Liens de la semaine (weekly)

  • « Des chercheurs de la Fondation travail et technologies de Namur, en Belgique, se sont penchés sur une « fracture numérique » méconnue : celle qui touche les jeunes de 16 à  25 ans. Si leur étude montre que peu de jeunes sont totalement « offline », elle révèle aussi qu’en moyenne les jeunes Belges ne sont pas aussi à  l’aise avec les nouvelles technologies qu’on pourrait l’imaginer. Entretien avec Gérard Valenduc, codirecteur du centre d’étude de la FTU et coauteur de l’étude. »

    tags: digitalnatives, digitaldivide

    • il est très difficile de franchir la passerelle qui sépare « leur » monde Internet, le chat, le téléchargement ou l’écoute de musique et de vidéos en ligne€¦ de l’utilisation que la société attend d’eux, à  commencer par leurs employeurs.
    • Oui, mais elle ne sépare pas ceux qui ont accès au Web de ceux qui n’y ont pas accès. C’est un décalage entre un univers de divertissement et un univers plus large.
    • Nous estimons qu’il faut faire davantage converger, notamment à  la fin du secondaire, l’éducation aux médias et aux technologies.
  • « I believe it is a way to better achieve some of the strategic goals of internal company communications, but I want to engage the reality that it isn’t yet displacing legacy approaches in significant numbers by articulating the realistic questions that proponents of social computing should be asking themselves in light of these findings: »

    tags: internalcommunication, communication, intranet, email, socialcomputing

    • 2. What is the proper role of social computing in a company’s internal communication strategy? Is it to replace previous tools and do better the same things those tools were trying to accomplish, or were there internal communication needs that previously went unmet that now could be addressed using the new tools of social computing
    • Why posters are so popular in 2009 is a mystery to me. Maybe people like posters because there are times when you have something the organization should hear, but you may not know precisely the audience for that content — so you post it where all can see it and the people who need it, you hope, will find it. Although, of course, you really have no assurance that actually happens.
    • But it’s also interesting to note that, with the exception of face-to-face, all of these are push communication styles:
    • People want to have productive back-and-forth exchanges with precisely the right people who can help them and a face-to-face conversation does that. But what about when you are not in the same physical location and yet you need to collaboratively exchange expertise with someone else, or a group? That’s when social computing tools can fit the bill because they are web-based approximations of the face-to-face dynamic.
    • Finally, it’s interesting to me that there’s an implication in the reliance on push communication technologies that I think is worth addressing. When these tools are used to communicate corporate messages to the employee population, they imply a finality to the thinking contained in the messaging — they do not invite debate, collaboration, response or input.
    • But what about times when that’s not the implication you want to communicate, times when you do want input from the organization? Such cases are ones in which social computing tools might be the appropriate choice
  • « The way we currently think about community management €“ for the most part €“ is a role played by someone managing a set of relationships often mediated by an online destination »

    tags: communitymanagement, role, management, conversations, workflow, outcomes, metrics

    • Over the last nine months working with and speaking with a wide array of individuals who are practicing community management it has become apparent that community management is not only an explicit role or career but also a general approach to management. 
    • A better understanding of how to incorporate real-time conversation into traditional workflows
    • A persuasive approach to business outcomes such as inbound marketing that lowers costs, reduces cycle time, and increases satisfaction.
    • Methods of looking at and tracking not just the last touch point before a business outcome but the behavior paths that drive business outcomes.
    • While we typically recommend that the metrics used to measurement business outcomes today be the same as the ones used to measurement performance in a community-oriented approach, the cycle time and investment/return profile look different.
  • « I was recently asked for one word that best describes the skills needed by community managers. My answer was €˜translation’ €“ community managers sit at the nexus between various groups both within and external to the community. Translating €“ not in the traditional sense of translating different languages €“ but in the more complex sense of translating the same concept or decision in to the language used by various groups is core to gaining support, resolving conflict, and communicating effectively to groups of people over which the community manager has no direct authority. But that’s my perspective « 

    tags: community, management, sense, translation, language

  • « We discussed definitions, and models, and strategies and plans. What they are doing, what they want to do, what they would love to do. Ended up with a great view of where the market is now from all different perspectives. There are three different views of SCRM. »

    tags: socialcrm, vendors, organization, strategy, crm, sales, marketing, services

    •  Since there is no defined SCRM market beyond taking on the social channels and integrating them with CRM, they are all right.  What they call SCRM is an integration between Social Media (Channels) and CRM functions (Sales, Marketing, and Service).
    • This reality will start shifting in 2010 as consolidation starts to take over and a market begins to materialize (led by customers spending again, slowly at first), and larger and well-funded vendors begin to look for tools to complete their suites.  We will see a lot of movement in this market as we approach the summer, and very heavy towards the end of the year
    • There is a realization that beyond the hype, vendors and organizations are actually beginning to understand that, and starting to see the path.  And the echo chamber (what happens when visions of the future and how to achieve it become common speech among practitioners and no one else) is quieter than usual. We also see more organizations embracing the concepts early on.
    •  On one hand there is a group of people led by those inexperienced in the enterprise applications market that is screaming at the top of their lungs how you have to engage, you must listen, become social or begone.  On the other hand we tell them they must create a strategy, that it is all about a strategy and everything else falls into place, don’t worry about the social aspect yet.
    •  I cannot even count how many meetings and conversations I had in the past four months with executives who wanted to talk about SCRM €“ only to be asked how to setup Twitter or Facebooks Fan Pages.
    • Control was made to be the evil word of 2008-2009.  Guess what? organizations won’t simply empower an employee or group to become their social voice without some degree of control.
    • This trend will result in a large number of formal SCRM strategies created and implemented in the second and third quarters of next year.
    •  CRM is not going away.  Nor is SCRM going to replace CRM.  Neither is Social Business going to make CRM and SCRM irrelevant.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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