Comparing Collaboration and Social Networks
The objectives and intensity of collaboration networks and social networks are almost entirely different. This key distinction leads to the manner and means of networking that that are indeed different. Sure enough, there is some overlap between the two types of networks but this is neither an imposing nor a driving fact.
The Social Enterprise
« As you can easily imagine, the point that concerns me most is the fact that you can not really make Social CRM works (but the same could be said for good social media marketing initiatives) if you are not ready to involve the entire organization, preferably before even starting with social media. Doing this requires an Enterprise 2.0 and a structure that maps external communities to appropriate internal interactions in order to socially produce the best answers and to implement smoothly/profitably the insights from the market.
Starting from the inside has also the effect of connecting different silos, helping them to trust each other and to gain the necessary sensitivity, beginnig to work together for the external community without necessarily waiting for the entire organization to evolve in a manner consistent with the needs of social media . »
The Social Enterprise
« As you can easily imagine, the point that concerns me most is the fact that you can not really make Social CRM works (but the same could be said for good social media marketing initiatives) if you are not ready to involve the entire organization, preferably before even starting with social media. Doing this requires an Enterprise 2.0 and a structure that maps external communities to appropriate internal interactions in order to socially produce the best answers and to implement smoothly/profitably the insights from the market.
Starting from the inside has also the effect of connecting different silos, helping them to trust each other and to gain the necessary sensitivity, beginnig to work together for the external community without necessarily waiting for the entire organization to evolve in a manner consistent with the needs of social media . »
DSI et DRH, de la méfiance au rapprochement
« « Les DSI et DRH seront souvent une même personne parce que toutes les opérations seront conduites ou coordonnées par l’informatique. » Cette prédiction du Dr Wilhelm Bauer, directeur de masters à l’université de Stuttgart, conclut l’étude « L’avenir au travail », menée par le cabinet Future Foundation pour le compte de Google. Elle s’inscrit dans la partie prospective : l’entreprise en 2020. »
Un grand compte qui a déployé un réseau social d’entreprise explique ainsi avoir remplacé le libellé « expertises » par « centres d’intérêt » par peur d’un blocage de la part de la DRH. La gestion de l’expertise fait en effet partie de ses prérogatives, et il n’est pas certain, par ailleurs, qu’elle aurait accepté l’idée de l’auto-déclaration.
Les DRH doivent porter les projets collaboratifs, car ils impactent les usages et le management
e rôle de la DRH va devenir plus central et les DSI vont redevenir DSI & Organisation. Il est indispensable que les deux entités soient jointes ».
Creating a Typology of Enterprise 2.0 Use Cases
« What to do When Process Modeling Doesn’t Work »
« What to do When Process Modeling Doesn’t Work »
Managing the Sales Process when the Buyer is in Charge
« Here are several tips for building and managing a buyer-centric sales process. »
Teach your prospects. Give them something unexpected. Help them do their jobs, or lead their lives, easier, better, faster. Become a trusted source of information not about what you’re selling, but the outcome it enables and represents
The right buyers want what you’re selling. They want to remain in control. They will make decisions based on their own criteria, not yours
You need to become an active part of the community in which your buyers exist, and you need to do it by participating as a peer, not as a seller.
If you make the sale, provide a product or service worth talking about, enable your customers to become sellers on your behalf.
De l’usage des médias sociaux dans les environnements business to business : Entreprise Globale
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.