Links for this week (weekly)

  • tags: sales, IBM, casestudies, socialsoftware, socialnetwork, sales2.0

  • “I am not sure whether you may have noticed the slight difference, perhaps, with other training strategies on social computing adoption available out there, but Intel’s puts the money right where it should well be: not on the social tools themselves, but on changing and adapting people’s behaviours. On provoking a social change both inside and outside of the corporate firewall and using the social tools as what they have been all along: just enablers!”

    tags: socialmedia, adoption, training, change, behaviors, productivity

    • instead of throwing people out there to these new social tools to help them share their knowledge across and collaborate much more effectively, they are placing the focus on demonstrating actively how knowledge workers can change some of their work habits, and behaviours!, to make use of these social software tools much more effectively, so that collaboration happens much easier than ever before.
    • where our main focus are not the various social software tools we make use of, but more the tasks / activities that fellow IBMers can achieve using these tools
    • hat’s what it is all about: improving people’s productivity on their day to day tasks and activities.
    • pick up a good 10 to 20 of the most frequently executed tasks, activities and to-dos and show your employee workforce throughout how they could complete them, much more satisfactorily, using social computing tools
  • “Are you exploring how to create a social media strategy for your company? Are you looking for a company to benchmark? One you might consider looking at first is Intel Corporation.

    We have been following the journey taken by Bryan Rhoads, Senior Digital Strategist at Intel whose job title is our pick
    for one of this year’s coolest. Rhoads starts by explaining the Intel journey: “

    tags: intel, socialmedia, strategy, casestudies, guidelines, collaboration, brand, adoption, training

    • The result was the creation of Intelpedia, a team based wiki collaboration site launched in November of 2005. Today, Intelpedia contains over 15,000 articles from Intel employees defining, collaborating and documenting their part of the Intel workplace.”
    • According to Rhoads, however, it is important to recognize that merely having social media policies in place at an organization does not necessarily mean an organization’s employees will understand them or incorporate them into their daily jobs.
    • Instead, he believes, as we do, that employees must be trained in how to use social media to drive business results.
    • The company has created a series of over 60 online courses, organized as an online university granting Intel employees a certification in Digital IQ.
    • As you plan your social media strategy, first ask yourself: what are the sweet spots in your business where social media can have the most impact?
  • “Un peu à la manière de la problématique de la représentation des minorités, cette expérience Londonienne a fait que depuis lors je garde une distance particulière avec les méthodes de management de mon pays.

    Je me demande si ce management est adapté à notre siècle où le travail est mobile, connecté, complexifié par les multiples ramifications des réseaux. En croisant une étude de management interculturel avec une étude récente du Centre d’Analyse Stratégique et un rapport de Cisco, cette question se révèle particulièrement pertinente …”

    tags: management, culture, france, control, telecommuting

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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