Social Media Meets Project Management
« Social media is no longer just about updating your Facebook status. In your company, it can help project managers address troublesome team communication traps. »
The principles of social media can be extremely useful in managing the inflow, interpretation and outflow of all of this project information.
Most shared spaces can be easily updated and indexed for later searches.
If you want fast, short (140 characters max) team interactions with easy indexing of topics, Twitter is a good option. This is a great alternative to group emails in which people can get trapped in an endless chain of irrelevant “Reply to All” responses
Where Twitter is designed more for in-the-moment messages, a Facebook-like timeline brings together the activities of many in a persistent stream. Yammer, Facebook’s sibling in the corporate world, provides a similar space while staying focused on the company.
One of the more compelling features of a wiki is that its structure and content is created and maintained by the users themselves as it is grows and is being used.
If you have distributed teams, set each group up with the means to create video updates and encourage them to do so on a regular schedule. Not only will your status reports be more engaging, but putting faces to names creates a closer, more respectful team which is invaluable when you hit the inevitable bumps in the road.
What if our team members created alerts when they came upon something worth noting? Maybe they drop a label on a file or part of a document. Perhaps it’s a feature, process or metric that needs to be addressed. As others “approach” this area, they can be made aware that someone else on their team thought something should be examined.
The three big challenges facing organisations investing in CRM today
« That was a time, when for many companies, CRM was all about technology. A time when the original definitions of CRM like “building mutually beneficial customer relationships” were ignored in favour of technology bells and whistles. Today the market has matured. CRM buyers are pretty savvy €“ many were burnt by investing in CRM the first time round and are still suffering from the hangover. I’m often asked by clients who got things wrong with CRM a decade or so ago, how they can ensure that they get things right today. I see three big challenges that need to be addressed to ensure CRM success. »
The first challenge I see is that “failed CRM” was all about value to management.
! Unless you have a clear picture of how your CRM investments will help unlock value to those stakeholders (particularly customers!) you are simply pumping money into the CRM technology slot machine and hoping to win.
Once you have a balanced view of stakeholder value, the second challenge you need to think about is the full range of capabilities that need to be improved in order to unlock that value.
For example, making an assumption that investing in XYZ technology will reduce sales force admin time is fine, but assuming that sales people will use that time to open up new accounts may be questionable.
Finally, most people I speak to these days about CRM face a delivery problem. “Failed CRM” was monolithic and big-bang. Implementations took many months or even years before users saw anything. On the whole, clients I speak to today want to embrace a more iterative, agile way of implementing but that’s not as simple as flicking a switch and becoming “Agile”
business didn’t quite understand the level active participation and involvement that would be required, priorities across different business stakeholders and technology were not properly aligned, the technology simply wasn’t particularly suited to an agile implementation, or the technology solution evolved into SaaS best of breed Hell
L’informatique empoisonne la vie d’un salarié sur deux
« Les utilisateurs perçoivent mal l’efficacité de leur système d’information, selon une enquête du groupe SQLI. Ils préfèrent même leurs outils personnels à ceux de l’entreprise! »
pour 51% des personnes interrogées, l’informatique est synonyme d’augmentation de stress tandis que 18,3% s’estiment remis en cause personnellement, sans oublier les 10,1% pour qui l’informatique entraîne le découragement ou encore les 25,5% pour qui elle est source d’agacement.
si l’enquête ne soulevait pas un problème de fond : les utilisateurs en ont en moins après l’outil informatique en tant que tel qu’après leur direction générale
causes à l’origine des problèmes cités par les salariés : formation et communication (34%), management (24%), écoute (23%) et conception (18%)
En d’autres termes, avant de mettre en place un outil, l’entreprise devrait organiser un référendum
Reste à savoir qui détermine la stratégie d’une entreprise : la direction générale ou les utilisateurs ? Et qui est compétent pour le faire ?
Mais à force de vouloir faire preuve d’ouverture, d’écoute et paraître moderne, on finit par accepter des phénomènes comme le Bring your own device (lire notre dossier BYOD) qui submerge les DSI, provoque de véritables brèches de sécurité… en espérant qu’un jour il se traduira par plus de productivité.
il serait temps que les entreprises rétablissent la frontière entre le monde professionnel et le monde personnel et assument leurs responsabilités en donnant à leurs salariés les moyens de travailler dans les meilleures conditions
Social Workflow + Social Enterprise = the Future of BPM (and work!)
