Links for this week (weekly)

  • “For many people the word “learning” is synonymous with studying, lessons, classes, etc – because that is how we have been conditioned to believe how “learning” happens. We think back to how we learned at school with a teacher, who took us through a topic step by step, in a logical way. It was the teacher who “joined the dots” for us, linking together all the aspects of the topic in a structured way to help us understand it. And that of course, is now what many think “online learning” is all about;”

    tags: learning sociallearning humanresources knowledgemanagement personalknowledgemanagement

    •  Learning the new is therefore a very different “learning” experience; it is about being in the flow of new ideas, making sense of what we hear and find out, ie  by “joining the dots”  ourselves, and by sharing our thoughts, experiences, etc with others in our teams, groups, communities and networks. It’s not about waiting for someone to come along to teach us this new knowledge or new skills; but rather to continuously learn for ourselves.
    • So these people will need help to acquire a new set of “learning skills”. Harold Jarche calls this Personal Knowledge Management, which he defines as â€a set of processes, individually constructed, to help each of us make sense of our world & work more effectively.”
    • the role of learning professions is no longer just about teaching the old, but helping people to learn the new.
  • “Imagine that you run a chain of hotels. You know that amid all the guests who stay with you there is a group of star customers. They visit often. They never stay anywhere else when they’re in town. They spend a lot of money because they value the amenities and services your hotels offer. They talk your hotels up to their friends and colleagues.

    Some of these customers even get to know the service staff and greet them by name. You love these people.

    But now ask yourself: do you know how much more valuable these customers are than others? If you could turn another 10% or 20% of your client base into loyal, enthusiastic patrons like these, do you know how much more growth that would generate? Unless you can answer such questions, you can’t know how much to invest in creating and retaining this kind of high-value customer.”

    tags: loyalty value retention pricing spending costefficiency wordofmouth

    • Chances are they’ll be staying with you over a longer timespan than the average customer
    • Pricing. Loyal customers are usually less price sensitive than other
    • Annual spending. Loyal customers increase the number of purchases they make more rapidly than others.
    • Cost efficiencies. Star customers complain less frequently and are responsible for fewer credit losses.
    • Word of mouth. You can also estimate the effect of positive word of mouth.
  • “Wake up, executives: if you don’t embrace social media within the next five years, you’re likely to lose your job. That’s the provocative conclusion of Mark Fidelman, a fellow Forbes blogger and author of the new Socialized! How the Most Successful Businesses Harness the Power of Social. Social media provides “a more visible leadership – you’ve proven you can influence people internally and externally,” he says. “I can’t see how somebody who lacks that demonstrated leadership and the ability to influence people on social networks can go up against somebody who has it.””

    tags: socialbusiness executives cxo strategy productivity talentmanagement objectives goal alignment

    • Fidelman stresses the distinction between being using social media, which almost every company does to some extent these days, and truly becoming a social business
    • “The question is, have you set up the [online] infrastructure so it aligns closely with the goals of the business? I hope most companies aren’t doing social because it’s trendy. There should be a through-line to profitability, or cutting costs, or more awareness about your cause if you’re a nonprofit. It’s aligning all the social media tactics and culture and tools, and making sure they align specifically with your business objectives.
    • “It’s unfortunate when people think of social business as only external,
    • Brand ambassadors, he believes, are critical. “There should be a number of people in your organization who build up a reputation [via social media] internally and externally, and when people think about whether to do business with you or a competitor, they’ll think about those relationships. And all things being equal, most people will go toward the organization they have those relationships with.
  • “Dans de nombreuses entreprises, la transformation majeure liée à l’émergence des medias sociaux se situe au niveau du marketing, de la communication ou de la fonction commerciale. La plus probante illustration est la révolution apparue dans le marketing avec l’arrivée du digital marketing via les blogs ou les réseaux sociaux, le management de communautés ou les nouvelles connexions aux consommateurs dans les points de vente. Si je suis sûr que les fonctions marketing, communication et commerciale doivent être révisées au regard du nouveau paradigme centré sur le consommateur et non sur l’entreprise, les marques ou le produit, je suis également convaincu que les principaux leviers de transformation se trouvent au cÅ“ur des RH. De toute évidence, le rôle des RH est beaucoup plus stratégique et plus important que certains des acteurs pensent. Il est la clé pour de nombreuses raisons:”

    tags: socialmedia humanresources structure coordination skills competences carreer

    • Deuxièmement, les ressources humaines sont responsables de développer l’organisation. Or, transformer des fonctions est un sujet d’organisation, en termes de (a) structure et de coordination, de  (b) compétences, (c) de profils, de (d) développement et de (e) carrière.
    • Il y a la nécessité de développer de nouveaux modes de coordination pour que l’entreprise communique d’une manière cohérente au niveau corporate ainsi qu’avec les KOL, Bloggeurs, …. Les RH ont à créer les conditions pour ce changement se produise et faciliter ces nouveaux modes de fonctionnement.
    • la manière de communiquer aux consommateurs par le marketing numérique ou au RP/bloggeurs nécessite de définir de nouvelles compétences.
    • les RH définissent non seulement quels sont les besoins, mais aussi les profils des candidats. Il y a là une grande possibilité d’introduire la diversité en termes socio-éducatif. En effet, les personnes recherchées pour le marketing doivent avoir de nouvelles attitudes (compréhension de la société, capacité rédactionnelles, …) et un style de leadership orienté vers le management en réseau
    • Les RH doivent créer les conditions pour faciliter  la collaboration et un travail cross-équipes pou rompre les logiques silos et les cloisonnements entre les marques et les lignes métiers. Les consommateurs étant en réseau, il est difficile de répondre par des organisations en silos.
    • quand les individus entrent dans une nouvelle position avec de nouveaux profils ou lorsque l’entreprise crée un nouveau poste, il est intéressant de penser à la gestion de carrière de ces nouveaux entrants pouvant être pour certains atypiques ou rejoindre des positions qui pour l’instant ne se retrouvent dans aucun parcours classique.
  • “L’entreprise Poult à Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne) s’est réinventée en travaillant sur la « déhiérarchisation », l’agilité et l’initiative. ­Spécialisée dans les marques distributeurs, cette biscuiterie n’a plus de directeurs fonctionnels. Elle est organisée en collectifs regroupant cadres et opérateurs, “

    tags: poult casestudies management innovation hierarchy organization productivity collaboration SMB

    • L’entreprise, qui emploie 750 salariés en France, a également mis en place un incubateur interne pour faire émerger des idées.
    • « Les salariés expriment un bien-être. Leur capacité à faire a été reconnue. Poult est en progression sur un marché en régression. C’est grâce à la démultiplication de l’innovation 
  • “At the E2 Innovate conference, attendees are hearing the message that enterprise social networking will spread throughout enterprises because it produces tangible results.”

    tags: socialsoftware businessapplications cloud

    • “By 2020, we won’t be talking about social applications because all applications have to be social,”
    • “Social becomes less about seeing a notification and liking it and more about gathering information, using it to participate in a process and creating leadership.”
    • Every application is about a system of relationships. We have to connect people to get work done.”
    • The return on investment (ROI) from social media should not be looked at in isolation, but by gauging the benefits to the underlying business process that it supports

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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