links for 2008-05-05

  • is pointing the way toward new systems and behaviors that will enable us all to move higher up the value chain as we learn how, together, we can create and deliver what the world needs in new and innovative ways.
    (tags: knowledgeeconomy socialmedia innovation cognitiveage)
  • The driving factors of the Social Era will be technology, education, adaption and speed. Organizations will win or lose employees, customers, suppliers and markets based on their adoption of Socialutions as the management method for the future.
    (tags: socialutions 6P management organization process)
  • “Socialutions” having the definition of people, communities and organizations leveraging technology to interact with people for the purpose of solving problems. […] Transformation is everyone’s job but only if leaders agree that things need to ch
    (tags: socialutions problemsoviling innovation)
  • (tags: enterprise2.0 web2.0 socialnetworking)
  • Stephen Collins of acidlabs has put together a pretty sporty presentation that addresses the challenges facing knowledge workers as we transition to a networked knowledge economy.
    (tags: knowledgeworkers)
  • The social web represents people interacting finding solutions to problems, information, career opportunities and doing so in a new organized structure.
    (tags: socialutions organization problemsoviling)
  • In social continuous processes, aka the value chains, ownership has to be clear and accountability towards the owner and all that is dependent on my work is a must. That’s the reality meeting Web 2.0 when it redefines itself to Enterprise 2.0.
    (tags: adoption collaboration brp valuechain ownership accountability hierarchy)
  • Mais au fait, qui les connaît avec précision les enjeux stratégiques du projet ?
    Combien d’informaticiens ont été consultés au préalable et participent aux réunions d’orientations stratégiques ? Vous en connaissez beaucoup ?
    (tags: issues IT strategy)
  • La vente de biens immatériels comme par exemple des logiciels d’entreprise (business-to-business ou B2B) comporte une difficulté majeure : connecter l’acte de vente au métier de l’organisation cliente.
    (tags: sales strategymaps software process intangibleassets)
  • A strategy map provides a visual representation of the organization’s strategy.
    (tags: strategymaps strategy balancedscorecard norton kaplan)
Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.
Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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