Library clips :: Participation is the currency of the knowledge economy :: May :: 2008
Enterprise 2.0 is not based on utopian ideals. It is instead based on the very principles that drive all free-market economies. Organisations that adopt enterprise 2.0 will do so for auto-preservation and corporate gain – to help their bottom line.” Period.”
In this type of setting why would I want to share my knowledge, it’s my “power”, we are all on our own, and my personal know-how is going to get me ahead. If I don’t share I will meet my expectations (and no-one else), but on the same hand if I don’t find any knowledge, I may not meet my expectations.
If you believe that conversations were creating incredible business value, maybe the focus should be on having many more conversations, much more easily.
Knowledge Process Outsourcing
KPO is a new phenomenon that is picking pace in India. It is « Knowledge Process Outsourcing ». In simple words it is the upward shift of BPO in the value chain. Old BPO companies that used to provide basic backend or customer care support are moving up this value chain.
« Unlike conventional BPO where the focus is on process expertise, in KPO, the focus is on knowledge expertise. »-
Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) is where outsourcers do high-end “knowledge-based” work rather than doing mere backend processing
« KPO is the next step in the outsourcing pyramid
Thinking Out Of The Inbox – More Collaboration Through Less E Mail – Next08 » SlideShare
Sarah Perez Says We’re Going to Change the Web « Our American Shelf Life
As the Boomers fade into retirement and Gen Y takes root in the workplace, we’re going to see some big changes ahead, not just at work, but on the web as a whole.
Enteprise 2.0, you can bring everyone into the same community and make them feel closer to the core
You can only do so many conference calls. With Enteprise 2.0, you can bring everyone into the same community and make them feel closer to the core.” Charles Phillips, president, Oracle