to treat their private lives like work tasks.
    • It could make losing your job that much more devastating. If we expect the workplace to provide happiness and meaning in our life, we become dangerously dependent on it.
    • Happiness could make you selfish. Being happy makes you a better person, right? Not so, according to an interesting piece of research.
    • It could also make you lonely.
    • So why, contrary to all of this evidence, do we continue to hold on to the belief that happiness can improve a workplace? The answer, according to one study, comes down to aesthetics and ideology. Happiness is a convenient idea that looks good on paper
    • When we assume that happy workers are better workers, we can sweep more uncomfortable questions under the carpet, especially since happiness is often seen as a choice.
  • « Everyone wants to go digital. The first step is truly understanding what that is. »

    tags: digital value valucreation capabilities

    • Creating value at new frontiers


      Being digital requires being open to reexamining your entire way of doing business and understanding where the new frontiers of value are. For some companies, capturing new frontiers may be about developing entirely new businesses in adjacent categories; for others, it may be about identifying and going after new value pools in existing sectors.

    • Creating value in core businesses


      Digital’s next element is rethinking how to use new capabilities to improve how customers are served. This is grounded in an obsession with understanding each step of a customer’s purchasing journey—regardless of channel—and thinking about how digital capabilities can design and deliver the best possible experience, across all parts of the business.

    • Proactive decision making. Relevance is the currency of the digital age
    • Contextual interactivity. This means analyzing how a consumer is interacting with a brand and modifying those interactions to improve the customer experience.
    • Real-time automation. To support this cyclical give-and-take dynamic with customers and help them complete a task now requires extensive automation. Automation of customer interactions can boost the number of self-service options that help resolve problems quickly, personalize communications to be more relevant, and deliver consistent customer journeys no matter the channel, time, or device
    • Journey-focused innovation. Serving customers well gives companies permission to be innovative in how they interact with and sell to them.
    • Building foundational capabilities


      The final element of our definition of digital is about the technological and organizational processes that allow an enterprise to be agile and fast. This foundation is made up of two elements:

    • Mind-sets. Being digital is about using data to make better and faster decisions, devolving decision making to smaller teams, and developing much more iterative and rapid ways of doing things
    • System and data architecture. Digital in the context of IT is focused on creating a two-part environment that decouples legacy systems—which support critical functions and run at a slower pace—from those that support fast-moving, often customer-facing interactions
  • « n the age of Amazon and Uber, tech companies are moving e-commerce pricing strategies into a new era. Pricing is a sink or swim for retailers and only by replacing gut-feel pricing decisions with a machine–learning led strategy will the weak be separated from the strong in what has become a ferociously competitive market. »

    tags: consumer customer behaviors marketing economics retail

    • Putting science into pricing decisions allows e-commerce retailers to set the optimum price for individual items and understand the effects price changes have on sales.
    • Pricing that is influenced by demand and what customers are willing to pay is as old as trading itself.
    • It is crucial for e-commerce retailers to ensure that they set the optimum price for individual items and understand the significant effects price changes can have on sales.
    • Once you have that ‘nirvana’ price balance, retailers can begin to maximise profits by monitoring internal data (sales history, real-time demand) and external data (weather, public holidays, school holidays, competitor pricing) leading to the optimal price point for any product.
    • However, the problem lies in the fact that most companies today lack the software required to approach pricing strategically and automatically, instead relying on a number of methods that have limited value.
  • « The past few years have seen the rise of what’s been variously referred to as the on-demand, collaborative, sharing, or peer-to-peer economy. Regardless of what we call it, this trend has captured the public’s imagination. Articles on the subject now appear fairly frequently. Some of the articles are focused on the empowerment nature of these technology-based economic models, enabling people to get what they need from each other. Others are more concerned with on-demand’s impact on the very nature of work in the 21st century. « 

    tags: ondemand ondemandeconomy peertopeereconomy collaborativeeconomy sharingeconomy collaborativeconsumption

