France Considers Tax On Data Mining | Big Data
« So far, so good. But really, all that behavioral data is based on what those country’s citizens do as they interact with the state’s medical or education system. In a way, it’s the citizens’ data, not the government’s, which is just the collector of that information. Which begs the question: Who should profit off that information if it’s then used for some other purpose? «
These could be a levy on the collection of personal data (again, echoing London, seen as a kind of new « raw material » for the information economy), a cut of any profits on tailored services or advertising based on same, and so on.
So, if we have a « polluter pays » principle to help clean up carbon loading of the environment, why not (as the report calls them) « predator » pays for the Web?
Google People Operations: The secrets of the world’s most scientific human resources department.
« Google calls its HR department People Operations, though most people in the firm shorten it to POPS. The group is headed by Laszlo Bock, a trim, soft-spoken 40-year-old who came to Google six years ago. Bock says that when POPS looked into Google’s woman problem, it found it was really a new mother problem: Women who had recently given birth were leaving at twice Google’s average departure rate. At the time, Google offered an industry-standard maternity leave plan. After a woman gave birth, she got 12 weeks of paid time off. For all other new parents in its California offices, but not for its workers outside the state, the company offered seven paid weeks of leave. »
Stéphane Grumbach et Stéphane Frénot ou publié dans dans Le Monde du 7 janvier 2013 un article qui développe ce qui se dit souvent sur le Big Data : « Les données, puissance du futur ».
Il est vrai que l’Internet apporte des moyens éditoriaux puissants aux institutions qui produisent des statistiques, et aussi que les observations collectées par les processus informatiques permettent des traitements inédits. Il faut bien sûr être conscient des possibilités et des dangers nouveaux que cela comporte.
Stéphane Grumbach et Stéphane Frénot ou publié dans dans Le Monde du 7 janvier 2013 un article qui développe ce qui se dit souvent sur le Big Data : « Les données, puissance du futur ».
Il est vrai que l’Internet apporte des moyens éditoriaux puissants aux institutions qui produisent des statistiques, et aussi que les observations collectées par les processus informatiques permettent des traitements inédits. Il faut bien sûr être conscient des possibilités et des dangers nouveaux que cela comporte. -
Les auteurs de cet article manient cependant avec trop peu de précautions les bombes sémantiques que sont les mots « donnée » et « information ». Des expressions comme « numérisation de tout », « société de l’information », « masse de données », « une ressource peu différente des matières premières comme le charbon ou le minerai de fer » sont trompeuses : incitant à considérer les données selon leur volumétrie, elles font glisser sur la pente de la « théorie de l’information ». Shannon, qui assimilait l’information qu’apporte un message au logarithme de sa longueur après compression, disait « meaning doesn’t matter », « la signification n’a pas d’importance ».
Les « données » sont en fait des observations sélectives : elles ne sont pas « données » par la nature mais définies a priori par un observateur afin que leur mesure puisse être ensuite « donnée » à l’ordinateur.
L’analyse des données la plus pointue ne faisant qu’exploiter des corrélations,
L’expérience des services de renseignement montre que l’interprétation (qu’ils appellent « synthèse ») importe beaucoup plus que la collecte
mieux vaut collecter peu de données bien choisies et que l’on sache interpréter, plutôt que de se laisser écraser par une collecte massive.
The role of the L&D function IS changing.
« So it looks like we are now beginning to see the type of change in the way L&D function operates, that I, and my colleagues in the Internet Time Alliance, have been talking about for some time now. Here’s my diagram again of some of the new roles I am beginning to see. »
The Myth of the Myth of Technological Unemployment
« Over at Slate, Matt Yglesias has a post titled €˜The Myth of Technological Unemployment€˜ accompanied by a graph showing that hours worked in the US have been rising and falling in lockstep with output. He writes
Machines are replacing workers, in other words, but they’ve been doing so since the cotton gin and the spinning jenny.
Which is absolutely true and completely uncontroversial. It’s also true that previous waves of automation have not, in the long run, led to mass unemployment. But is that still true? Here’s a graph (drawn with the assistance of my trusty assistant FRED) similar to Yglesias’s, but concentrating on US manufacturing output and jobs over the past 40 years. »
We are still adding jobs and working more hours in non-recession years, but not as quickly as we used to. Since the end of the 2001 recession real GDP has increased by just about 20%. The number of hours worked, however, has increased by only 2.8% over that same time, and the total number of jobs by 1.9%. Those latter two numbers are pretty close to zero. Is it so hard to believe that a realistic future combination of fast automation and relatively slow GDP growth could cause them to turn negative?
