Liens de la semaine (weekly)

  • « Social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook have helped Kaiser Permanente €” the nation’s largest nonprofit health care provider €” grow its positive media mentions close to 500% in the last five years, says Vince Golla, who oversees the organization’s external digital reputation. « 

    tags: casestudies kaiserpermanente socialmedia customerservice collaboration socialbusiness enterprise2 governance guidelines communication

    • We have a member services handle on Twitter, @KPMemberservice, which is in a trial state with the California Department of Managed Healthcare, and it has not only rendered fantastic customer service to people since it was formed and launched in May of 2010, but it has also proven to be a really great piece of our €” for lack of a better term €” social media early-warning network.


    • In analyzing 30 days of parking-related tweets, what we saw on that bell curve was that the negative was at a level of about twice the negative as the general bell curve. We were able to show this executive that he was right: that indeed, the conversations about parking with our organization at that moment were twice as negative as general conversation about our brand. We were able to pick out specific things that people were talking about, like valet parking
    • But, more to the point, we were able to use social media research to show this executive that indeed there were conversations happening about our brand specific to parking, and that they were more negative than just general conversations. That was information he was able to then use to continue conversations at his level.
    • Using tools like TweetReach, we were able to measure audiences of more than a million people who were involved in those events virtually, when in fact a couple hundred people attended that event at the Center in person.
    • We understood pretty early on that in an organization of 180,000 employees and physicians, it was not going to be immediately possible or practical to govern social media conversations really, really closely. We reasoned, then, that the most logical approach was to have somebody at my level be a consultant for the communications and PR space, to articulate what the best practices are for us and how operating in social media conversations is aligned with our goals and objectives.
    • it’s more important to not “have a social media strategy,” quote unquote, and that it is far more important to have a communications strategy and then determine how social media tools can help. That
    • IdeaBook is a very robust platform which supports blogs, Wikis, chat. It is a convener of virtual groups, cross-functional virtual work teams. It is where we are able to have robust conversations behind our firewall about how we do business as an organization.


    • she reviewed all of them, but then she posted all of them on our IdeaBook group, rather than sending them back by e-mail. She went back to each of us and said, “I have reviewed your plan, I have posted it on IdeaBook. If you want to see it, read it on IdeaBook, because I’m not going to e-mail it to you. I also am encouraging the entire team to comment on it.”
    • From my position as a steward of our digital reputation externally, IdeaBook is a particularly valuable tool, because it creates a safe, effective proving ground for anybody in the organization who wants to use social media tools externally.
    • Social media is really just this amazing extension of where we’ve been going for the last 200 years, from the telegraph to the telephone to television, radio, the worldwide Web. It’s a logical extension of all of that, with an exponential increase in the depth, breadth and speed of communication.
  • « In a stunning article in Vanity Fair, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joe Stiglitz asks the critical question: is the US economy going through a fundamental shift in the nature of the economy? Is the US economy is undergoing a phase change€”a shift from one fundamental economic state to another? »

    tags: economy creativeeconomy

    • Bringing the economy back to €˜where it was’ did nothing to address the underlying problems
    • The financial meltdown of 1933 was the consequence not the cause of the Great Depression. The joblessness of the times was a sign of the economic phase change already well under way.
    • Stiglitz sees today’s problems of the banking sector, though bad enough, as a red herring in our search for real solutions. The real solutions are “rooted in the kinds of jobs we have, the kind we need, and the kind we’re losing, and rooted as well in the kind of workers we want and the kind we don’t know what to do with
    • If the phase change in the Great Depression was a transition from agriculture to manufacturing, what is the transition to today? Stiglitz sees it as a transition from manufacturing to a service economy.
    • Instead the needed transition is from a factory economy to the Creative Economy. The Creative Economy is one in which both manufacturing and services play a role.
    • The Creative Economy is an economy in which firms focus not on short-term financial returns but rather on creating long-term customer value based on trust
    • This way of managing is unable to mobilize the full creative talents of their employees. As noted above, the rate of return on assets and invested capital has been in steady decline for decades.
    • So long as these firms adhere to the goal of maximizing shareholder returns€”which even Jack Welch says is “the dumbest idea in the world”€”they will have great difficulty in operating effectively in The Creative Economy.
    • We must shift the focus of companies back to the customer and away from shareholder value
    • companies should place customers at the center of the firm and focus on delighting them, while earning an acceptable return for shareholders.”
    • To delight customers, a radically different kind of management needs to be in place, with a different role for the managers, a different way of coordinating work, a different set of values and a different way of communicating.
    • The Creative Economy will also be partly built on manufacturing. This is not about a shift out of manufacturing into services.
  • « I naively thought that we were starting to move past this type of thinking but we’re not there yet. I had several conversations with mid and senior level managers at organizations who are tasked with making emergent collaboration successful at their organizations yet in many of these discussions I find that these managers are to act as Roman gladiators. They are thrown into an arena with a tool and are told to “make it work” while many spectate without providing support. It’s a losing battle. »

    tags: collaboration tools software adoption reengineering

    •  If they did then perhaps we would see more “serious” deployments that focus on changing behaviors, values, strategies, thinking, and design around how our workplaces our created, but we don’t, why?
    • The true collaborative organizations are re-engineering the very core of their companies and look at tools as simply enablers to facilitate this change.

