Liens de la semaine (weekly)

  • « But are companies, with all their good intentions, getting the most from open innovation? We suspect that the initial successes, encouraging as they are, represent only the beginning. What if open innovation were defined more broadly and more ambitiously? Could even greater value be realized? If so, what would the next wave of open innovation look like? »

    tags: innovation, openinnovation, tacitknowledge, transactions, knowledgeflow

    • This approach has two limitations. First, it misses the opportunity to build long-term trust-based relationships among participants. Second, it does not encourage participants to build cumulatively upon the contributions of others.
    • On the other side, really challenging problems require tapping into the tacit knowledge possessed by more than one individual in order to create new knowledge and generate a workable solution.
    • Tacit knowledge is the « know-how » that is hard to express or transfer and therefore much more sticky than explicit knowledge. Sharing this kind of knowledge typically requires long-term, trust-based relationships that can support the inevitable fumbling that occurs as we try to express and share tacit knowledge.
    • We’re moving from a world where value is created and captured in transactions to one where value resides in large networks of long-term relationships that provide the rails for much richer « knowledge flows. »
    • Of course, shifting from a narrow transaction model to one that embraces both long-term relationships and cumulative contributions is not easy. It requires more thoughtful governance mechanisms, more robust tools and platforms, and more sophisticated incentive systems. These can and will evolve over time as open innovation pioneers gain more experience with these initiatives
    • Properly conceived, open innovation platforms can evolve into the creation spaces that we discussed earlier and unleash the collaboration curves that drive increasing returns.
  • « One of the things I’ve posted on quite frequently at this blog, is the need to combing real and virtual (or as Nokia say, analogue and digital) activities in order to best achieve certain outcomes. »

    tags: nokia, casestudies, socialnetworks, communities, outcomes, changemanagement, change

    • When all workshops were completed, the 700 participants then returned to their teams to engage them in the ongoing process. It was at this point that the online community came to the fore.
  • « If you are thinking about bringing Lotus Connections into your organization in future or have already purchased it and are planning how to manage the introduction to your user population, read on for tips about getting started. »

    tags: enterprise2.0, Lotusconnections, adoption, socialnetworks, IBM, pilot, communities

    • 1) Identifying goals for the deployment; 2) Piloting the applications being rolled out; and 3) Defining an adoption strategy for the wider community.
  • « Dans les années 90, c’est le début de la « boîte à  idées », les années 2000 voit cette tche dépendre de la qualité, organisé autour de processus permettant la traçabilité des idées. Cependant cette démarche est plutôt de nature vertical.

    Dans les années à  venir, la démarche va être beaucoup plus qualitative, reposant sur les réseaux sociaux, les communautés et la co-construction, associant plus les RH, les services de la communication et ceux du marketing. »

    tags: sncf, laposte, AirFrance, casestudies, innovation, participativeinnovation

    • Dans le cadre de la SNCF, quand un agent a une idée, son manager doit dans un premier temps l’approuver, puis la défendre et même proposer une rémunération en fonction des économies que peut générer cette idée. En moyenne, chaque idée rapporte 77 euros brut à  son inventeur.
    • Air France industries

      6500 idées par an sont produites en moyenne. Elles ont permis 8 millions d’économies. Mais pour cette entreprise, il s’agit avant tout de rendre les gens acteurs, en leur donnant la parole.

  • « With this entry I want to summarize and update what I wrote earlier. I gave a general update on the value of social networks for HR in January 2008 including a presentation I held at our global HR Business Partner meeting. Tonight I will be presenting at an HR sharing event on the relevance of Enterprise 2.0 for HR. Find the slides posted to Slideshare. »

    tags: humanresources, enterprise2.0, performance, people, work, informationflows, learning, communities, innovation, agility, alumni, expertslocation

    • The ultimate goal is to create social capital, a workforce that is interconnected to make collaboration thrive through relationships of trust. This really brings added value to the company in form of constant learning (the learning organization), change agility, speed, efficiency and scale. In this context new organization forms are emerging like communities of practice or agile forms of development, an environment that fosters innovation.
    • HR is required as an enabler of E20, as change agent and organization designer. HR should be the engine behind company culture (Towers Perrin 2008).
    • Now how is E20 enabling HR? In order to show this it needs to be demonstrated how social software can be used for the implementation of HR practices.
    • I want to point to the benefits of alumni networks providing the company with mature and seasoned talent
    • social software provides high levels of visibility for employees
    • learly social software and communities make collaboration more efficient.
  • « The problem with these psychological approaches is that they focus on the traits of individuals, in the absence of any business context. They presuppose that it is something about an individual’s personality, experience, psychology, or talents that determines whether that individual will be a valuable contributor to your social media rollout. What it misses is the central importance of organizational role. « 

    tags: enterprise2.0, adoption, leadership, roles, collaboration, psychology, organizationalrole

    • the most reliable way to generate sustained Enterprise 2.0 adoption is to target business functions and activities that are structurally motivated to improve collaboration. In other words, look for individuals whose professional success in their role depends on the things that Enterprise 2.0 will help them do.
    • I haven’t seen strong correlations between enterprise social media adoption and age, gender, tech-savviness, political affiliation, sexual orientation, toothpaste preference, or any other identifiable psychological characteristics
  • tags: no_tag

