Facebook, l’accès au service permet de garder ses employés
Un sondage commandité par Telindus et mentionné dans ITBusinessedge.com révèle que 39% des 18-24 ans américains considéreront quitter leurs emplois si l’entreprise bloque Facebook et qu’un autre 21% seront dégoutés d’une telle pratique.
Du travail et du talent: Quel travail, quels talents, quel Google ?
No Schedules, No Meetings—Enter Best Buy’s ROWE – Part 2 – The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
interview with the co-developers of Best Buy’s results-only work environment, which has increased output at headquarters 41% and decreased quitting up to 90% in some divisions.
No Schedules, No Meetings€”Enter Best Buy’s ROWE – Part 1
ROWE stands for Results-Only Work Environment. In a ROWE, each person is free to do whatever they want, whenever they want, as long as the work gets done. Currently, there are two authentic ROWEs€”Fortune 100 retailer Best Buy Co, Inc. and J. A. Counter & Associates, a small brokerage firm in New Richmond, WI. At both organizations, the old rules that govern a traditional work environment€”core hours, “face time,” pointless meetings, etc.€”have been replaced by one rule: focus only on results.
The New Era of Management by Committee
Social software changes this paradigm:
* All conversations and buy-in from individuals can be transparent
* A much broader group can participate in the debate
* Polling can be done regularly and almost instantly
* Conversational persistence allows for asynchronous participation
* Low barrier to participation – some people can argue and write original commentary while others can organize supporting information and others can rate or comment – making participation in the conversation open to more voices and personalities -
What Are The 5 Social Business Factors? | socialutions
The Five Factors (Enrichment, Empowerment, Engagement, Enablement, Enticement) previously discussed are the vocal point of transformation for today’s business leaders. These five factors represent the new business paradigm of the networked world.
Stop selling SOA and start selling REUSE!
We do not make reuse an explicit goal and reward people who reuse things, or who design things so that they can be reused by others.
Anatomy of the Enterprise Octopus
The Enterprise Octopus turns things right-side up. It introduces a geographic head to the Enterprise and it’s in the head where all the improvement occurs. First and foremost, note that it’s a mix of all stakeholders occupying the head. That includes employees, partners, and customers. They’re all in there. They can see each other. Connect to each other. Work with each other. And since the “new me” has a radar for a head, I know how and where to focus my attention with any of these people.
Internet : La « génération Google » pas si douée que ça
La culture de l’information des jeunes ne s’est pas améliorée avec un accès élargi à la technologie », pointe le document.
Les crédos de l’entreprise 2.0 : Wisdom, engagement, unity !
Intégrer les technologies du Web 2.0 en entreprise contribue, selon Fields, «to lift general employee engagement». Et il ne fut pas le seul à parler d’engagement. Ce mot a été sur toutes les lèvres durant les quatre jours. Fields a identifié ainsi cinq grands bénéfices à intégrer le Web 2.0 chez Wachovia :
Découvrez le livre que nous avons co-écrit avec 7 autres experts avec pleins de retours d'expérience pour aider managers et dirigeants