Employers’ Social Media Policies Come Under Regulatory Scrutiny
« Employers often seek to discourage comments that paint them in a negative light. Don’t discuss company matters publicly, a typical social media policy will say, and don’t disparage managers, co-workers or the company itself. Violations can be a firing offense.
But in a series of recent rulings and advisories, labor regulators have declared many such blanket restrictions illegal. The National Labor Relations Board says workers have a right to discuss work conditions freely and without fear of retribution, whether the discussion takes place at the office or on Facebook. »
Social Intranet Technologies, Part 4 | Perficient Portals and Social Business
« For this last part of the series, I want to talk about what some of the major vendors are doing to help you create your social intranet. Of course, there are way too many vendors to comment on, so I’m going to limit my comments to the following: »
Another area that SharePoint does do not so well is mobile. Yes, it has support for HTML5, so the mobile browser experience is better in SharePoint 2013, but there Microsoft does not have a native mobile application for iOS or Android devices. I personally like the native applications because they can integrate with the notification systems on those devices.
Finally, if you are a company that needs only content management and blogs, SharePoint will be overkill for you. SharePoint is especially good for the company that needs most of the technologies I mentioned in part 1. But since it includes all those technologies, you are going to pay for them whether you use them or not.
So if you wanted to build a simple social intranet, you can use IBM WCM. For a more complex social intranet, you might combine IBM WebSphere Portal, IBM WCM, Sametime and IBM Connections.
IBM offers a bundled system called IBM Employee Experience Suite. This suite is a bundle of Portal, WCM, Connections, Sametime, IBM Forms, and web analytics. A cloud-based version of the IBM’s social intranet is the IBM SmartCloud offerings.
Getting Employees To Actually Use Social Collaboration Tools – Forbes
« Organizations clearly see value in technology that will help them get better aligned, with the two main drivers for adoption generally being the need to solve communication breakdown issues by giving people an easy way to connect and discuss, and the agility they offer across entire project teams to stay informed minute by minute (if necessary) on the progress of tasks and shared activities. But once a company selects a tool to help improve communication and agility, gaining buy-in from the workforce can be problematic since many employees are finding some of these platforms to be more of a hindrance than a help, and just another thing they need to check.
What should companies do to make employees recognize how the tools will help and get people using them? »
hanging corporate culture and introducing a new way to communicate within an organization to shift the way we work must be driven by the leaders of the organization first, and only then will it become part of the DNA of the company.
“twice as much potential value lies in using social tools to enhance communications, knowledge sharing, and collaboration within and across enterprises.”
Don’t choose a solution that solves few issues, is cumbersome to use and creates more work, but look instead for one that complements natural interactions
Q&A with Lisa Nielsen: NYC schools hoping to use social media in the classroom
« Digital learning is one of those trendy education buzz phrases that means a lot of different things to different people. To some, it refers to instructional software, such as animated lectures and computerized worksheets. To others, it’s about personalized instruction, where computer algorithms determine what a student should learn next. Still others think of how students can use high-tech gadgets to make their own video, music and publishing projects. »
Digital literacy means understanding the world that our kids are now living in.
. We give teachers a “digital makeover” so that they can control how they want to be seen online
This job came about because teachers weren’t sure if they were supposed to be interacting with their students online and, if so, how.
They realized that it made a lot of sense to have a pedagogue bring the guidelines to life with the schools so that the teachers could use social networks effectively.
No. We want to let educators know the possibilities and then empower them to decide what would work best for their students and themselves.
Accelerating Learning 2.0 through Enterprise 2.0 –
« Instructor-led, classroom-based learning is the most common type of learning that most of us have experienced throughout our lives. However, new modalities of learning are being rapidly enabled as technology advancement allow large amounts of learning resources to be more easily and readily available. These new modalities of learning fueled by Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 is what is driving what is now referred to Learning 2.0. »
- We are all Contributors: Anyone with expertise and domain knowledge can create learning experiences for others to benefit from.
- The Anytime Phenomena: There is an expectation that learning resources are available when the learner needs them as opposed to some scheduled time €“ new delivery mechanisms are providing on-demand access on a 24/7 basis.
- Blended Learning: Learners are becoming more accustomed to a blended approach that combines classroom, online, experiential, social, etc. ranging from informal to formal delivery
- Available Anywhere: Collaboration and sharing is no longer inhibited by physical location as content is made available online.
Informal €“ this type of learning occurs through normal day-to-day interaction with co-workers and colleagues.
Social €“ the use of social profiles and networks allow consumers and producers of learning to connect; interacting with a trusted social connection is a powerful means to find domain knowledge experts.
