Liens de la semaine (weekly)


  • « Many are also now starting to ingrain this into their organizational framework and business processes. Over the past year or two, the volume on €˜______________ [social computing / collaboration / online communities] need to impact business processes’ has gone up considerably, to the point that new terms like social business are being used to describe how this activity happens. »

    tags: collaboration enterprise2.0 socialbusiness processes businessprocess workflow

    • Business processes are based on predictable operation of a sequence of steps in some workflow.
    • Collaboration for one relies on interaction between people, whether intentional, tangential, or incidental, and sometime a combination of any of these.
    • Collaborative actions can have an unknown range of results from interaction. In some cases, it can be predictable and repeatable; in others, not by any means.
    • Rather, many collaborative activities can be heuristic. In other words: as a rule of thumb we know it can lead to this kind of outcome. BUT€”and there is a big €˜but’ there€”the small print says that in some cases it just doesn’t do anything, or can even fail catastrophically. This is where strongly process-oriented organizational cultures may say €˜Stop right there.’
  • « Le social monte d’un cran dans le viseur du cabinet Gartner, qui vient de révéler, comme chaque année à  cette époque, son Top 10 des technologies stratégiques de l’année à  venir. Alors qu’en 2009 la problématique sociale apparaissait via une technologie, les outils de médias sociaux internes et externes, une deuxième technologie fait cette année son apparition, celle liée à  l’analyse des relations sociales. »

    tags: gartner socialsoftware businessapplications enterprisesocialsoftware

    • Mais le cabinet prédit surtout que dès 2016 la vague sociale aura touché la plupart des applications métiers. Ce sera alors, selon lui, le moment pour les entreprises d’adopter une stratégie qui coordonne leurs différentes initiatives : social CRM, collaboration et communication internes, démarches sociales externes.
    • Quant au deuxième type de technologies liées au social, qui ont pour vocation de mesurer, analyser et interpréter les interactions entre les personnes, les sujets ou idées, qu’elles soient internes ou externes à  l’entreprise, elles recouvrent plusieurs sortes d’outils : filtrage social, supervision de réseau, analyse de sentiment, ou encore analyse de médias sociaux
  • « In it CHROs say that they are relatively effective in managing labor costs, evaluating workforce performance, enhancing workforce productivity, sourcing and recruiting, and retaining talent. However, three key shortfalls emerged: cultivating creative leaders, mobilizing for speed and flexibility, and capitalizing on collective intelligence. These key shortfalls stand out because CHROs found that they were relatively significant in terms of future importance, but less effective in executing on them. »

    tags: humanresources HRofficer collaboration

    • 78 percent of HR leaders do not think their organizations are effective at fostering collaboration and social networking
    • il to fully utilize the knowledge-sharing resources they already possess. Only 19 percent of respondents regularly use collaborative technologies to identify individuals with relevant knowledge and skills. 23 percent use collaborative technologies to preserve critical knowledge, while 27 percent use it to spread innovation more widely across their organizatio
    • While he indicates HR departments as becoming more and more involved in this area, they often lack practical experience
    • Enterprise 2.0 apparently is on the radar of CHROs everywhere, but they need to learn and engage more in this area.
  • « Culture is critical to any organization’s effectiveness. But more often that we’d like to admit, top management’s conception of culture is rarely aligned with the true underlying subcultures reigning in the organization. Sometimes, groups within the same unit can unconsciously do their best to negate their peers’ hard work. But how do we identify such misalignments? »

    tags: culture alignment ONA networks collaboration

    • But what it essentially states is: Informal networks are a more realistic representation of how the work gets done. So modeling these networks can help diagnose collaboration’s shortcomings and culture misalignments.
    • So the aim would be increasing collaboration at points that would create value and decreasing connectivity where it causes more harm than good -> appropriate connectivity, focused collaboration.
    • The second problem that leaders tend to overlook is how cultural dynamics can shape collaboration within the organization and how they go beyond the formal structures and value statements. A network perspective gives a clearer view on how culture is distributed throughout the organization
  • « La gravité de la crise tient à  ce qu’il ne s’agit pas seulement d’une défense archaà¯que d’avantages acquis et de corporatismes. Il s’agit de cela, mais aussi de beaucoup plus. « 

