Un de mes contacts avance sur la composante « RH » d’un projet d’entreprise. Il a commencé à mettre en place diverses initiatives et aimerait, pourquoi pas, échanger avec des personnes ayant une expérience similaire dans leur entreprise afin de partager les bonnes pratiques, les idées, et avancer ensemble.
Voici sa demande (en anglais mais le monsieur parle français comme vous et moi » :
I am managing a programme called Alstom collaborative Way. I’d like to get a dialogue about it. Today, tools exist for and success stories are already starting to come through.
Today the next steps is to manage organizational enablers and blockers and identify how to best capture the benefits of collaborative ways of working. So, feel free to suggest your answers and comments on how to do this.
Alstom is a leader in Power and Transport sector (76,000 people in 70 countries). The programme “Alstom Collaborative Way” aims to enhance employees’ collaborative ways of working by integrating in their practices the use of communities of practice, networks and collaborative information systems. Its goal is to provide means to facilitate, reward and favour the Search, Sharing and Connection between people and between data
The steps of the programme have been: First provide building blocks for a collaborative working environment* for Early adopters and Pilots (see above the 3 “building blocks”). Extract from this tangible proof of business value and take stock on needs for change in order to ensure organizational support of collaborative ways of working. Lastly, pull for the alignment of organizational policies and processes, culture, IT and people management tools.
Example component of the “collaborative working environment”
A policy that sets the Frame for governance and golden rules
A portfolio of IT collaborative tools (“Web 2.0.) such as: Blog, Wiki, Search engines, RSS, document-sharing solutions, Intenal Yellow pages.
Alstom University training content and assessment are aligned to ensure learning is also done through peer-to-peer coaching or exchange of knowledge and creates networking opportunities.
Toolkits to animate small and large meetings in a collaborative way (Open space, Fishbowl, best practice-Marketplace, Cafezhino, Knowledge café, 4-game brainstorming workshopTM).
Collaboration as part of our Competencies framework (basis for performance mgt, promotion, recruitme
Vous pouvez directement entrer en contact avec lui par email à l’adresse suivante : slim.lambert (at) chq.alstom.com
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