« I’ve been tracking a number of social based task management solutions recently; Do.com, Asana, Sparqlight, TidalWaveApp to name drop a few, each do things in a social context and have their own slant on how workflow should behave in the social enterprise. And while they’re not hardcore business process management or case management engines that we know and loathe what they do represent is the future of where this industry as a whole needs to go. We are still mired in building extremely complex solutions and applications to cater for every process eventuality that we are no longer as agile as we should be, and with the thrust of social now really upon us it’s time to look at how we’ve built those solutions and practices and really start with a blank sheet. »
Instead of naval gazing at Gamification and trying to add another buzz word to the BPM stack just make work more engaging and involving
Social workflow does that without the need for badges (whenever I see this it reminds me of the mexican bandito in The Treasure of Sierra Madre €“ “Badges!? We don’t need no badges!”) because it engages the employee collective out of the box in the right way because it’s been designed for them in mind
Gamification will collapse as a viable employee engagement method in a BPM context very quickly.
Leave resource utilisation charts for the dinosaurs and concentrate on bringing everyone to the party because internal information brokerage and mining to find the real experts of your business will become far more important than who is the fastest typist.
BPM methods need updating and fast and the only way it’s going to grow up (or drag itself out of the past) is to start embracing the new breed of workflow software
the future lies in being able to step back and accept a piece of humble pie and admitting that we have been wrong. I’m not suggesting we ignore everything that has come before but equally we can’t blindly keep following the same mechanics that have served for decades.
Enhancing the Productivity of an Evolving Workforce
« In the past two years we have seen a dramatic increase in interest in a new approach for systems that support office workers. Much of the focus for information technology deployment has been on automating or even eliminating less skilled jobs. This has been largely effective, and organizations today are able to much more with fewer people. People today spend less of their time on routine tasks, and more of their time on things that make a difference, than was possible just ten years ago.
The challenge is to determine how to support higher skilled modes of work. We call this kind of work “unpredictable work” because one cannot predict in advance the exact course of what will be done. »
The trend goes beyond being just a technology trend. We are seeing a fundamental shift in our workforce, and in the ways they need to be managed.
The office is being transformed from an assembly line for the processing of forms, to far more agile and effective patterns for accomplishing organizational goals.
Knowledge work is work that requires thinking. It requires not just skill, but also expertise. Knowledge workers make decisions like executives or a managers. Knowledge work involves putting facts together like a detective. Knowledge work requires experience with the details of the situation in order to make the right plans.
Each knowledge worker may need to do things different ways, depending upon the specifics of the situation. Ironically, information systems have focused in past on making everyone work in exactly the same way.
Processes that depend upon knowledge, and at the same time produce knowledge, have a compound dynamic which makes them especially difficult to manage.
As the percentage of routine work diminishes, the percentage of knowledge work is growing.
By “unpredictable”, we mean that the sequence of significant human acts is not knowable in advance, and the course may vary from case to case in new and unexpected ways
In an unpredictable world, sometimes the best investments are those that minimize the importance of predictions
The unpredictability comes from the way they are responsive to the situation
We call it an Adaptive Case Management System (ACMS) when the system has certain properties that allow users to learn to do their job better.[7] For a detective, it not only helps solve the crime, it also helps them to capture and communicate what was done along the way, so that others might learn from and reuse those techniques.
Some see ACM as the combination of social techniques together with dynamic business process management. It is certain that there is a confluence of technologies coming together at this time, and it is having a profound effect on the structure of our organizations.
. The traditional way to structure an organization was to separate the brains from the brawn:
A pull organization instead allows the front line to work directly with the customer, determine exactly what they want, and then leverage the rest of the organization in an agile manner.
ACM is not deployed in the form of “applications” or “solutions” in the way that traditional IT approaches for pre-planned work support is. Instead, it is deployed in a plain vanilla form, and case managers start using it.
5 Principles of Social CRM In Real Life
« I’ve discovered five principles of social CRM in real life. They are:
Customer feedback flows to the most appropriate destination
Responses come from someone who matters
CRM conversations are based in mutual respect and understanding
Follow-through matters
Consumers become brand ambassadors »