Le Chief Digital Officer a gagné. Et maintenant, on le met où ?
« Les grandes entreprises ont fait naître depuis 2 ans la fonction de Chief Digital Officer (CDO), avec la conviction que le numérique allait accélérer la transformation de leurs organisations, modifier durablement l’interaction entre leur marque et leurs clients et bouleverser la gestion de la connaissance interne. La tendance s’accélère : selon le cabinet américain Gartner, 25 % des entreprises devraient avoir leur CDO d’ici à 2015. »
– BPCE, la transformation digitale est portée par un CDO issu du business et rattaché à la Direction de l’Innovation Groupe.
– BNP, l’impact du numérique sur la relation client a entraîné des modifications profondes des métiers de front et backoffice ; c’est au sein de la Direction des Ressources Humaines Groupe que siège le CDO Groupe, issu de la DSI.
– AXA France, il est intégré à la Direction Marketing et issu de l’univers de la data
– ACCOR, le patron du numérique recruté début 2014 porte aussi le marketing, la distribution et les systèmes d’information du Groupe et de ses marques. -
Le CDO est avant tout un partenaire stratégique des seniors managers de l’entreprise, le principal agent de changement dans l’organisation. Il agit dans la transversalité,
Unpredictable Work Hours Are Stressing Too Many People Out
« In the modern workforce, control over your time is a valuable form of currency: for many, it’s an equal aspiration to getting rich (if it’s any proof ,“control your time” has almost 200,000,000 more mentions on Google than “make more money”). And yet as jobs become ever more dependent on online connectivity and technology, more of us are losing control over our time.
Workers at the top and bottom of the economic spectrum feel the loss of control dearly, and technology is often the culprit. Whether it’s a buzzing smartphone or software that tracks our whereabouts, the more hard to predict our schedules become, the less real flexibility many of us have. »
What if it’s not about flex, but about helping managers and workers set good boundaries, so that we all feel a reasonable level of control over our lives? What if the problem isn’t one of flexibility, but variability?
Today, workplace flexibility is the goal for many firms and its implementation is increasing across the board. But we can no longer kid ourselves that increased “flexibility” is enough to cope with increasing work variability.
“The big problem wasn’t so much the long hours and incessant travel. Our consultants expected that when they joined BCG. Rather, Perlow discovered, it was the complete lack of predictability or control they had over their daily lives.”
In the end, it’s control over your day that empowers people and gives satisfaction at work.
Leaders in work redesign not only have to make work more flexible, but make work hours more predictable.
Big data study finds most productive people work in sprints: 52 minutes, rest for 17 « Big Data Made Simple
« Sometimes, productivity science seems like an organized conspiracy to justify laziness. »
Looking at adorable pictures of kittens rolling helplessly in balls of yarn heightens our focus, and the « tenderness elicited by cute images » improves our motor function on the computer.
Studies show that long breaks from the office reboot your cognitive energy to solve big problems with the mental dexterity they deserve.
this 2013 study of Chinese call-center employees, which found that « tele-commuting » improved company performance.
So what’s the perfect length for a break? Seventeen minutes, according to an experiment released this week.
The highest-performing 10 percent tended to work for 52 consecutive minutes followed by a 17-minute break.
« workers receiving the alerts [reminding them to stop working] were 13 percent more accurate on average in their work than coworkers who were not reminded.
an executive in Michigan studying the productivity of his factory workers realized that his employees’ efficiency was plummeting when they worked too many hours in a day or too many days in a week.
This (Digital) Transformation will be Productized
« The wires seemed to be clogged with article over article about whether the CMO is more powerful than the CIO in the age of digital transformation when really, there is a far more foundational issue for CEOs to deal with and that’s the role of product, and subsequently, what being a product manager entails, and the CEOs competency to design and lead a digitally-driven product organization. «
Tesla product managers are looking at mounds of data coming from its analytics platform (a.k.a. the vehicle) to continuously improve the product and the experience
Tesla itself runs the most active forums on its own car, which gives it a running sense of what excites and annoys customers and, in turn, gives Tesla a massive advantage over firms that don’t host or monitor forums on their cars
The product drives awareness:
The product defines your marketing campaigns
The product drives margin
The product is the up sell platform:
The product sparks the ecosystem
The human capital ramifications of morphing the organization to a digital product mindset
An analytical and networked technology underpinning that focuses manically on experience and the right combination of people, data, process and content
The two faces of digital transformation
« Have you ever wondered why you don’t see anyone reading a book when you visit companies? We associate reading with finding information and learning, but we also involve qualities such as contemplation, solitude and mental privacy when we think about books.
There is a mental framework that is used when dealing with books, and another distinct mental framework regarding information related practices in the corporate world. Basically, you are not allowed to read a book, but you can read a document. »
In the age of the Internet of Things, all products are software products.
Interestingly, the same principle applies both to things and to human beings!
Documents and word processing are part of the framework of management today. Documents were born from the needs of a hierarchical, systemic approach to management. Top-down information was in the form of PowerPoint slide decks containing vision statements, Excel sheets with goals and Word documents explaining corporate procedures. Bottom-up information was used mainly to provide reports and data for managers, helping them to keep their employees accountable and to ensure the smooth operation of the business process.
Instead of predictive process flows, creative work follows a different logic. Work is about community-based cognitive presence. But cognition is just part of the answer. Work tomorrow is even more about social presence. To work and to manage is to participate in the live conversations.
The only way to influence conversations is to take part in them. You cannot design it in the traditional sense of specifying a structure or a process and then implementing it.
Community design is closer to iterative, creative learning than traditional organizational design.
Because conversations and communities need to be alive to create value, we need an approach to management that appreciates passion, relationships and voluntary participation.
The new structures and new designs are about communities continuously organizing themselves around shared contexts, meaning shared interests and shared practices
The customer of the industrial age was seen as a recipient of value, or a consumer of value.
This is why customers are today understood to be active contributors to value creation. Without their part, the value of the product could not exist.
Companies used to have no mechanisms for connecting with the end users in order to understand and influence what was going on.
The customer of tomorrow interacts with, and should influence, every process.
It is about creating new software code. It is about two new digital layers for all products: (1) an algorithmic layer that can mean sensors or location and usage data allowing totally new kinds of data analytics and (2) a network layer.
The study of isolated parts offers little help in understanding how connected parts work in combination and what emerges as the result of network connections. What new relational technologies are making possible for manufacturing industries is a much, much richer repertoire of potential futures than what we were used to in a traditional industrial firm.
The ability to create value in a remarkably more efficient and resource-wise way corresponds to possibilities for interaction with other relevant parts and actors. If interdependent links are few, poor, or constraining, the activity and value potential will be limited.
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