Liens de la semaine (weekly)

  • « The tangible tools of Social Business play host to delicate and contextual surfaces €“ all aimed at getting work done. People call these tools social software. The important thing here is “things” to get “work done”. This means that we must think hard about what a forum or twitter-clone in the enterprise actually is, and why it’s needed. Otherwise, we risk owning an expensive garage with all the wrong tools. That subject is a diversion to this post. One way to solve our problem is to address common business verbs. »

    tags: socialsoftware business adoption wording vocabulary

    • What if we can provide activity updates which use the natural language of everyday business? Forget liking, disliking, bookmarking and all these foreign sounding words. Imagine an activity feed which uses business verbs, gathered implicitly or explicitly from pointing, clicking and typing.
  • « One area of thinking around innovation that doesn’t get much attention is how ownership and governance affects the ability of an organization to be innovative. It’s an issue that’s been playing on my mind for a few years but a recent conversation has prompted me to write down some ideas. First. I’ll just outline the conversation and then I’ll put down a few thoughts about links between corporate governance and innovation. « 

    tags: innovation ownership governance ROI corporateboards longterm shortterm risk

    • As a partnership, the way to become a partner was to sacrifice work-life balance for twenty years to get a substantial €˜annuity’. Asking partners to invest in more risky and longer term business proposals is really like asking them to risk their annuity for a return that they may never see. Getting short-term and incremental business improvements funded was no problem, but the partners were never going to have the necessary risk appetite for innovation.
    • On the other hand, a lot of innovative firms that I know are owned by entrepreneurial people who have an appetite for risk and understand the innovation process. There may be a real advantage here for owner-operated firms.
  • « Pressures from two sources may be Achilles heels for Facebook: 1) Attention entropy affecting users; 2) large players such as IBM, Cisco, and Oracle not directly competing against Facebook, but introducing next generation social experiences that absorb social networking features and functions into task flows potentially making Facebook irrelevant. « 

    tags: facebook IBM cisco oracle socialnetworks attention attentionentropy attentionscarcity socialmedia integration scrm

    • Facebook is experiencing a phenomenon called attention entropy. Simply put, attention tends to erode and disperse over time. It’s one of the Laws of Time-onomics that every company has to contend with
    • Companies like IBM, Cisco, Oracle and others are all working on tightly integrating social networks into broader areas like video, task flows and customer experience infrastructure–customer-centric ecosystems if you will–that are closely integrated, rather than as a standalone silo, to the way we live and work.
    • IBM: IBM’s work is so vast across so many IBM offerings that Facebook as a « ripple in the ocean » of social media. Among many solutions IBM offers, their recently introduced Customer Experience Suite incorporates elements of social media into customer touch points.
    • HP: Senior management has indicated that it is shifting its focus from PC’s to developing ecosystems that interact with the way consumers think, feel, and connect
    • Of course, Facebook is not standing still. Its 500 million users will provide data inertia for years to come-it’s difficult to abandon Facebook completely when Aunt Sophie posts the family photos there. The recent revelation of Facebook’s work on a phone indicates that the company sees the need to more deeply integrate into peoples’ lives to remain relevant. Lastly, Microsoft’s investment in Facebook makes integration of Facebook functionality with Microsoft’s current or next generation offerings a wildcard and a potential key to both companies’ futures.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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