Bookmarks du 04/04/2009

  • If your company hopes to attract the most creative and energetic members of Gen F, it will need to understand these Internet-derived expectations, and then reinvent its management practices accordingly. Sure, it’s a buyer’s market for talent right now, but that won’t always be the case€”and in the future, any company that lacks a vital core of Gen F employees will soon find itself stuck in the mud.

    tags: generationF, generationy, management, recruitment, facebook, humanresources

  • Dans toutes les organisations (entreprises, administrations…) les premiers pas du « travail collaboratif » affrontent dès l’entame un véritable cauchemard : l’organigramme desdites organisations !
    Le travail collaboratif requiert d’autres structures que nos sempiternelles pyramides fonctionnelles et cloisonnées. En 2004, quand on on parle d’une structure, on pense encore organigramme. Or…

    tags: collaboration, organizationalcharts, matrixmanagement

    • Distinguer de manière trop rigide le dedans du dehors devient source de problèmes plus que de solutions pour les organisations du 21e siècle. C’est tout particulièrement bloquant pour le développement du travail collaboratif
    • Dans les organisations étendues, la notion de poste (avec la stabilité associée : poste vient de poser) doit être remplacée par la notion de rôle (dont la racine vient de roue), avec des responsabilités temporaires, articulées dans des groupes à  durée de vie définie, pour des objectifs toujours renouvelés.
    • Mais la matrice n’a pas empêché que l’un de ses axes soit toujours dominant sur l’autre et gère la collaboration transversale selon ses intérêts propres.
  • SupportCentral est l’environnement de collaboration de GE, démarré en 2000 et amélioré en continu (la plateforme est mise à  jour toutes les 2 semaines).

    tags: GE, supportcentral, enterprise2.0, ROI, communities

  • Despite this view of organizations just waiting for Enterprise 2.0, most have done business profitably for years without them. How much courage does it take for someone to start an internal blog when their management see little or no value? Would you ask 5 levels above you permission to post a few ideas or your own? Do you have the onions to step out into a field of conversation that could determine your next career step; up or down?

    tags: enterprise2.0, adoption, risk

  • The real answer is to dramatically decrease the cost of failure. A leadership team seeking to achieve this aim has three levers at its disposal:

    1. Lower the costs of experiments. Running experiments need not be expensive. There are tons of low cost ways to test critical assumptions (chapter 5 of The Innovator’s Guide to Growth describes about 30 such approaches).

    2. Change the order of experiments. Many companies spend a lot of money answering the wrong questions. They’ll seek to perfect a technology without understanding whether there’s a market need. Assess strategic risks first, because they are often what sink an idea.

    3. Increase the pace of decision making. Entrepreneurs with clearly bad ideas typically don’t have the luxury of spending money on those ideas for too long. Companies, however, can let bad ideas linger for inordinate amounts of time because of slow decision-making processes. Shutting down flawed projects early avoids needless spending €” and focuses resources on the best ideas.

    tags: innovation, costs, failure, experiment

  • I’m seeing a pattern here. The debate over use of social network usage is simply the latest incarnation of this old debate. There were probably similar debates about the introduction of papyrus in ancient Egypt. The issue of misuse of technology is a management issue. If people are not doing their job removing a technology will not alter that fact. If they don’t want to do their work they will find other ways of not doing when we remove Facebook access.

    tags: management, socialmedia, productivity, socialnetworks, enterprise2.0, technology

    • Businesses need to manage staff on the quality and timeliness of their output, not upon time served in the office. And, just like email has become an essential business tool, we need to discover how to use social networks for business advantage. Again, this is why I am in favour of defining rules of engagement in social media and social computing for staff to help them to use this new technology in ways that support the business.
  • Top pitfalls to avoid while managing a community:

    tags: communities, communitymanagement, engagement

    • 1. The community is failing to engage with its members.
    • 2. Overtly pushing a brand message or product to community members.
    • 3. Not keeping the content on the community areas fresh;
    • 4. It’s difficult for new people to join in the community:
    • 5. The community isn’t signposted effectively,
    • 6. Not allowing free conversations.
    • 7. Not allowing members to openly discuss your brand
    • 8. Not responding quickly enough to feedback, questions, complaints, or abuse reports.
    • 9. Not resourcing the community effectively by not dedicating sufficient talent, money or time
    • 10. Lack of promotion

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.
Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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