    • Jeremiah Owyang argues that the collaborative economy is the evolution of the Internet-based economy of the past two decades.  The one-to-many Web 1.0 made lots of information accessible to individuals, but control remained mostly in the hands of institutionsIt was followed by the many-to-many Web 2.0, where individuals could easily share content and opinions with each other.  Now, the on-demand phase of the Internet economy is enabling individuals to go way beyond sharing information. 
    • In 2011, Time Magazine named the sharing economy one of 10 Ideas that Will Change the World
    • “If you want to start a fight in otherwise polite company, just declare that the sharing economy is the new feudalism, or else that it’s the future of work and all the serfs should just get used to it, already,
    • A Financial Times article reflected on what it means to be running “a collaborative business model within a capitalist framework
    • For the most part it’s a hypocrisy the community is trying to address…  For now, the uncomfortable truth is that the sharing economy is a rent-extraction business of the highest middle-man order
    • There was much discussion that this emerging economy is now practically owned by Silicon Valley’s 1 percent.  “The sharing economy has created 17 billion-dollar companies (and 10 unicorns),”
    • “The one percent clearly own the sharing startups, which means this is continued capitalism – not idealistic socialism.” 
    • In market segment after market segment, ubiquitous communications and very low transaction costs continue to give rise to new firms which aim to efficiently bring together consumers and providers of goods and services with their highly scalable platforms and innovative applications. 
    • should we just accept that this is the way capitalism has always worked and celebrate their innovative business models?  Is this just another manifestation of the historical transition from an industrial to a digital economy? 
    • Even before the founding of the company in 2009, the United States economy was rapidly becoming an Uber economy writ large, with tens of millions of Americans involved in some form of freelancing, contracting, temping or outsourcing.” 
    • “The only way forward is something that has gotten far too little attention, called dependent contractors.
    • A major concern with on-demand companies is that a number might achieve monopoly status, trapping their freelance workers into a kind of digital serfdom
    • Instead, freelance workers should have fully portable digital credentials and reputations.  “
    • Both camps need to remember that the on-demand economy is not introducing the serpent of casual labour into the garden of full employment: it is exploiting an already casualised workforce in ways that will ameliorate some problems even as they aggravate others.” 
    • With time… competition will force companies to improve on worker and user rights.  And it’s unclear for how long being an asset-light operation will remain an advantage, especially if and when incumbents step up their game.”
  • « There is, however, one evident change in recent times that is influencing the practice of managing: the digital technologies which over the past two decades have dramatically increased speed and volume in the transmission of information. Have their impacts on managing been likewise dramatic? »

    tags: connectedness management managers

    • managing is hectic: it is fast-paced, high-pressured, and frequently interrupted
    • And managing has generally been lateral as well as hierarchical: research has found that managers spend at least as much time with people outside their units as with those inside.
    • I found in my original research, long before anyone heard a machine say “you’ve got mail!”, that many managers choose to be interrupted. Digital communications bolster this
    • Internet connectivity has not reduced managers’ orientation to action – and their disinclination to engage in reflection.
    • With all those electrons flying about, the hyperactivity gets worse, not better
    • Finally, digital communications technologies, and in particular social media, push the lateral tendencies of managing further by making it easier to establish new contacts and keep “in touch” with existing ones.
    • The internet, by giving the illusion of control, may in fact be robbing many managers of control over their own work
  • « Si le monde classique de la formation n’y voit pour l’instant qu’un trou noir, il est temps de prendre son quotient digital en main. Se préparer à une transition inéluctable démontre votre adaptabilité. La nature rapide et multiforme des transformations digitales encourage par ailleurs le recours à des méthodes agiles d’apprentissage continu. Qu’elles soient mobiles ou relationnelles, il existe des solutions peu onéreuses pour se développer à la vitesse du numérique. »

    tags: acculturation digitalIQ learning

    • #1 Assurer une veille stratégique
    • #2 Lire des livres
    • #3 S’inscrire à des cours en ligne
    • #4 Rejoindre des communautés
    • #5 Trouver un mentor

      #6 Organiser des groupes de co-développement


      #7 Se lancer un défi digital

    • #8 Faire une immersion digitale
    • #9 Conduire un projet digital
  • « L’internet des objets (IoT), et les données qu’il génère, ont un effet accélérateur sur la transformation des entreprises et des consommateurs. »

