Liens de la semaine (weekly)


  • « A Bit About GE’s SupportCentral

    Don’t be put off by the name. This is an extremely advanced social productivity platform.

    They got started working on this in 1999. Think for a moment about how far you can get by working on a problem for eight years. »

    tags: GE, supportcentral, enterprise2.0, socialsoftware, enterprisesocialsoftware, processes, casestudies, culture

    • We debate on ideal SM models occasionally — people-centric, community-centric, discussion-centric, document-centric, process-centric, etc.

      They had support for every one of these models — seamlessly integrated.  People can engage in any mode that makes sense to them.  As one example, personal workspace content can be part of a community, discussion, process, etc.

    • What really blew me away was their integration of process tools.  Business processes can be defined by anyone, refined by anyone, instantiated by anyone, measured by anyone.  As a result, they could count 50,000 different business processes that were captured on the platform in some form or another.
    • More importantly, it was developed and deployed in response to documented business needs from proficient users who’d made this platform the core of their business life.
    • First, it clearly isn’t a generational thing.
    • If there was any corporate culture more button-downed than GE’s, I’d like to see it.  And it now appears to be completely transformed around social computing.
    • They routinely discredit soft justification.  And they have been convinced in a big way — and for quite a while.
  • « Have you ever noticed that organizations are great at creating controls and policies to prevent incidents that have already happened? Once the proverbial cow escapes the barn, they adeptly make sure it won’t happen again by, say, authorizing only certain people to man the exit and constructing barn-door status reports.

    While this kind of organizational response does indeed prevent the recurrence of the exact same negative instance (they won’t lose the same cow in the same way again), the accumulation of these « reactive » controls often creates complexity, confusion, and unnecessary cost. Even worse, the new controls usually don’t prevent future incidents of a different kind from occurring. « 

    tags: control, complexity

    • Do Your Controls Create Complexity?
    • 1. Static controls for dynamic issues.
    • 2. Cost of controls higher than the cost of no controls
    • 3. Controls applied across the board, whether needed or not.
  • tags: enterprise2.0, casestudies, procter&gamble

  • « No conversation about Enterprise 2.0 proceeds very far without coming to the idea of Return on Investment (ROI). Often champions of Enterprise 2.0 within the organization must be able to tell a compelling ROI story to their management before they can gain approval to move forward with their project.

    Complicating this challenge is the fact that there is, as yet, no standardized approach to measuring ROI of Enterprise 2.0. This has to do, largely, with the fact that Enterprise 2.0 is not, itself, a single thing. Enterprise 2.0 refers to the broad spectrum of Web 2.0 participatory and social media tools that can be deployed inside the firewall, but no two implementations are likely to be the same €“ the needs of every organization are unique as are the specific ways in which Enterprise 2.0 tools will be implemented to meet those needs. As such, the standardization of measurement is difficult. « 

    tags: enterprise2.0, ROI, adoption, benefits, strategy

  • « A l’occasion d’une intervention pour la CCI du Havre €“ 100 000 entrepreneurs, j’ai pu recueillir le point de vue d’enseignants et d’entrepreneurs à  propos de cette génération. Il ne s’agit bien évidement pas d’un sondage mais d’un « instantané » où quelques professeurs et entrepreneurs s’expriment sur :

    * Ce qui à  changé par rapport aux générations précédentes
    * Les difficultés rencontrées avec cette génération
    * La vision de l’entreprise
    * L’équilibre Vie privée Vs. Vie professionnelle »

    tags: generationy

  • « Many people turn to networking when they’re looking for a job, but the best time to build your network is before you need something; and the best time to keep that network strong is always. But what is the best way to do that? Simply collecting business cards and attending events may expand your number of contacts, but does not increase the likelihood that those contacts will benefit you in the future. To reap the benefits of networking when you need them, you must know how to make your network work for you, and how you can work for your network. « 

    tags: networking, jobsearch

      • Principles to Remember

      • Be genuine to gain credibility and keep long-term relations
      • Feed the network (via Twitter, Facebook, emails, etc.) to pass on useful information and show you are engaged
      • Offer to help using humor and tact


      • Focus on getting something from a new contact immediately
      • Hide behind technology and avoid face-to-face networking
      • Forget to read your audience and provide a personal approach
  • « Donc le « modèle » du manager 2.0 n’est sûrement pas celui du community manager. C’est celui que vous croiserez le plus en entreprise le manager « classique », il ne reste plus qu’à  espérer qu’il ait une posture 2.0 .

    Quel serait donc le rôle d’un manager 2.0 dans une entreprise classique se transformant lentement vers une « entreprise collaborative » ou une « entreprise en réseau » ? »

    tags: management, management2.0, communitymanagement, problemsolving, sensemaking

    • De fait, le top management doit être plus focalisé sur le sens, et les résultats que sur un micro-management des équipes.
    • C’est donc plus un rôle d’animateur ou facilitateur que le manager va jouer. En effet, dans tout groupe humain il y a parfois des tensions, des choses à  résoudre, et celui qui est au dessus de la mêlée peut aider à  faire avancer les choses
    • Mais surtout plus que la distribution de tche à  effectuer, il développe la volonté de ses équipes à  travailler de manière collaborative et les moyens de travailler de manière collaborative (savoir et pouvoir).
    • cela n’a rien de nouveau, en effet, tout comme le travail collaboratif ou les communautés (on a pas attendu le web 2.0 pour cela, mais ça simplifie drôlement les choses). C’est juste qu’on a du perdre la recette en cours de route
    • Comme vous pouvez le voir, on est bien loin des « tches » d’un community manager et d’ailleurs le community manager interne à  l’entreprise n’a souvent pas les mêmes tches à  effectuer et compétences qu’un community manager « externe »,
  • « There is of course some overlap, and a Community Manager can be expected to operate in Social Media spaces, just as a Social Media Manager will find themselves getting involved to an extent in customer service tasks. With this in mind, here are two deeper definitions of both roles and their scope: »

    tags: socialmedia, communities, communitymanagement, socialmediamanagement

    • Community Manager: Operates from deep within the company, managing customer relationships with a brand or product, and each other. Potentially he can be a fully Enterprise Community Manager, involved in facilitating efficient inter-team and staff communication and collaboration.
    • Social Media Manager: Operates from the edges of the company, managing brand recognition and reputation outside of the scope of the brand websi

    Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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