    tags: france crisis work socialrights productivity efficiency

    • Le but est de sortir le social de la pure notion juridique où il s’enferme pour que la société réinvestisse dans l’entreprise, la finance, l’économie, « ce qui exige un effort massif d’éducation et de participation à  la gestion, encore jamais consenti ».
    • Dans un monde globalisé, les appareils d’Etat nationaux sont voués à  la sclérose, si une puissante coopération en réseaux avec leurs pairs et les autres acteurs économiques ne se met pas en place. 
  • « At the Gartner Symposium conference SharePoint 2010 was a key topic. Why? Enterprises have adopted SharePoint even though some acknowledge they don’t quite know what to do with it. Half of Gartner’s clientele has SharePoint installed.

    Depending on who you talk to, SharePoint is either a great collaboration tool or a headache. There’s not a lot of in between. »

    tags: sharepoint enterprisesocialsoftware socialtools collaboration technology

    • SharePoint doesn’t eliminate the needs for additional social tools and applications because you may not be able to wait three years for a new feature.
    • If social analytics does become a big deal, SharePoint 2010 lacks the heft to get the job done.
  • « IBM says « These strategic moves further accelerate IBM’s business analytics efforts, one of the fastest growing segments in the overall IT industry and a key growth play for IBM. » And the company’s CFO Mark Loughridge projects business analytics will generate $16 billion in revenue for the company by 2015. But what is business analytics, and how does it differ from business intelligence? »

    tags: IBM analytics businessanalytics businessintelligence BI

  • « Le différentiel en termes de résultats obtenus est éloquent : entre 25 et 30% d’économies de coûts pour ceux qui suivent la séquence dans l’ordre décrit plus haut »

    tags: sales salesprocess process processus automation customization

  • « What is surprising to me is how infrequently the conversation turns to wringing additional incremental sales out of social media by focusing on social handraisers. »

    tags: conversations handraisers sales socialmedia conversion process

    • It feels like many brands stay away from social handraisers for two main reasons. First they have a (very reasonable) fear of being €˜creepy’ and alienating potential customers. Second, they lack a process for actually doing something with the handraiser once they’ve got them.
    • Nonetheless, despite the value in low-creepiness approaches like location-based offers, I still have this nagging feeling that brands are leaving money on the table.
  • « Companies need an executive responsible for integrating the enterprise €” a Chief Collaboration Officer (CCO). Increasingly, companies are embracing collaboration as part of their strategy to grow, by cross-selling products to existing customers and innovating through the recombination of existing technologies. But this won’t work unless employees work effectively across silos »

    tags: collaboration chiefcollaborationofficer silos CIO CEO HRofficer COO CFO organization

    • You need someone to look after the whole, by taking a holistic view of what is needed to get employees to work across silos.
    • His job is to craft a holistic solution to collaboration, one that involves strategy, HR, product development, sales solutions, marketing, and IT. In short, he needs to be a masterful collaborator. Choosing a CCO is less about which role a person currently occupies and more about whether he or she has the skills. Pick the best collaborato
  • « Call me crazy, but I’m going to attack another another social software orthodoxy: the Grassroots Myth.

    The Grassroots Myth is my name for the notion that the most effective way to bring a new social software platform into an enterprise is through bottoms-up, viral introduction.


    tags: socialsoftware adoption virality grassroot enterprise2.0 technology integration

    • A lot of people confuse Content Grassroots with another type of Grassroots effort which is less benign: Technology Grassroots. Sourcing a new technology, platform, tool, or application via the Grassroots is an exercise in confusion and frustration. You end up with multiple solutions, all competing for attention
    • The most effective way to empower your Content Grassroots activity is to provide a single, unified, integrated technology. Invite everyone in. Integrate with company Directory and Single Sign-On. Integrate with other enterprise applications
  • « Social CRM and Enterprise 2.0 are a natural fit. In an endorsement for the Enterprise 2.0 book, Leo Apotheker (now heading HP) said that “McAfee clearly understands the role of IT in creating superior customer value€¦”, and indeed, I very much agree with this statement. However, where I believe software vendors have put too much emphasis in their interpretation of what needs to be done, is that they have focused too much on the pure IT side of the equation. »

    tags: socialcrm alignment culture customer customerservice socialmedia enterprise2.0 value process workflow