    tags: iot internetofthings data bigdata iiot outcomeeconomy weeconomy

    • L’IoT repose sur quatre éléments indispensables : un objet, un ou plusieurs capteurs intégrés pour collecter des informations du monde physique (pression, température, rythme cardiaque…), la connexion du capteur (en émission et en réception) et une source d’énergie (batterie).
    • L’IoT est donc destiné à un usage personnalisé, orienté grand public.
    • L’IIoT, quant à lui, est l’internet des objets appliqué à l’industrie. Il s’agira, par exemple, d’utiliser des capteurs connectés dans des avions pour récupérer puis analyser les informations collectées, dans le but d’anticiper des actions de maintenance.
    • En développant l’analyse de l’IoT, les entreprises connectées pourront prendre des décisions à partir de preuves tangibles, issues de leurs données, plutôt qu’à partir d’intuitions ou d’idées approximatives, pour atteindre de meilleurs résultats. C’est ce qu’Accenture appelle l’«Outcome Economy», l’Economie du résultat.
    • L’IoT et L’IIoT produisent une quantité massive et croissante de données qui offrent d’innombrables avantages et stimulent l’innovation, nourrissant ainsi la dynamique
    • Actuellement, les entreprises les plus innovantes opèrent un véritable changement de stratégie en regardant au-delà de leurs murs, au-delà de leur secteur, élargissant ainsi leurs frontières traditionnelles pour créer un nouvel écosystème digital qu’Accenture appelle la « We Economy », l’Economie du Nous. Elles doivent passer de la vente du simple produit à la vente de services en s’efforçant de créer des avantages pertinents pour des clients qui y sont sensibles. Pour cela, elles devront rechercher de nouveaux partenaires issus d’autres secteurs, collaborer et partager comme jamais auparavant.
  • « Watson, the AI-powered computing system from IBM, could be one of the systems that leads the charge in bringing tools such as machine learning, automated reasoning, and natural language processing to the forefront of the business world. « 

    tags: ibm watson cognitivecomputing AI artificialintelligence casesstudies

    • LifeLearn has partnered with IBM Watson to create Sofie, a tool to help Veterinarians diagnose and treat patients.
    • ENGEO built its GoFetchCode app with Watson capabilities to help answer tough questions and bring information when it is needed.
    • Welltok built the CaféWell Health Optimization Platform which provides incentives for consumers to take care of their health.
    • Talkspace is using IBM Watson to better match users with therapists in their network using a self-learning system that seeks to better understand the traits of individual users.
    • Decibel Music Systems is using IBM Watson to better collect and organize more qualitative data on musical influence and popular opinion.
  • « Intervention de Frédéric LIPPI sur « L’entreprise libérée ou comment démontrer les limites de l’entreprise pyramidale et hiérarchisée » lors du Congrès HR’
    – Entreprise libérée
    – Evolution du corps social
    – Responsabilisation »

    tags: casestudies Lippi freeenterprise accountability empowerment

  • « Frank Bock is the Project Director responsible for Enterprise 2.0 adoption at the German engineering and electronics company Bosch. Since the beginning of 2012 he has worked on making Bosch Connect, the IBM Connections- based internal platform, the enabler of a new way of working and communicating inside the company. »

    tags: bosch casestudies enterprisesocialnetworksption engagement

    • From month to month, we allowed the user base to grow while implementing the use cases that early adopters were discovering when interacting on the platform. »
    • Use cases are anecdotes that show users the steps for achieving a specific goal through the platform. In that sense they are highly educational and can help employees to get up to speed with the too
    • But in a highly complex organisation with hundreds of units and business areas, describing some use cases to general employees can be difficult. « Because of the specificity of the type of work and interactions, they can be hard to explain as well as to comprehend. At the beginning we had some strong discussions around which ones to implement. »
    • « It took us more than one year to sort out how to run those processes entirely on a virtual community. But, once that was achieved, the people working on that project were able to increase transparency and in parallel reduce administrative efforts and e-mails. They gained a great deal of efficiency via doing all the communications through the ESN. »
    • the E2.0 team described common and recurring ‘daily work’ procedures, which everybody benefits from by transferring them to Bosch Connect.
    • To build engagement the E2.0 project uses a strategy that combines a top-down with a bottom-up approach.
    • Top-down means that we are trying to find spots within the management where Bosch Connect could really support the business.
    • . « Within the bottom-up approach we established an ambassadors programme with a global network of volunteers helping their colleagues to adopt new ways of working and the tool. »
    • The overall rule when creating a community is that « it has to support the business. »
    • When a user enters the platform for the first time, that wizard gives them a tailored explanation telling them where and how to start. We try to give recommendations based on job roles
    • the job of Internal Communications has to do with combining the available channels depending on the target group or the communication goal. « We have a great communications team dealing with it by exploring the new dialogue options and sharing experiences throughout the internal Communicator’s community. »
    • uture plans include integrating IBM Connections with other online tools such as document management systems. « Right now we have different solutions. It can be difficult for users to understand which one to use depending on the situation.
  •  » On the presidential campaign trail, Jeb Bush proclaims that Uber fulfills the American dream of self-sufficiency, while Hillary Rodham Clinton suggests Uber raises “hard questions” about the financial security of a modern job. Rand Paul extols Uber for revealing the obsolescence of government regulation, while Martin O’Malley argues that it exposes the need for new labor laws. »