      Companies are built by people are made of people and are run people; which means you should focus on your€¦tools?  Now that doesn’t make much sense does it?

  • « Si elle encadre trop ses collaborateurs qui s’expriment sur leur métier, la marque risque de transformer une prise de parole en communication institutionnelle. Un équilibre est à  trouver.

    Entretien avec Alexis Bernard, Online Reputation Manager à  la SNCF. »

    tags: casestudies employees communication guidelines SNCF customerservice customerrelationship

    • Ce qu’il me semble nécessaire, c’est donner la ligne aux collaborateurs, mais ne rien imposer. Il faut qu’il s’agisse de leur démarche, de leur initiative.
    • de notre côté, nous avons ainsi préféré identifier les personnes qui s’exprimaient déjà . Nous les avons ensuite contactées pour les rencontrer, dans le but de les aider à  poursuivre leur démarche dans une optique de qualité. Du coup, nous avons créé un espace en ligne privé, avec un community manager, sur lequel ils peuvent échanger entre eux et avec nous. Ils sont aussi invités à  certains événements, et mis en valeur en interne.
    • Aucun, ce qu’il faut avant tout, c’est que les salariés s’expriment là  où ils sont le plus à  l’aise. Je ne crois pas qu’il soit plus dangereux de ne pas restreindre l’espace.
    • C’est sûr que les prises de parole ne sont pas toutes pertinentes, mais cela a au moins le mérite de créer un débat entre des agents et des clients. Il y a quatre ans, nous avions des utilisateurs qui nous insultaient, aujourd’hui ils se parlent. Donc c’est une réussite
  • « I put on my curmudgeon hat and had another look at Social. I voiced my concerns about Social Business, its challenges, its extremely high dependence on people for data quality and business information, as well its cannibalisation of your current business offerings.
    Now, it’s time to voice my concerns about Social Enterprise. And well about time, after this long introduction€¦ »

    tags: socialbusiness socialenterprise enterprise social informationsharing gamification reward commandandcontrol colleagues

    • An enterprise is an organisation where your colleagues aren’t intimate friends, but complete strangers
    • An Enterprise is anti-social by nature.
    • Even when you make agreements with your direct manager, his boss, the HR department or whom- or whatever, an enterprise is known to unilaterally change the Rules to the Game €“ if you’re lucky, with some notice
    • Is it a goal? Is it a means? Regardless, it’s a result, and the status quo. “Orders from headquarters” will be the final answer you get even when you try your very hardest to challenge a proposition decree nibbling off yet another limb of your own.
    • How about sharing all the information that the average corner store has access to? Performance, reward, potential, salary increase?
    • That would seriously undermine the entire concept of how an Entrprise functions, if not utterly destroy it
    • Social will bring transparency to the Enterprise, all across the board. And like any old-boys network the average Enterprise is, they thrive on secrecy and anonymity. I honestly don’t see a bigger threat to the existence of Enterprises than the side-effects that Social Enterprise will bring.
  • « “Social is hard!” is something I hear repeatedly by most of my clients and those I talk to. It is one of the issues I continually run across in my work with organizations trying to better understand social software and collaboration tools for their organization as well as helping vendors better understand their gaps and how to close them as social scales.

    I have my “40 Plus Social Lenses” that I use to set foundations and understandings to better see issues, gaps, and understand the potential ways forward. Everything requires testing and rarely does the good solution work everywhere as there are no best practices, because what we are working with is humans and how they are social. Humans and how we interact is not simple, we are not simple social creatures. »

    tags: social socialsoftware enterprisesocialsoftware people adoption behaviors culture organization

    • understanding that one person’s problems and issues as much as possible will help sorting out the real issues then if and what could or should be done to resolve the issues.
    • The downside with focussing on just the individual is everybody is different with their make up is different and has different experiences, has different cultural inflections, is a different personality type, has a different social role, as a different work role, and many other variables that influence who they are and their social interaction needs.
    • Understanding with some broad and unfocussed grasp of human sociality we need to look at if the problem at hand or the need in front of us is viewed from how humans are social. When we think in this perspective it is best not to use an innovator or early adopter perspective as they do things that are out of the norm
    • How humans are social is often problematic as the norms we consider do not really translate well across cultures and particularly inside organizations. We do know that people with interact with others in smaller more comfortable venues, but who is included nor not included in the conversation or even simple sharing of things doesn’t universally translate.
    • Not only does culture come from global cultural differences, but understanding an organizations culture is also essential as many times the organization has its own ingrained ways of handling things and its culture is broadly adopted through learning or other less formal enculturation patterns
    • Getting the wrong interaction model mapped to an organization’s culture that runs counter to that organizations broad culture you will have issues. It is also important to keep in mind most organizations have many subcultures, which often makes one social interaction model difficult for adoption and optimal use.
    • As it is with many things, it is not the individual pieces of this 5 part question looking to find a simple answer, but it is almost always a mix of some, if not all of these five elements.
    • Far too often the tools have been created outside of the depth of understanding of human social interactions and implemented by IT whom, as was brilliantly broad brush stated by Maciej Ceglowski of Pinboard, is as relevant to do the work as having a Mormon bartender
    • The magic quadrant and other farcical measures don’t help understand what is needed to make good choices and this often leads organizations to purchase the wrong tools for their needs.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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