    • In order for a social CRM programme to be effective, it cannot just be assigned to and run by a single department as many other parts of the company can add value to to overall customer experience and help achieve goals of innovation, loyalty and advocacy through customer interaction and participation.
    • A company cannot become customer-driven overnight, and most companies will just dabble in the basics to get their feet wet rather than jump straight into the deep end of the pool. It also requires an alignment of the company culture and possibly push the company to take another look at roles and tasks of its employees, as well as revisit current processes and workflows.
    • The purpose of a business is to create and keep a custome
    • Social CRM aims to promote loyalty and advocacy for this purpose through customer interaction and engagement, in order to understand and cater to customer needs and providing the experience the customer expects.
    • By using social concepts to break down the barriers to collaboration to meet desired outcomes together, the customer experience can be greatly enhanced to the benefit of the customers, your company, your partners and suppliers.
  • tags: enterprise2.0 communitymanagement engagement

  • « All six of those areas are attached to numbers in your balance sheet. If you improve your management of them by applying Enterprise 2.0 tools to make them more efficient, you should be able to see the results in your balance sheet as better financial performance numbers. »

    tags: enterprise2.0 businessprocess value ROI

      • Sales acceleration
      • Better inventory replenishment
      • Time savings
      • Faster ramp up of new employees, faster to productivity
      • More diversity in collaboration groups that can lead to better innovation
      • Reduced training costs
    • And if your goal is to reveal the value of Enterprise 2.0 €“ whether you’re using SharePoint or Cisco, or SAP, or IBM, something else — figuring out what pain exists in the processes your employees are engaged in and then eliminating that pain is the best thing you can do.
  • « Here are 34 of those 100 social media case studies. These 34 case studies cover B2C, B2B, profit and non-profit areas. They include businesses big and small. They prove social media ROI based on:

    * Sales
    * Shorter Sales Cycles
    * New Leads
    * Improved company operations
    * Innovations that resulted in a better way to do business »

    tags: casestudies enterprise2.0 value businessvalue ROI

    • 1) Have a clear business strategy, 2) Aren’t afraid to jump in 3) Use their imagination to make the most out of social channels, customer engagement and brand relationship.
  • « As airlines become more active in this sphere, we attempt to answer a crucial question: Has social media truly benefited any airline? If so, how? To answer this question, we put together a series of case studies. In this set of six case studies, top executives from airlines such as Qantas, Volaris, airBaltic, Alaska Airlines, JetBlue, and of course, Southwest, talk about how their social media strategies are pushing their airlines into the next era. »

    tags: airlines socialmedia casestudies branding web2.0 marketing

  • « L’entreprise 2.0 est un modèle qui va permettre à  nos organisations de continuer d’évoluer, mais cela n’est pas sans difficultés tant l’existant est important, voire stratégique, surtout quand on aborde la question des processus métiers.

    Dans ce contexte, la gestion des contenus (ECM) fait partie des préoccupations des responsables métiers et des équipes informatiques et le chemin peut être semé d’embuches, alors autant suivre quelques balises utiles ! »

    tags: enterprise2.0 ECM value documents integration

    • Evaluation

      Tous les contenus produits, reçus et utilisés dans votre organisation n’ont pas la même valeur d’usage et, de ce seul point de vue, il est urgent de procéder à  leur évaluation tant le volume grossit rapidement.

    • la valeur d’usage ne représente pas la valeur « légale », ni la valeur patrimoniale, et le premier écueil de l’intégration d’une solution efficace d’ECM dans le modèle de l’entreprise 2.0 réside dans la capacité et les méthodes d’évaluation des actifs informationnels.
    • L’utilisation des informations par plusieurs processus associés, ou non, ne doit pas signifier duplication ou copie des contenus et des documents, mais mutualisation, ce qui implique la création de référentiels communs.
    • Conservation

      La conservation des documents et des contenus est souvent faite à  l’image de l’organisation des organisations : dans des référentiels verticaux.

    • Restitution

      Un contenu inaccessible est un contenu inutile !

