Why we decided to offer unlimited vacation at Social Media Group <span class= »« > – Annotated
« The more I read about unconventional methods of rewarding and retaining employees, the more the SMG management team discussed it, the clearer it became that offering unlimited paid time off to our employees made a ton of sense »
Sometimes your work blends into your life (working late or on weekends, doing what you need to do to deliver quality results). Why shouldn’t your life blend into your work (taking an afternoon off to spend with your kids)?
with rewards come responsibility: you’re responsible for your own mental health, your clients and your colleagues)
Case Study: How IBM Uncovers “Millions of Dollars” Worth of Sales Leads with Social Media <span class= »« > – Annotated
« How successful can a B2B business be using social media? Fairly successful, at least in the case of IBM. We recently chatted with Ed Linde II, whose team is responsible for building Web assets to support the IBM.com sales channel and organic Web visitors, about IBM’s social media efforts and successes. He spoke about their Listening for Leads program, which he says has “uncovered millions of dollars worth of sales leads” so far, and is expected grow even more »
In B2B we have a number of Websites that we built for our sales reps where we’ve enabled the reps to have a blog with RSS feeds that are connected to LinkedIn and Twitter. Their customers can follow them where they have an individual relationship.
Some of our reps have Facebook pages also. We also have a program called Listening for Leads, where we have people we call “seekers” who on a voluntary basis go to particular social media sites where they listen to conversations and determine whether there’s a potential sales opportunity.
And our individual reps use Twitter to keep their customers updated about interesting news, events and things of that nature. Each rep has their own Twitter account.
The thing you have to be careful with in social media is you can’t take your expert, for example, the guru of cloud computing, and expect him or her to also try to be a salesperson.
Smart marketers use the expert to establish credibility, to get the conversation going and so forth. And then maybe you can have the expert point people back to the Website where you can do the promotional stuff and the selling activity
We measure against number of sales leads identified. And we rate the lead value from those leads. Then the win revenue and win rate. So there are four key metrics€”number of leads created, lead value, win revenue and win rate.
Pourquoi vos employés fuient-ils vos outils de communication ? <span class= »« > – Annotated
» D’abord détrompez-vous, ceci est loin d’être une situation à part. Les outils IT destinés à la communication ne rencontrant pas la fonction première qui leur était allouée sont légion. Bien des comptes Facebook ou de pans entiers de CRM sont sous-employés si pas carrément abandonnés, l’odeur de l’euphorie du lancement à peine dissipée. »
« L’erreur fréquemment commise par nombre d’entreprises c’est d’envisager le projet uniquement sous son aspect logiciel » affirme Denis Genevois, consultant TIC. Les équipes en charge de mettre en place un outil ont souvent tendance à plus se focaliser sur les moyens que sur les fins. « Alors qu’un outil n’est qu’un outil à disposition d’un but », rappelle Christophe Lastennet, consultant en conduite du changement.
On parle beaucoup des utilisateurs externes mais peu des utilisateurs internes. Or, « un grand nombre des implémentations d’outils échoue dû à un manque d’acceptation et d’appropriation de l’outil de la part de cette dernière classe d’utilisateurs.
Dans tous les cas, il faut à tout prix éviter que l’équipe de projet ne développe l’outil dans son coin sans consulter les utilisateurs.
Avec l’avènement du web 2.0, être ouvert aux nouvelles technologies n’implique pas seulement de ne pas être effrayé à l’idée d’entrer dans un CMS. Il faut aussi que les mentalités soient prédisposées à la collaboration et au partage d’information.
Un changement des mentalités est, donc, requis qui exige un travail en profondeur dépassant largement le seul cadre de l’implémentation et qui va jusqu’à requérir un soutien sérieux de la part du management.
D’après le Standish Group, le nombre de projets “bons du premier coup” n’était que de 32% en 2009. Le manque de soutien de la Direction est cité comme la principale cause d’échec
Trouble Justifying the Social Business Impact to Organization <span class= »« > – Annotated
« If you are like most business executives, you are struggling to justify the value of all this social business stuff in your heads let alone across the table from the rest of the management team. Don’t get me wrong, there are folks getting some good wins from the social media marketing on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.; but we all know that mainstream business isn’t buying the “build it and they will come” in a recessionary economy. Most senior executives bought the farm on the “web” and realize that much of the hype needs to settle before setting sail on the good ship “social business”. »
Customer Acquisition –
Distribution Channels
Customer Experience –
Organizational Collaboration–
Hiring and Maintaining the Right People
Social business isn’t about social media. Just like the web wasn’t really about HTML. The real value is in the humanization of business. Social is about swinging the pendulum back towards the center. We automated our businesses for growth and efficiency, but we gutted the hearts right out of them
We saw that 62 of the top 100 businesses get caught and passed from behind in a 10 year span from 1989 to 1999 in large part due to the web’s disruptive impact in distributing information more efficiently. I believe that we are in the current 10 year cycle that will see similar impact with the ability for the web to deliver better collaboration experiences at a fundamentally lower cost of delivery than traditional means.
Designing Training for Organization 2.0 <span class= »« > – Annotated
« Adults learn by social processes. David Kolb’s Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of learning and development (1984) theorized that four combinations of perceiving and processing determine four learning styles that make up a learning cycle. According to Kolb, the learning cycle involves four processes that must be present for learning to occur: »
Part 1: Consists of static content that would help people to discover the “must know” aspects of what is to be learned
Part 2: Dynamic Learning
What’s new and up to date in the domain and what is the buzz around the firm’s products/services/ operations and what is the Market/Competitive Intelligence
This would consist of a stream of constantly dynamic news and market/competitor intelligence that would get updated on an employee’s dashboard that he/she can click through and view the detailed content if he/she wants.
