Liens de la semaine (weekly)


  • « The Dachis Group Collaboratory launched two weeks ago and we have been actively sharing our thoughts on social business design, while allowing the world to view a window on our work. Recently, the documentary “We Live In Public” has been in screenings around the U.S., chronicling the activities of Josh Harris a decade ago and foreshadowing many characteristics of today’s “social” mania. We have only partially opened the window on our work world, but the view it provides has caused us to reflect on what we do. »

    tags: dachisgroup, collaboratory, collaboration, transparency, informationeconomy

    • I am not in favor of 100% transparency as what defines an open company€¦ or 100% of people seeing 100% of a companies information 100% of the time. That is a bad idea. Anyone advocating for that type of transparency is simply not working in reality.
    • However, providing the right people with the right information at the right time in the most transparent way is the only way successful businesses will win in the information economy marketplace.
    • Connecting at a human level can make a business more personal, and enticing to customers. It also needs to be managed as humans from time to time have been known to make mistakes.
    • Moving forward, there’s a voice inside your head every time you tweet that says, “Remember, this is going on the home page!” But my tweets are already public, so what’s the real difference?
    • Will feeds like ours push employees to over-communicate or just to be more conscious of how they spend their time?
    • Will organizations compete to demonstrate the strength of their Dynamic Signal and the Hivemindedness of the organization.
    • People seem to have grown increasingly comfortable with this in a personal setting (e.g. Facebook, online banking), but in business, we still have somewhat Victorian standards that could be locking up valuable information.
    • That is, despite claims of openness, most social media presences are carefully crafted, user-controlled portraits of what they want the world to see.
    • but the more I thought about what was being shared, the more I realized how often legacy thinking can roadblock new ideas
  • tags: email, socialmedia, socialcomputing

    • 2. Nearly all sites on the web that require registration require an email address
    • 3. Email notifies you of updates from all social networks you are a part of
  • « One of the themes that resonated most was a general disillusionment with much of the mainstream approach to consulting work – and with the assumptions on which this is based. Organizations are complex. And yet, managers continue to be seduced by simplistic, step-wise approaches, which appear to offer ease of implementation and certainty of outcome. »

    tags: consulting, management

    • Are we creating real value if we collude with those managers and consultants who seek to deny or ignore the complex dynamics of organizations, and who cling to illusions of certainty, predictability and control?
    • Would we add more value by challenging the assumptions on which these taken-for-granted aspects of management orthodoxy are based?
  • « VP of Sales: “I don’t have enough leads!”

    VP of Marketing: “You’re not following up on the leads I gave you!”

    Much of this discord seems to relate to the definition of a “lead”. (And no, I’m not going to dive into the even more contentious definitional world of terminology over what we call these things we give to sales). That’s up to each organization to decide €“ but unless sales and marketing are on the same page, there’s going to be trouble.

    Clearly, the sales team is expecting the “lead” to have reached a level of discernible buying interest. We’ve seen that tools like lead nurturing communities with lead scoring can help identify the buying interest before the sales team contacts the lead. I will suggest that in addition to having discernable buying interest, there is another operational difference that comes into play when the lead moves from marketing to sales: the lead is ready to receive more personalized information about the product or services being sold. »

    tags: lead, leadgeneration, sales, socialcrm, communities, RFP, businessprocess

    • Providing a social business process that facilitates the questioning and sharing of answers is an excellent function for Social CRM, BTW. All of the strategies that relate to Social CRM for customer service come into play for this application. After all, you’re trying to efficiently share the expertise of your best subject matter experts €“ just as in customer service.
    • Imagine a living social “RFP answering” community. What if you took every question that came with an RFP and put it into your online community as a question (along with the answer) and the ability for others to ask more deeply about the question, or even to answer and discuss? 
    • Clearly some RFP questions would not be appropriate for this kind of treatment.
    • Another concept we’ve used to good effect in our communities is that of the VIP Room. We create them for all our customers as repositories for the work products of professional services engagements and training
  • « In order to determine whether management should understand and use social media one must consider the role of management. »

    tags: socialmedia, management, comminication, learning, crisis, deming

    • In his book Out Of The Crisis (1986) W. Edwards Deming said “We are living in prison, under the tyranny of the prevailing style of interaction between people, between teams, between divisions.” We must replace the idea that we need competition between people with cooperation. Present practices squeeze intrinsic motivation, self esteem and dignity out of people over their life time. The forces of destruction such as forced distribution of grades, merit systems, competition between people and groups, incentive pay, numerical goals, explanation of variances, and treating every group as a profit center.  People are born with such as intrinsic motivation, self esteem, dignity, cooperation, and joy in learning.”
  • « I am a strong believer that organizations, should focus and facilitate the use of these tools in order to maximize organizational benefits. To drive value, I’ve often referred to the engagement factors and in this post I wanted to focus on ons of the factors, « Motivation ».

