Liens de la semaine (weekly)

  • « Digitization is giving rise to a new form, with a scale and complexity that challenge managerial conventions. »

    tags: digitization bigdata hyperscalebusiness data

    • These businesses have users, customers, devices, or interactions numbered in the hundreds of millions, billions, or more. Billions of interactions and data points, in turn, mean that events with only a one-in-a-million probability are happening many times a day.
    • For example, the GE twin-jet engines on a Boeing 787 Dreamliner generate a terabyte of information a day.2
    • senior leaders and boards will need not only to focus on their current digitization strategies but also to consider which hyperscale businesses could threaten their existing or emerging digital models
    • Digitization catalyzes rapid growth by creating network effects and evaporating marginal costs; the cost of storing, transporting, and replicating data is almost zero.
    • his in turn means that the marginal cost of adding additional interactions, devices, sensors, or users tends toward zero.
    • Almost by definition, hyperscale companies achieve tremendous operating leverage, with process automation driven by algorithms.
    • The insignificant marginal costs and towering operating leverage of hyperscale businesses fuel their competitive thrusts into adjacent spaces.
    • Digital platforms can instantly conduct experiments across a base of millions of interactions. They may, for instance, test different bundles of new products or new marketing approaches and very quickly determine what produces higher revenues or greater customer engagement.
    • Every hyperscale business is a big data business. Online companies with large numbers of users can determine a great deal from clickstreams and then use that information.
  • « Every organization has cultural and communication challenges – some more than others. Here we explore two organizations that were in a bad spot culturally and financially. While technology alone did not solve their problems, a new kind of intranet improved communications, trust and effectiveness, thereby playing a critical role in rebuilding their organizational strength. »

    tags: engagement employeeengagement socialintranet intranet digitalworkplace casestudies cummunication internalcommunication

    • The result has been a very high level of participation and engagement, and some clearly measurable business impact as well.
    • We decided that this sort of change was only possible by working with the people we already had… But first we had to rebuild some trust, and give them confidence that the new Cottsway was going to be different.”
    • a) everyone should be directly informed of news and information (even those that don’t have computers – they provided iPad Minis to the field); and b) everyone has the right of reply. Right of reply is a big idea. Obvious to some, but radical to most.
    • Their field staff now regularly share photos of work they are proud to have completed, or crazy plumbing problems they need to resolve. They also use what are known as “Shout-Outs” to show support and appreciation for one another’s work. They are also using private discussions for group work – including with their Board of Directors.
    • we have had below target sickness levels (and way below national average sickness levels) and virtually no staff turnover other than what was already planned for.
    • “The result of our sloppy, boring and undisciplined communication was painfully evident. The entire company was a game of ‘he-said-she-said’.

      Unfortunately, our internal chaos was also evident to our guests

    • Policies and procedures were exclusively published to the intranet. This meant that there was one universal source of truth, and a shared forum for questions, answers and discussion.
    • Further, corporate communications convinced others in the company to start sharing news and information, so that what was published was more diverse, more inclusive, and more relevant to readers.
  • « Pendant des années, le digital était cantonné à ce qui était visible de l’extérieur » explique Jean-Sébastien Hongre. « Aujourd’hui, le digital impacte toutes les dimensions de l’entreprise et pose une question : qui fait quoi ? » Pour s’attaquer à cette question, des « Digital Factories » commencent à essaimer dans les entreprises, petites ou grandes. »

    tags: digitaltransformation CDO change digitalfactory chiefdigitalofficer casestudies

    • « Nous sommes un petit groupe, la proximité entre la direction générale et les équipes digitales est forte. On sait que ce sont des profils qui sont chassés, on les chouchoute. »
    • Dans le département banque de détail de la Société Générale, une quarantaine de personnes travaillent sur le digital, avec des profils variés, allant des experts de la banque jusqu’aux geeks.
    • . Particularité : pour la banque, internet est à la fois un canal de communication et une offre de services, élément de différenciation
    • Mon métier c’est de faire de la pédagogie. Maintenant que la transformation digitale fait partie de la stratégie groupe, on note une vraie maturité des différents services, c’est plus facile de converser
    • Chez LVMH, la structure centrale dédiée au digital est composée de sept personnes, qui ont pour clients les 65 marques du groupe et la direction générale. « Notre rôle n’est pas d’apporter des solutions clé en main aux marques » précise Isabelle Faggianelli. « Nous agissons plutôt comme des consultants, sur de l’assistance, sur la mesure de la performance digitale et sur la pédagogie.
    • Sur les autres sujets, la structure préfère travailler en joint-venture avec d’autres services, pour ne pas entrer en concurrence avec les initiatives existantes.
    • Dans la distribution grand public, par exemple, il y a une vraie logique à centraliser les achats de mots clés. » Prochain défi, soulevé par Érik Marie Bion, de Microsoft : responsabiliser les directions générales en les incentivant sur les résultats digitaux, pour ne pas cantonner la « digitalisation » à un buzzword.
  • « Arrivée à son poste le 31 mars 2014, Lubomira Rochet, la « chief digital officer » de L’Oréal, positionne son équipe comme un « centre de services ». Objectif : aider marques et divisions pays dans leur transformation numérique. « 