Part 3: Collaboration
Enabling employees to learn from each other using learning logs, ideation and connecting with each other.
This part would focus on how employees can use social software to connect with each other and work together to create strategies, tactics, execution.
Chez 3M, le salarié est premier responsable du bon équilibre entre sa vie au travail et sa vie privée <span class= »« > – Annotated
« La charte des relations de travail que vient de concocter 3M « regroupe des attitudes et des objectifs non quantifiables » que l’entreprise souhaite voir adopter par l’ensemble de ses collaborateurs « afin de créer un environnement de travail sain et stimulant ».
Cela commence par : « Je déclare avoir été informé que 3M attend de moi d’être le premier responsable/garant du bon équilibre entre ma vie au travail et ma vie privée ». »
Au final, si le salarié n’est pas bien ou se trouve trop stressé, on saura bien (et vite) lui rappeler qu’il n’a pas respecté cette charte des relations de travail. Il s’agit bien d’une charte à sens unique dans laquelle tous les devoirs et les obligations pèsent sur le salarié et non sur l’entreprise
» [Infographic] Five steps to successful crisis management for airlines, in the age of social media <span class= »« > – Annotated
« At SimpliFlying, we saw a paradigm shift in the way airlines handle crises management, in the age of social media. Instead of writing an article on it, we put together an info-graphic, that details the five key steps for managing crises, in the wake of the volcanic eruption. Both a PDF version, and a PPT version are available for download and printing. An Apple Keynote version will be available soon. »
Socializing Software <span class= »« > – Annotated
« Transforming business to a networked environment is mostly about changing business culture to become more social and connected but it doesn’t mean that specific tools aren’t needed to support that transformation. Two things come together to create great change, technology and culture. The social web is a driving force that is empowering people to change business culture and forcing people back to the center of activity in the enterprise. »
To create a next generation enterprise, businesses need to take two concepts from the social web and apply them across all business functions, community / network and content / social media.
. With process at the center of the design people-based collaboration was not possible in the system, instead the focus was on file-centric activities. Process, file-centricity, workflow driven systems are too rigid and are not focused on the activities that a networked business in the information era needs to carry out business in a flexible and ad hoc global hyper-connected ecosystem.
As you might expect these systems are modern, and functionally rich but have the inherent difficulty of not fitting into the context of other enterprise systems.
They generally make the worker step out of the enterprise software to do the desired social activity. Traditional vendors have started down the path of adding new social functionality by building or buying some specific social software that is in addition to existing systems but mostly to date have missed the opportunity to embed the social features in the existing apps themselves.
Socialytics need to be embedded into enterprise software, just like collaboration and the most valuable use will often be at the intersection of enterprise data and social data. More and more socialytics will move from reactive analysis to predictive analysis as the tools get more powerful and we learn more on analyzing behavioral patterns and interactions.
I want to say this again, SCRM is built on top of existing CRM functionality, if you can’t do transactional CRM, you can’t do social CRM.
Process for the Enterprise » <span class= »« > – Annotated
« There’s been much discussion of late on “Social BPM“. In particular, when should the magic “social” stuff happen €“ at design-time, or at run-time, of a process? There has also been a significant overlap with discussion around ACM (Advanced/Adaptive Case Management), wherein proponents of ACM advocate putting more power in the hands of users to dictate the flow of a “case” through their organization (if I can use the word “flow” to describe something that isn’t, in their view, a process). »
- Those tools that offer an online community, a la SAG’s AlignSpace, or IBM’s Blueworks Beta, for process professionals.
- Tools that allow for collaboratively building process models, a la IBM’s Blueprint.
- Tools that allow for more collaborative run-time process execution (e.g. ActionBase). It is this third category that has overlap with the ACM space, by virtue of putting users in control of the process execution, rather than process designers.
If we can pull together a quick assessment of the terrain of “social” BPM tools:
With Blueworks Liive, Phil is presenting a potential solution: software targeted at letting the 240 people in business improve their own processes, without needing to know words like BPM, or BPMN (let alone what the BPMN notation is all about).
The key insights: the collaboration and sharing features of Blueworks were powerful, but the social engineering of understanding how to break down barriers to sharing just weren’t there in the Beta: you’re sharing with the whole world, and process information is sensitive. But in this case, the answer wasn’t to try to change people’s sharing behavior (a la Facebook), the answer was to create a safer environment for sharing: by limiting the audience to your own corporation (or subsets of your company), so that people will feel more comfortable sharing to begin with.
But the last point, and the most interesting one, is the implication of combining simple process execution for the masses, with the newsfeed and following capabilities of social networks.
10 ways to attract employees to your intranet <span class= »« > – Annotated
« Follow these 10 upgrades to increase employee traffic to your intranet€”from the easiest to most difficult »
2. Bring critical work flow online
If you place information that employees need on your intranet they will visit the portal.
5. Search, Google-style
A common complaint of employees is the inability to find information on an intranet. So build a search engine into your intranet.
6. A management question and answer tool
Create dialogue on your intranet, Newcomer advises. Give employees a chance to ask management questions and then, of course, give management the ability to respond. -
8. Social networking for your employee networkAdopt social network profile pages for your company directory. That way, when searching for an employee’s contact information you may also find that person’s interests, work and language experience, and much more relevant information
10. Customizable portalEmployees customize their own home pages. There’s a place on the portal for organizational information, but the rest is up to the employee.
Sécurité des données personnelles : un guide pour agir et un test pour s’évaluer
« A l’occasion des assises de la Sécurité, la CNIL lance un nouveau guide destiné à aider les responsables de traitements à respecter leurs obligations en matière de sécurité des données personnelles. Elle propose également, sur son site internet, un questionnaire qui permet d’évaluer le niveau de sécurité des données personnelles dans les organismes. »
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.