Liens de la semaine (weekly)


  • « It’s fashionable today to talk about social business. “People are what really matter,” pundits like say. No one likes to use stodgy words like “workflow,” which seem like refugees from the late 90s, and should be coming out of the mouth of a management consultant, not a creative thinker.

    Yet without workflow, collaboration is doomed. »

    tags: workflow collaboration

    • Social without workflow is like a bathroom without plumbing€“pretty soon, you’re going to stop using it.
    • At the end of the day, your people know that you don’t pay them to collaborate, you pay them to get work done, whether that means delivering for clients or pitching for new business.  It doesn’t matter that collaboration might help them get work done.
    • The only way to avoid the social death spiral is to make sure that any social/enterprise 2.0/collaboration initiatives you implement tie directly to everyday work, and sit squarely in the middle of key workflows.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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