    • Est-ce à  dire qu’une communauté est gérée, ou plutôt gouvernée différemment qu’un département, pour prendre un exemple ? Doit-on alors envisager de créer de nouvelles fonctions de community manager ou d’élargir le nombre de rôles managériaux génériques ? Je pencherai plutôt pour la deuxième solution et j’irai plus loin en disant qu’un talent d’animateur de communauté est nécessaire à  quiconque veut prospérer dans une entreprise moderne (par opposition à  entreprise industrielle).
    • Alors, chacun manager ? Non. Mais chacun responsable de l’animation et du management, à  son niveau, de l’organisation pour laquelle il travaille, oui. C’est d’ailleurs ce que nous faisons dans le web 2.0, où nous transmettons et participons.
    • A la différence du web 2.0 cependant, dans l’entreprise, cette transmission et cette participation ont un but plus étroit. Car l’entreprise elle-même, à  ce jour, à  des objectifs précis, des contraintes claires. Dans l’entreprise, nous venons travailler, produire, satisfaire des clients.
  • « Pourtant, le mot Community Manager pourrait sembler une contradiction dans les termes, et sa traduction en français, Animateur de Communauté, beaucoup plus qu’une traduction, une interprétation, et peut être aussi une intention »

    tags: communitymanagement, management, role

  • tags: enterprise2.0, adoption, bestpractices, governance, communitymanagement, communities, education, training

  • « Came across this wonderful preso on Social CRM that highlights importance of Social CRM and talks about experiences gained from being an early adopter in this area. I like slide 34 and 35 that focuses on pitfalls and success. »

    tags: socialcrm, brand, consumer, conversations, casestudies, telstra, socialmedia, sales, sales2.0

  • tags: socialmedia, infographics

  • tags: socialcomputing, retail, couponning

  • « So it is true and correct that clouds provide the technology to reduce the cost and complexity of provisioning computational capabilities within the enterprise, or to build new shared service centers operating at greater efficiency externally. But that’s not really what the fuss is about! The issue driving the use of €˜services’ is a new business model making use of new technology to enable and empower people in the front office and that’s what clouds as a revolutionary change is all about. »

    tags: web2.0, cloudcomputing, costs, IT, virtualization

  • « Today Cisco announced the findings of a study on social networking and its adoption in the enterprise. Based on interviews with more than 100 companies from more than 20 countries, the study explores the primary tools being used, which areas of business are adopting them and how they’re putting them to use, and some of the challenges that are arising. »

    tags: socialnetworking, enterprise2.0, cisco, governance, collaboration, policies

    • Social networking tools are spreading into core areas of the value chain, including the marketing and communications, human relations, and customer service departments.
    • Only one in seven of the companies that participated in the research noted a formal process associated with adopting consumer-based social networking tools for business purposes, indicating that the potential risks associated with these tools in the enterprise are either overlooked or not well understood.
  • tags: enterprise2.0, strategy, adoption, change, changemanagement, ROI, communication, measurement, casestudies

  • « To veterans of the technology industry, the fuss over social networking sounds all too familiar. Whenever a new and disruptive technology appears, there is initially a backlash against it before it becomes broadly accepted. Even a seemingly innocent application such as Microsoft’s Excel spreadsheet was greeted with much scepticism because managers assumed workers would use it to make lists of their fantasy football teams or their weekend shopping€”which is exactly what they did and still do. But along the way, Excel has also become an invaluable business tool. »

    tags: socialnetworks, productivity, informationsharing, silos

    • Many companies are organised into strictly separate regional, product-line and functional “silos”, making it hard for people to share information beyond their immediate colleagues. And the rise of vast, globe-spanning corporate empires with hundreds of thousands of employees has left many folk isolated in small work groups run by managers who care only about their particular fiefs. As a result, efforts are duplicated and valuable information ends up being hoarded, not shared
    • To improve matters, the intelligence community is developing a system called A-Space, a sort of Facebook for spies that holds profiles of analysts from various agencies and allows them to contact one another and to share large amounts of text, graphics, images and videos.
    • Marc Benioff, the chief executive of, predicts that demand for corporate social-networking services will take off as managers realise that they now know more about strangers on Twitter and Facebook than they do about the people in their own organisation.
    • Social networks are a huge improvement over them because they combine content with commentary from people whose know-how might previously not have been recognised. Suzanne Livingston, the head of IBM’s social-software operations, says that firms can even create new, jointly owned social networks or splice existing ones together to share know-how with outsiders.
    • This “social business intelligence” can then be used to, for example, identify people for a project team based on their expertise and their links to others whose support will be needed to make the project a success.
  • « Now to define the simplest basic requirement for handling unstructured processes €“enabling processes with emergent models €“ i.e. the participants are building up the models as they execute process instances (perhaps with some loosely defined guideline or best practice as a starting point). I will claim the ability to do that is at odds with the basic definition of BPM, since it precludes a model based approach. »

    tags: bpm, processes, adhoc, unstructuredprocesses, humanprocesses

      • The participants change the general model (either the model or the rules) €“ this is very dangerous, and the more rigorous and complex the model the greater the chance to screw up something big time. It also doesn’t make sense since this really might be a one-off execution.
      • The participants have their own “local” copy of the process and they modify that. Still would be a lot of work for the participants, but there would also be all kinds of issues of multiple models existing for the “same” process €“ how to reconcile the changes, how do you store and access variants on a given model etc.
      • The participants do things “outside” the existing  model.
        1. It is outside the model, but under the control of the BPM engine.  This requires a whole set of new capabilities for the engine. The engine will need to be something much different than a standard BPM (BPEL or BPMN) execution engine. The engine will need to become something VERY different (I would think encompass something much closer to a collaboration tool) €“ and then of course figure out how to reconcile that back into the original process. It opens a whole can of worms from an execution perspective €“ and it certainly isn’t anything like BPM today.
        2. It is outside the model, and not under the control of the BPM. If this happens all the time then the model is not worth much, and neither is the engine.  So why start with the model at all?
    • Unstructured, ad-hoc human processes can’t be modeled (or at least in any cost effective way) so current BPM tools can’t really handle them. Managing human processes requires a different, complementary set of technologies €“ and a different mindset.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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