Three Models for Applying Customer Feedback to Innovation
« If you follow discussions in these developing strategies, you see that there are differing views as to the value of customer feedback. Understanding the different use cases of customer feedback helps organizations to set objectives and expectations appropriately, and to create effective frameworks for engaging customers.
Let’s look at three models for applying customer feedback to innovation. »
- Features €“ product or service requests
- Product’s “job” €“ understand the deeper purpose your product fulfills
- Proposal €“ putting a new concept in front of customer’s to understand its key value drivers
« I believe SAP is an under-appreciated leader in the Web 2.0 space, and this blog attempts to explain why. First, I should first point out that there are three distinct categories you can talk about SAP interacting with Web 2.0 technology:
* Web 2.0 by SAP €“ Web 2.0 products and services SAP provides to customers
* Web 2.0 with SAP €“ how SAP uses Web 2.0 techniques to interact with our customers and partners
* Web 2.0 at SAP €“ how SAP uses Web 2.0 technology within SAP » -
Pourquoi la plupart des formations commerciales sont-elles des échecs ?
« Conduire une transformation nécessitant un changement de comportement de la part des acteurs est tche délicate. Cela requiert de la part du management un engagement tout particulier autour des 5 domaines d’intervention suivants : »
1. Attitude :
2. Connaissance :
3. Compétence :
4. Système :
5. Culture
When online communities go to work
« While debate still occurs about whether consumer social networking is an effective model for how we should run our organizations in the future, one under-appreciated online phenomenon has been quietly and steadily remaking the very notion of business itself.
People have been joining online communities by the millions for years now for a variety reasons, including both business and pleasure. «
Open ended/self-directed communities. These are groups of people that have come together and brought their own needs and requirements to the community.
Consumer-focused communities. This includes forums such as most consumer social sites that have community features, most Facebook groups, and non-commercial media sites such as YouTube, Flickr, etc.
Goal-oriented & managed communities Communities of this type are often created or sponsored by a business or are part of a business unit or process.
Business-focused communities These are online communities that entirely organized around business objectives, which include vertical commercial social networks,
Enterprise 2.0 Forum : the 10 keys of successful projects
« A high number of common best practices have naturally emerged. Here are 10 of them : »
Fabrice Poireaud-Lambert showed a very interesting 4 axis graphs (Organization and HR / Competencies / Methods and Tools / Culture and Behaviors) that LdE used to evaluate the change factor of such a project on the enterprise scale. They reached a 12/16 value which is pretty high.
Executives support for project involving change of such magnitude. Big changes project need legitimation. The reason : without strong leadership and executive support, the project is a lost cause against managers who have day to day budget and objectives.
Open and easy is one of the key characteristic of Enterprise 2.0 solutions as per Andrew McAfee. Lyonnaise des Eaux and Dassault went for the Blue Kiwi solution. SwissRe and CSC went for the Jive SBS one. All choose a solution of a vendor specialized on the topic and went against the stadard vendor selection IT policy of their respective companies.
Claire Flanagan, Fabrice Poireaud-Lambert, Nicolas Rolland, all reported the same lexical cautious approach. They never mentioned Social Media or so but kept on referring to business problem and how they could solve them with collaborative tools when selling the project to executives.
All these projects started with a clear lead from project team. But as the project deployment starts they all needed support from advocates disseminated in different teams to evangelize the new tool and make it viral. (Again if the tool is not usable, forget about viral regardless of how enthusiastic your evangelists are €¦).
Creating a Networking Culture
« In my previous post, Why a Networking Culture Is Important, I argued that a strong innovation culture requires a strong networking culture. But what does a good networking culture looks like?
It is such a new concept that there are not lot of examples available to illustrate it, but here are some key components of a good networking culture: »
Top executives and innovation leaders have outlined clear strategic reasons why employees need to develop and nurture internal and external relationships.
mong the things to consider when developing your networking culture strategy is what types of networks you hope to build to support your innovation efforts.
- Leaders should also share examples of their networking experiences whenever possible
People are given time and means to network.
Both virtual and face-to-face networking are encouraged and supported. Web 2.0 tools and facilitated networking events maximize the opportunities people have to initiative and build strong relationships.
