Liens de la semaine (weekly)


  • « Over the years I’ve had the good fortune to work with plenty of individual decision-makers and groups, some terrific and some simply awful. From that work, I’ve distilled six bad habits that stymie managers and companies from taking full advantage of their data. « 

    tags: data decision decisionmaking intuition groupthink

    • You prefer intuition over the data. We’ve all met managers who say things like, « I’ve been working in this industry twenty-five years and I’ve seen it all. I know I can trust my gut. »
    • You rig the system. For some, the decision-making process involves developing the case supporting a decision after you’ve made it, while ignoring other evidence along the way
    • You second-guess others. The true spirit of second-guessing involves withholding potentially useful information, then pouncing the minute a decision goes wrong.
    • You have analysis-paralysis. Analysis-paralysis plagues people and companies that don’t deal well with uncertainty. They can fall into the trap of seeking « just one more bit of confirmation » before deciding.
    • You employ group think. Group think involves packing a decision-making group with people who think in the same way and ignoring those with divergent views or data that points in a different direction.
    • You have misconceptions of or arrogance about data quality. The antis are not opposed to data quality per se. More generally, they truly believe the little data they do use is of high-quality, even though they have no facts to back it up.
  • « What we did not do is define social knowledge €“ or how to make it work. I want to take the next two posts to do just that. Will start with a definition this time and present a framework to embrace it in the next installment. »

    tags: knowledge socialknowledge framework knowledgemanagement

    • I wrote some time ago a pseudo-definition for social knowledge that read:


      Tapping into communities and subject matter experts, social knowledge moves away from the traditional knowledge-in-storage model of accumulating “stuff” in knowledge-bases to getting the information directly from the knowledge owner that has it.

    • At the baseline social knowledge is the realization that knowledge bases don’t contain all the necessary information.; while in certain instances (e.g. financial services and regulated industries) it may be necessary to have an “official” version of knowledge, in the real world knowledge is augmented each and every moment during usage; this is one of the driving forces for online communities.
    • The more you use knowledge management as part of your customer service endeavor, the more knowledge changes. 
    • One caveat, whereas users still remain the ultimate source of how the product should be used, this is not an excuse to dump all knowledge management efforts in the path to creating user-only knowledge solutions.  SME are a part of a total solution, not the only solution

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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