      L’existence d’un contenu n’est dû qu’à  la possibilité d’y accéder, de le réutiliser, de l’échanger, etc.

    • Seule la contextualisation des contenus et des documents permet la mise en oeuvre de cet environnement favorable au développement et à  la croissance des organisations.
  • « Le guide se présente sous la forme d’une grille de neuf cases représentant neuf défis à  relever, de la localisation des experts et expertises au sein de l’entreprise à  la structuration efficace de l’information, en passant par l’identification et le transfert des meilleures pratiques. Dans chacune des neuf cases est prescrite une combinaison d’actions constitutives de la stratégie à  adopter. »

    tags: knowledge knowledgemanagement

  • « But social media and collaboration tools for the enterprise are not emerging across all corporate functions at the same rate. One of the most rapidly emerging areas is social customer relationship management, or social CRM. »

    tags: socialcrm customer customerservice socialmedia socialnetworks CRM facebook twitter blogs customersatisfaction

    • Social CRM is the capability for an enterprise to manage the social media and collaboration driven aspects of the customer relationship.
    • One reason negative customer feedback sits out there unaddressed is that most companies don’t have a systematic way to pull this feedback into their customer service processes

        By doing so, organizations can gain a scalable, repeatable, automated process to tackle the growing volumes of customer service issues surfaced through social channels.

        And the payoff goes beyond satisfying a single customer (as is the case with traditional customer service), because the resolution occurs in a public forum for all the world to see. Each customer service issue that arises in the social space, therefore, is a marketing and PR opportunity to show everyone who’s watching just how much your organization values its customers €” or doesn’t.

  • « Les dernières stats dont je dispose sur facebook font état de 55 minutes par jour et par utilisateur en moyenne. Vu la poursuite de la progression du réseau social numéro un et le fait qu’il ait dépassé les sites Google en temps passé aux US, ce chiffre est probablement plus grand maintenant.

    Considérons dans un second temps les 3h quotidiennes en moyenne passées devant la télévision.

    Je suis convaincu que certains vont sur Facebook en regardant la TV, ou regardent la boite à  Hertz en discutant sur Facebook de l’autre, on ne peut donc additionner ces temps de cerveau disponible. »

    tags: facebook HR timemanagement timewaste onboarding policies

      • Un DRH digne du nom de Directeur des Relations Humaines (notez bien le moyen terme) se doit de comprendre la sociologie comportementale de toutes les générations présentes sur le marché du travail et dans son entreprise afin dans le désordre de :

      • intégrer les jeunes pousses
      • comprendre les comportements
      • motiver les individus et les communautés
      • gérer les chocs générationnels, des baby-boomers à  la génération Y – vous connaissez Benjamin, monsieur le DG hein ?
      • informer à  l’extérieur des besoins en recrutement, avec une stratégie de marque employeur si le DRH est visionnaire ou contraint par la pénurie.
      • optimiser le dialogue social.
      • être la voix de la direction auprès des salariés ET être la voix des salariés auprès de la direction.
      • communiquer aux salariés ce que font ou disent ceux que personne n’écoute, c’est à  dire tous les autres – je suis très fier de cette définition de la communication interne.
  • « Over the summer I have many interactions with C-level executives in public agencies, universities and private companies about the concept of Enterprise 2.0 or in layman’s terms the use of the emerging social media tools in public and private organizations to complement existing legacy systems.

    People need to get their “work done” and stick-on notes attached to paper documents as well as “chicken scratch” comments directly on paper documents flowing through the white collar process flow are not that efficient; BUT that was all we had until the document flow went electronic and the social media tools emerged. People just started using them because it helped them getting their work done faster and better. »

    tags: enterprise2.0 legacysystems integration ECM API

    • Issues such as “when is an information exchange material enough” to be formally recorded as a record to satisfy regulatory compliance and for the purpose of later eDiscovery and Freedom of Information Act scrutiny were and in most cases I have seen today is not being addressed adequately
    • Fortunately many vendors of legacy systems such as case management, ECM systems, HR systems, accounting systems, project management systems, etc. are adding integrated social media tools to their offerings either their own software development or by offering API interfaces to the newer social media tools “inside the firewall”.
  • Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

    You don’t speak french ? No matter ! The english version of this blog is one click away.