The dissemination of the E20 virus
« It’s about the emergence of the E20 idea within the corporations. A lot has been said and written about the necessity and potentials of the new forms of collaborations and communications by using social software. Quite a few contributions have even predicted a big bang of change in the enterprise world. Others have criticized this vision and labelled the E20 thingy a “crock”. The truth is – as always – in the middle because E20 – as so many other business innovations – is not emerging in one step but is dependent on a cultural change within the corporation that again happens slowly. »
At some point someone is initiating some social software projects in the corporations – mostly under the radar of any strategic decision.
At the second stage I have observed quite a lot of companies in which the communications department came along the Web 2.0 thingy in the first place.
Eventually the growth of some of these grass-rooted projects will call the attention towards the department that is in charge for the organizational development.
Therefore the next stage in the diffusion process I see within those projects that deploy social functionalities towards the IT systems of the line of businesses.
Finally as each of these different initiatives grow towards strategic relevance the management board eventually sees the demand to “streamline” the initiatives in order to effectively balance the benefits on the enterprise level
Differentiating Between Social Media and Community Management
« As someone who works with social media managers and community managers, it seems the line between the two types of positions is not terribly clear €“ and maybe doesn’t need to be €“ but I think it would be helpful to distinguish between the two. »
Social Media Manager:
- Content Creation (Blogging/vlogging/podcasting) designed to spur conversation/viral sharing
- Responding to conversations about the brand and the content
- Ensuring input/feedback gets channeled to the appropriate internal functional group
- Curating and promoting UGC
- Managing tools €“ mostly social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc) and blogs
- Reporting/measurement
- Planning and developing strategies for increasing engagement and conversion
Community Manger:
- Welcoming members to the community & acclimating them
- Building relationships with key members of the community and influencers
- Moderating conversation and encouraging specific topics
- Promoting members, making introductions to other members, and encouraging relationship formation
- Running regular programming/content/events
- Finding internal resources to respond to specific community discussions and coordinating cross-functional needs
- Enforcing guidelines/boundaries
- Managing tools €“ might be a combination of enterprise & social networks (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc)
- Reporting/measurement
- Channeling input and response from community into other organizational processes
- Planning and developing strategies for increasing engagement and conversion
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Enterprise 2.0 ROI
« Maslow’s Hierarchy of Enterprise 2.0 ROI
The decision to purchase an enterprise software application is one that generally demands a variety of different views about benefits. Because with most enterprise systems – Enterprise 2.0 included – there are a variety of benefits: »
Saving money is one of the easier ways for an enterprise decision-maker to justify an investment. The savings can more than offset the costs of a enterprise system. This correlates to Maslow’s original hierarchy of physiological needs. The dollars saved cover the cost to purchase.
Next rung up the ROI hierarchy is creating new revenue. In this case, the benefit is more localized to new products and services, as opposed to entirely markets. Increasing the top line is great for the social software ROI calculation. It’s not surprising to see the social CRM space heating up.
Happy customers. What every great company wants and continually works for. Anyone with experience on the « front lines » of a company understands the importance of this. Enterprise 2.0 platforms that help companies find ways to increase customer satisfaction hit on an important need for companies.
Having customers suggest their ideas is a valuable approach to improving products and ideas. With an eye toward higher satisfaction and lower churn.
Enterprise 2.0 has more highly engaged and connected employees at its core. The ability to make a more substantive impact. The ability to find that right person to help with an idea or project. The aha moments of discovering information you need. Making connections with people who see the possibilities you do. The ability to carve out a basis for recognition more broadly than has been available previously.
Now the benefit of employee satisfaction is moving higher up the pyramid. Which means its measurability is limited. But it also means its impact is higher. On the Knowledge@Wharton site, the research of Alex Edmans on valuing intangibles is presented
- Improves outcomes as a diversity of knowledge and perspectives are brought to bear
- Strengthen bonds for the next initiative an employee works on
- Reduces cases of duplicative efforts and unnecessarily starting from scratch
Cross-organization collaboration does three things:
Innovations that arise from a social software initiative can be measured; indeed they are the most tangible ROI of Enterprise 2.0.
Organizational agility includes:
- Seeing changes in the market faster
- Shifting resources in response to new opportunities
- Mixing incremental and disruptive innovation
- Moving on from initiatives, programs,markets, products that no longer work
- Employees can recognize opportunities and threats themselves, and act accordingly
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.