    tags: labor digitallabor uber regulation presidentialcampgain healthcare retirementbenefits sharingeconomy

    • “It’s becoming a lightning-rod, wedge issue that candidates have to address,” said Steven Hill, the author of a coming book about Uber and the so-called sharing economy. “It has real and symbolic importance about the direction of our economy
    • And even as Democratic candidates have expressed dismay over Uber’s treating its drivers as independent contractors instead of full-time employees who could receive health care and retirement benefits, they are reluctant to criticize the company.
    • The candidates that can articulate how they are going to get more money into the pockets of these workers to make them middle class will be the ones with more traction here.
    • said he was “optimistic about companies like Uber because of their role in revitalizing cities across the country.”
    • as companies like Uber grow and expand, we need to update our labor laws.” His proposal: making employee benefits portable,
    • ompanies like Airbnb and Uber were “unleashing innovation.” But she worried about the absence of “workplace protections” and wondered, in this new era of part-time labor, dictated by an app on a cellphone, what “a good job will look like in the future.”
    • “It is nice what Uber has done for a lot of people that need an extra job or an extra income,
  • « Il n’y a pas simplement une dissémination des idées et une intensification de leur popularité, il y a une maturation sur ce que signifie l’intégration du Lean Startup dans des entreprises matures, par rapport aux startups, et sur la façon de pratiquer. Comme toutes les transformations complexes, introduire le Lean Startup se fait par la pratique. »

    tags: leanstartup innovation growthhacking leancanvas uniquevalueporopostion UVP

    • La première phase est celle de l’intuition créative, celle où on identifie une idée qui pourrait être utilise, c’est-à-dire résoudre un problème et apporter de la valeur à un groupe de clients potentiels. La seconde phase est celle de la formalisation et validation du problème qu’on veut résoudre. La troisième étape est la réalisation du Minimum Viable Product. La flèche circulaire bleue de l’illustration exprime que cette décomposition n’est pas stricte et linéaire, il existe des interactions et des allers-retours. La dernière phase est la phase de croissance, celle où on développe l’usage et on construit le business modèle.
    • il ne faut pas se lancer dans le design et la réalisation de la solution sans avoir bien caractérisé le problème,
    • En particulier, l’outil central, le lean canvas, est une pratique qui doit devenir obligatoire dans le monde de l’innovation numérique : « A single page-page business model is meach easier to share with others, which means it will be read by more people and probably will be more frequently updated ». 
    • Une des cases les plus importantes du canvas est celle des « Unique Value Proposition ».  Le parallèle avec les Unique Selling Propositions (un des classiques du marketing) est évident, mais l’accent est mis sur l’usage, l’expérience et sur l’histoire à raconter au client.
    • e point de départ est la constatation classique, et que j’ai cité plusieurs fois, qu’il faut assembler dans la même équipe les compétences de marketing produit, de développement et de design
    • les fonctionnalités doivent être tirées par les feedbacks clients et non poussées
    • Il y a trois idées fondamentales dans le growth hacking. Premièrement, l’utilisation des métriques AARRR et le fait de piloter la croissance en partant de la donnée, en prenant des décisions à partir de chiffres. Deuxièmement, la construction de modèles de croissance (growth models), dans la tradition de l’innovation accounting d’Eric Ries, qui sont des modèles analytiques de croissance représentant des hypothèses qui sont ensuite validées et actionnées … ou invalidées. Troisièmement, l’utilisation du produit comme outil de distribution virale et sociale. Cet aspect doit être pensé dès le début de la construction du MVP, je cite Seth Godin : « Virality is not something that you do to a product. It is something that the product is ». A côté des grands principes, il existe une multitude de pratiques et d’astuces pour accélérer chacune des phases
  • Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

    Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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