Collaborative €“ the ability for a wide spectrum of people (i.e., from a few to thousands) to work together in a collaborative fashion. A great example is SourceForge (http://sourceforge.net/) that houses almost ¼ million open source projects.
Experiential €“ The ability to learn through a set of experiences that lead to or enforce learning.
GE Global Innovation Survey €“ Leaders Feeling Effects of Innovation Vertigo
« GE have just released their latest Global Innovation Barometer survey and they are strongly detecting “Innovation Vertigo” from the survey conducted through more than 3,000 senior business executives in 25 countries.
This €˜dizziness’ for many is being caused by a growing unease with the continuing changing dynamics of today’s business landscape and uncertainty over the path forward. This is forcing leaders to think differently about how they will achieve growth. The good news though is it does seems that many are beginning to embrace this complexity by exploring new and sometimes unexpected opportunities to innovate. »
Big data is accelerating up the inside as we have seen both GE and P&G, placing increasing emphasis on this, as a potential source of innovation insight they feel is presently missing.
The protectionist debate
There seems a growing undercurrent of wanting protectionism but making sure it works in their favor. This could be trying to get Governments to prioritize promotion of domestic innovation rather than imported but many others continue to feel markets need to be opened even more to promote the imported innovation and attract the (domestic) investment that goes with this, or should.
The wish to go beyond just product innovation
There is also a growing recognition that incremental innovation is simply just not enough as organizations are suffering from this lack of growth momentum, causing much of the “vertigo”. Business model innovation is becoming more and more the solution with a growing view that a new business model may offer businesses a less risky and resource-intense path to reach customers over the current €˜traditional’ methods.
Collaborations continue to feature
According to the report, it is the belief that collaboration between businesses is emerging as a means to surpass competitors, enabling faster access to new technologies and markets particularly in emerging markets.
Government as stewards of the innovation environment
This one also gets me intrigued €“ stewards €“ umm. We are in such a “fog” from lack of dynamic leadership at government level, partly due to the complexity and tangled knots we have got ourselves into but also the underwhelming mandate delivered at the ballot box leaves the politics of politics in stalemate
Lastly, guess what, talent is not in the right place
Leaders want to have access to the creativity and technical prowess within their workforce but the lack of preparedness and access to this €˜talent’ is holding them back in “unlocking innovation”
Social Intranet Technologies, Part 3
« In the past two posts (Part 1 & Part 2), I list many of the key technologies that make up a social intranet. In this post, I’m going to talk about how you might combine those different systems into an overall social intranet platform for your company. In the next post in this series, I’ll talk about what some major vendors are offering for a social intranet solution.
Assume that you’ve decided to replace your old, circa 2001 intranet with a new social intranet. A good place to start is to understand what features are going to be important in your new intranet. What features you implement are going to depend largely on the corporate culture you have and the culture you want to build in the future. I’ll layout a few different approaches here and talk about the different technologies that would need to be implemented for each. »
Exploitation des données et travail gratuit (Collin & Colin)
« En attendant le rapport de la mission Lescure sur les contenus numériques et la politique culturelle à l’heure du numérique, on pourra lire le rapport français des experts Collin & Colin sur la fiscalité du numérique qui était très attendu, lui aussi, normal en ces temps de crise des finances publiques et de polémiques autour des paradis fiscaux dont profiteraient abusivement les plus grosses firmes du net. Même si le rapport est imposant, il ne décevra pas le lecteur. A l’évidence, il cherche à faire date. Il s’agit en effet d’un de ses rares rapports officiels à proposer une vraie thèse nouvelle pour éclairer et suggérer un changement de politique. »
les données, notamment les données personnelles, sont les ressources essentielles de l’économie numérique et la collecte des données révèle le phénomène du « travail gratuit ».
D’une façon générale, elles s’inscrivent dans le sillon qu’a commencé à creuser Doc Searles avec son Economie de l’intention. Il n’est pas sûr qu’elles ne rencontrent pas de nombreux obstacles, mais elles ont l’avantage de décaler les propos en cherchant à les replacer au centre des leviers de l’économie numérique.
l’exploitation du travail de l’usager n’a pas commencé avec le numérique. C’est une caractéristique de l’économie des services. Certains, dans le marketing des services, ont même baptisé ce phénomène la « servuction ».
de même à part peut-être pour Google qui reste un cas à part, il n’est pas sûr que l’exploitation des données personnelles soit si rentable qu’il est souvent prétendu.
Découvrez le livre que nous avons co-écrit avec 7 autres experts avec pleins de retours d'expérience pour aider managers et dirigeants