What would you spend to save $840/person/month? – IT Directions – ebizQ
- The typical loss of time due to distractions is 2 hours per day;
- The average salary cost per hour of a knowledge worker is $21;
- Hence the average cost per person per month of distractions is $21 * 2 * 20 = $840.
They found that:
In actual fact, the true cost of distractions is likely to be far higher, since every interruption breaks the flow of concentration. Recent case studies based on my consulting work (documented in previous postings to this blog) showed that allowing software developers to work without interruption doubled their productivity.
However, let’s keep it simple and use Basex’s figures.
Finally, suppose that a platform based on new techniques could remove just half of this cost – i.e., $420/worker/month.
What would you pay for such a platform? At least $20/worker/month, surely. Perhaps you would pay $100/worker/month – even, at a pinch, $200/worker/month, which would still provide over 100% ROI.