    How do we address motivation? Do we adopt the « build it and they will come » approach? No. But what about Wikipedia? it seems like complete « self-organization » has made it successful. But consider that only 1% of the people who visit Wikipedia actually contribute content. That’s alright with a population set of the world, but 1% of your company may not be enough and if you have specific objectives you may need to motivate others to participate »

    tags: engagement, motivation, socialmedia, participation, management, fun, incentive, enterprise2.0

    • In fact, bigger incentives causes worse results for cognitive tasks.
    • Fun, as a design principle shouldn’t be overlooked as it impacts the application design from look and feel, through context, content and process. It also should be addressed when designing events leveraging social computing technologies
  • « The day after the lights went down on the World Business Forum, the lights went up on an all day seminar with Gary Hamel across the street at the Time Life Building. It was great to be able to get down to the next level of detail below the talk that Gary gave at the World Business Forum »

    tags: management, innovation, strategy, garyhamel, change

    • « While we are in here bullsh**ting about strategy, something is happening out there. »
      • Capable of transcending the inherent tradeoffs?
      • Coordination without centralization
      • Scale without inflexibility
      • Leadership without formal heirarchy
  • Our organizations need to move from building competitive advantage to building evolutionary advantage over time, because no matter how good your strategy is, strategies die.
  • But, the longer you delay change, the more painful and expensive the change will be.
  • « Getting pregnant is considered a big success despite the millions of wasted sperm – so what’s your corporate sperm count? »

  • Once you know which innovation ideas you are going to pursue, the biggest challenge is to realign talent and provide capita
    • Three questions to determine whether something is an innovation:

      1. Does it have the power to change customer expectations?
      2. Does it have the power to change industry economics?
      3. Does it have the power to change the basis for competition?
    • View everyone as a potential partner
    • What external capabilities can you leverage
    • Example: Ice cream bar partnering with Colgate to have a toothbrush-shaped stick inside with the Colgate brand on it
    • Get customer to innovate (Cisco)
    • Build platforms to innovate (Threadless)
    • Bid out problems (Innocentive, DARPA)
    • Open up your stategy process (IBM innovation jams)
  • « More and more of the work of managing will move to the periphery and we will have fewer and fewer managers. »
  • « If life developed on earth according to six sigma principles, we would all still be slime, but damn good slime »
  • « Tech Republic recently posted on 10 things you should cover in your social networking policy. There has been a lot of discussion on this topic, including my prior post, Social Media Policy Outside and Inside the Enterprise. Like most policy discussions I have seen, this one focuses on social software use on the Web. However, it remains no less importance to have guidelines that also cover usage inside the enterprise. I think the ten points are very useful and eight apply to internal use, some more than others.

    I am listing the points but reflecting on internal issues, rather than the external issues that Tech Republic focused on. I think that 8 of the 10 points are still relevant. « 

    tags: socialmedia, Policies, socialnetworking

    • The company should encourage the use of social media for business within the enterprise but it needs to convey that in the policy. It still needs to define how it is best used and why it should be used, as well as the benefits.
    • “It may seem obvious, but it is important that your policy define what is meant by “social networking” or “social media,” since the term means different things to different people.”
    • This remains an issue inside the enterprise. These policies should not be oppressive and should not discourage use
  • « In the recent Gartner Social Software Hype Cycle, analyst Anthony Bradley introduced a new category, Activity-Specific Social Applications:

    “As social software implementations mature, application patterns are evolving, and the software industry is responding with activity-centric social application offerings rather than with generic social software capability suites. Delivering a targeted social solution with a general purpose social tool (such as wikis and blogs) can involve significant development, configuration, and templating effort.” »

    tags: crm, socialcrm, enterprise2.0, behaviors, socialcomputing, businessactivities, gartner, socialmediahype

    • Bradley has identified the next opportunity in enterprise social social software. Integrating the valuable characteristics of social software into the in-the-flow activities that make up our days.
    • Credit: Sameer Patel, Span Strategies
    • People [who fail] don’t integrate CRM into the other parts of their business or implement CRM as a stand-alone and don’t have it communicate with core systems. A bigger and more frequent stumbling block is forgetting to address the people issues around a CRM implementation. In almost all of the cases we described earlier, CRM is a behavior modification tool.

    Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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