The New Rules of Handling Customer Complaints
Want some old advice? The customer is always right. Okay, now you can stick that in your pocket. Today’s best service entrepreneurs are looking beyond old axioms in relating to customers. That’s because today’s best customer service isn’t something that can be faked: it’s personalized and it has a personality. Do you have the certainty you can harness all the feedback customers will give your company, act on it, and keep your best customers coming back for more
8 Reasons « Social Email » is The Ideal Enterprise 2.0 Enabler
« Sorely missing is a unifying platform which bring these social and collaboration tools into a unified context, where people can easily learn about the people their communicating with; pick and choose the most convenient way to connect with other people; and then archive the conversation. Facebook’s new Social Inbox may very well serve this purpose at home, but what about at work?
I believe the unifying platform for the foreseeable future will be « social email. » Here’s why: »
The New World of Enterprise Collaboration:
« In the enterprise, the convergence of cloud computing, more empowered employees and on-demand infrastructure is driving adoption of these technologies. Let’s look at how each is shaping the future of high-impact collaboration in the enterprise, and with it, new innovations. »
As Mathew recently said, the human cloud is the capability of a company to get the best talent available regardless of location
a marketing executive can connect with the resources inside and outside the company (executive team, bloggers, call center, media consultants) to create a “swarm” to extinguish a PR spark before it becomes a media firestor
Collaborative cultures are now embracing the passion of the whole employee, creating work environments for them to use their devices, home office and professional networks to support the context for creating competitive advantage for the company.
Research conducted by David Coleman, Managing Director of Collaborative Strategies, finds the biggest barriers to collaboration are not technology problems but are related to people and process. He has created a framework that illustrates different levels of competence, trust, age and web:
Businesses can now leverage on-demand infrastructure and applications to support nearly every aspect of their operations. Service providers can securely host multiple tenants of one application on one server, which boosts their server utilization rates, cuts administrative costs and lowers server cost per tenant. The resulting efficiencies and cost savings can be passed through to customers using a mesh business model.
La solitude de l’animateur de communauté
« Pourtant, à regarder ce qui se passe parfois sur le terrain, il y a de quoi rester perplexe. En premier lieu, que l’animateur de communauté soit un collaborateur de l’entreprise, et dans une majorité de cas un opérationnel, tombe relativement sous le sens. Le problème vient plutôt lorsque cette mission d’animation a tendance à se surajouter à son job métier.
Animer la communauté peut alors très vite devenir un fardeau. Et la belle initiative collaborative, qui devait favoriser intelligence collective, innovation, apprentissage et tout ce que l’on voudra, ne favorise plus rien, si ce n’est du stress et du mal-être. Voire un désengagement. Le comble pour une démarche censée justement renforcer l’engagement, replacer l’humain au cœur du système. »
The Social Business Scorecard IV, or ROI made easy
« Ok then, following on from previous posts on social media scorecard and E2.0 ROI, let’s tie them together, add some other factors and prepare the way to churn out some numbers. Here’s a progress towards a social business balanced scorecard: »
Employee Engagement Should Be a Social Business Goal
« I am convinced that social business technology can be a major part of a company’s efforts to increase employee engagement. »
But you need a system that keeps a broad spectrum of employees informed and up-to-date about what projects are underway and what problems need solving. Giving each employee a dashboard page on a socially-enabled intranet and including on that dashboard an activity stream or micro-blogging application like Yammer or Present.ly can help. It gives people a view into what’s happening, and it also increases the likelihood that relevant information will flow to people who need it without their having to search for it.
If our SharePoint intranet at that time had a profile system in place that allowed all employees to tag themselves according to their areas of skill, then Steven could simply have searched on “Silverlight” and found everyone in the company who was a potential resource to him.
But for work and decisions to happen quickly there has to be good communication. And for there to be good communication there has to be trust. And before you can have trust, you have to have relationships. So helping your employees build relationships with each other leads to them making better and faster decisions on behalf of the company.
Giving employees a forum in which they can ask questions directly of senior management is empowering to them and promotes fairness. Having the conversation about employees’ ideas in the open without restriction for who can participate is more fair and a socially-enabled enterprise software platform gives us that opportunity. As a manager, I won’t agree with everyone. But I want the ability to acknowledge everyones’ ideas and to validate them even if I don’t agree. And beyond that, I want the rest of the employee community to see me acknowledge and validate.
Business Case War Story
« I continue to be amazed that clients try to create a business case for a major, multi-million dollar project request at the eleventh hour. How can business and IT managers be so naà¯ve? They know a business case is required. »
Getting access to these business metrics requires engaging business people and typically their finance staff, too. Harder to do, but it’s time well spent. Consider conducting an interview where a business person highlights their key requirements, which are dutifully documented. They rant about a particular process or system that is broken, and now is the time (during the first weeks of the project) to ask how much it is costing them and to ask them for supporting data. Inform them right away that your ability to help them automate is dependent upon the financial data they provide.
Even though every business and its auditors has adopted Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures (GAAP) for revenue reporting and tax purposes, internal cost accounting is completely different, and no standards exist.
Rise of the networked enterprise: Web 2.0 finds its payday
« New McKinsey research shows that a payday could be arriving faster than expected. A new class of company is emerging€”one that uses collaborative Web 2.0 technologies intensively to connect the internal efforts of employees and to extend the organization’s reach to customers, partners, and suppliers. We call this new kind of company the networked enterprise. Results from our analysis of proprietary survey data show that the Web 2.0 use of these companies is significantly improving their reported performance. In fact, our data show that fully networked enterprises are not only more likely to be market leaders or to be gaining market share but also use management practices that lead to margins higher than those of companies using the Web in more limited ways »