Liens de la semaine (weekly)

  • « I chuckled at first, because this was a healthy look at some of the over hyped technologies of the past 20 years. Each was a big deal in its time, but many failed to deliver to overblown expectations. And thus the author implies that Enterprise Social Media (ESM) is on the same path.

    I find three flaws with the section on ESM, which I shared with my client, and now with you. »

    tags: enterprise2.0, enterprisesocialsoftware

    • Enterprise Social Media tools like Jive (or their many worthy competitors) do NOT propose that employees should use Twitter or Facebook at work.   Of course many people waste time on those sites. That’s not the solution to enterprise problems.  But those are the inspiration to the solution.
    • Instead, ESM tools take inspiration from consumer social activities.  And then they provide a separate environment that focuses on the workplace and work behaviors.
    • What are the problems you ask?  It’s a topic for another day €” but I’ll hint as a few:  Some are functional: e.g. Integration with Enterprise fixtures, integration with real-time needs, management of collaborative information v.s. published information.  Some are business strategy e.g. pricing strategy, messaging, gap in the cost to value-perception.  Too many (or too few) potential buyers. etc.  There are others too €” like Adoption issues.  These, and others, are problems that are being addressed by the industry thought leaders.  But the article did not cover these.
  • tags: enterprise2.0, methodology, adoption, socialcomputing, maturity, maturitycurve, framework

  • « Au long de ma vie professionelle, j’ai souvent entendu des dirigeants avisés affirmer avec une fière assurance : « de toutes façons, il n’y a que le plan de commissionnement pour faire courir mes vendeurs. Le reste c’est du bla bla ».

    Le principe de base est très simple en effet. Si vous voulez que vos commerciaux fassent ce que vous attendez d’eux, il suffit de mettre en place les récompenses (ou incentives, pour parler dans cet abominable jargon franglais qui envahit toutes nos correspondances désormais) qui vont bien. Plus tu fais ce pour quoi je te paye, plus je te paye. »

    tags: sales, incentive, performance

    • 2. Tant que les objectifs commerciaux peuvent être atteints à  travers la répétition « mécanique » de tches élémentaires, le système traditionnel de motivation par l’argent fonctionne conformément aux attentes : plus le système de commissionnement est attractif, plus haute sera la performance du vendeur ;
    • 3. En revanche, lorsque l’atteinte des objectifs commerciaux passe par la sollicitation de facultés cognitives ne serait-ce que rudimentaires, alors le système traditionnel
      de motivation par l’argent fonctionne à  rebours du principe ayant prévalu à  son élaboration : plus
      le système de commissionnement est attractif, moins bonne sera la
      performance du vendeur ;

    • 5. Dans la plupart des organisations, la définition des plans de motivation des salariés (incluant le sacro-saint plan de commissionnement des commerciaux) ou des politiques de rétention des talents s’appuie sur des hypothèses de travail complètement erronées du point de vue des sciences sociales ;
  • « Knowledge workers fuel innovation and growth, yet the nature of knowledge work remains poorly understood€”as do the ways to improve its effectiveness. The heart of what knowledge workers do on the job is collaborate, which in the broadest terms means they interact to solve problems, serve customers, engage with partners, and nurture new ideas. Technology and workflow processes support knowledge worker success and are increasingly sources of comparative differentiation. Those able to use new technologies to reshape how they work are finding significant productivity gains. This article shares our research on how technology can improve the quality and output of knowledge workers. « 

    tags: knowledgeworkers, collaboration, innovation, productivity, workflow, problemsolving, measurement, interactions

    • The nature of collaborative work ranges from high levels of abstract thinking on the part of scientists to building and maintaining professional contacts and information networks to more ground-level problem solving.
    • But for knowledge workers, what might be thought of as collaboration productivity depends on the quality and quantity of interactions occurring
    • Our research suggests that improvements depend upon getting a better fix on who actually is doing the collaborating within companies, as well as understanding the details of how that interactive work is done
    • The plan was straightforward: reach more customers and business partners by shifting a large portion of in-person meetings to virtual interactions. Policy and governance changes ensured that technology use became part of daily workflows and not an added task.
    • Over an 18-month period, the initiative saved Cisco more than $100 million in travel and business expenses and reduced the company’s carbon emissions by 24 million metric tons
    • Similarly, P&G has also adopted Web-based technologies to forge better links with partners and customers and to improve the flow of ideas across corporate and regional boundaries. It also set up ideas markets to gather and filter offerings from across the company and signed on with crowd-sourcing network InnoCentive to tap external experts to solve specific problems
    • Besides the savings P&G realized from nearly a thousand fewer business trips each month, the company met its goals of shorter product cycle times and greater product innovation from external sources.2
    • As a first step, companies should take a fresh look at their workers, classifying them by how they collaborate.
    • . They are identified by job titles that, in many cases, obscure the kind of work they actually do
    • Thus, improving collaboration should start with understanding employee workflows to get a more refined view how their work gets done.
    • Companies can best do this by 1) understanding the specific requirements of interactive tasks; 2) identifying which tasks create disproportionate value for the organization; and 3) determining the types of inefficiencies and wasted efforts that bog down many interactions
    • We have documented 10 types of collaboration waste (Exhibit 2). In the case of managers, for example, effective collaboration demands that the manager not only agrees on specific objectives but also that he /she can communicate how to achieve them. T
    • Business managers should allow time and provide forums for collaboration workers to brainstorm solutions to productivity problems. Corporate technology providers will need to provide tools that are flexible enough to enable experimentation, so that usage and adoption are widespread
  • tags: socialmedia, HR, recruitment, recruitment2.0, socialnetworks

  • « Does your workplace culture inspire employees to do their best work? Even though we are still in tough economic times do you still provide resources for your employees to develop relationships with customers so they are inspired to return? Do your customers and employees champion your products and services?

    Nancy London, the Vice President and global brand leader for Starwood Hotels, which include Westin, Sheraton, and St. Regis, answered yes to all three questions.

    She shared some of her organization’s recipes for satisfied employees and happy guests. »

    tags: starwood, customersatisfaction, problemsolving, ideas, decisionmaking

    • “On associate name tags, rather than including their place of
      birth, they state one of their passions, such as: running or cooking. This
      gives them a reason to speak with other people about their interests
    • Relationships are an
      important part of an outstanding guest experience
    • We broadened out effort to approach service that empowers
      front line employees to make decisions and solve problems for guests.
  • The objective is to address key issues faced by organizations built around knowledge : management of not only knowledge but also innovation and productivity. First to see the current limitations with the tools and processes in place and then to see how collaborative platform and enterprise 2.0 approach can offer competitive advantages to the company.

    tags: enterprise2.0, productivity, innovation, collaboration, knowledge

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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