    tags: l’oreal digitaltransformation

    • La réussite d’autant d’initiatives innovantes est censée fédérer l’ensemble des 77.000 collaborateurs autour du concept imaginé par le PDG, Jean-Paul Agon, la « beauté augmentée » par les services. Ainsi remplit-elle son rôle de « chief digital officer ».
    • Les marques étaient en attente de cadrage stratégique et de la mobilisation d’experts »
    • Lubomira Rochet a donc choisi de positionner son équipe de 20 personnes comme un « centre de services » pour le groupe.
    • L’idée est d’aider nos marques à mieux personnaliser les interactions avec leurs consommateurs pour leur envoyer le bon message au bon moment dans le bon contexte pour eux. »
    • Lubomira Rochet juge le numérique comme partie intégrante de la culture interne du groupe. « La formation et la mise en place d’outils de mesure de notre performance digitale sont des enjeux fondamentaux
    • Le Top 250 du groupe a effectué un « stage » de deux à cinq jours dans les locaux d’une start-up.
    • Lubomira Rochet a recruté un expert des indicateurs de performance business dans la foulée de son arrivée. Pour évaluer avec précision le changement en cours.
  • « Crowd science can unlock hidden relationships within a business, as well as skills and individual abilities that may be going unnoticed »

    tags: data datascience crowdscience SNA

    • The essence of crowd science, a burgeoning and ubiquitous discipline stemming from traditional data science, is to draw relationships about underlying truths from crowdsourced data – to find connections that may have otherwise not been seen.
    • Social network analysis is an example of a discipline that has been applied to several matters of international importance including the capture of Saddam Hussein.
    • If you work in the corporate world, crowd science can make all the difference in your job. Institutions and corporations often can be siloed, with little communication between teams and departments.
    • Departments affect each other, employees influence each other, and crowd science is key to understanding these relationships and networks, which is critical for repeatable innovation.
    • Within a company, we can look at the graph of people, which consists of nodes, relationships and connections. Study how everyone interacts and influences each other on an individual or departmental level.
    • For example, success stories include businesses discovering that the company’s top innovator was a call center worker. This person was not the most active user, but was contributing to meaningful, innovative ideas
    • Their findings came as a surprise as half of those identified were not in the group that leaders had expected.
    • the traditional structure of organisations is not necessarily aligned with the more complex and informal social networks within a company that have the biggest impact.
    • For those of us behind the scenes of data analysis and crowd mathematics, the goal is to encourage leaders who are hubs of decision making to empower their crowds both individually and collaboratively.
  • « Digital strategy and transformation must therefore be a top priority of the CEO and the senior management team. Companies can’t just dabble at the edges by appointing a charismatic chief digital officer or CIO, adopting the latest shiny technologies, or “letting a thousand flowers bloom.” The digital imperative calls for more fundamental action in five areas. »

    tags: digitaltransformation strategy prototyping disruption data ecosystem

    • Prototype Your Strategy     <!–googleon: all–>  


      When consumer needs and competitive landscapes are rapidly evolving, it’s no longer possible to craft a long-term strategy, assign responsibility and performance targets, and execute a three- to five-year plan. “Agile” methods successfully pioneered in software development at companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter have shown real advantages through learning by doing, rapidly and frequently delivering working products inspired by real consumer needs, developing innovative delivery methods and value propositions, and adapting to changing requirements.

    • Disrupt Your Business (Before Others Do)     <!–googleon: all–>  


      Executives need to create their own “digital attacker” businesses.

    • Digitize the Core Business     <!–googleon: all–>  


      Top management must take advantage of digital capabilities to transform the current business. This isn’t just about rolling out new IT projects but also about fundamentally transforming the company’s business to ensure leanness, agility, and lower cost.

    • Create Value from Data     <!–googleon: all–>  


      Agile leaders try to find ways to better use internal and external data. BCG research shows that leaders in the use of big data generate 12 percent higher revenues than companies that don’t experiment with big data.

    • Position Your Business in the Broader Ecosystem     <!–googleon: all–>  


      Companies must secure their place in the broader ecosystem—the network of companies, individual contributors, institutions, and customers that interact to create mutual value. Digital ecosystems are disrupting businesses in nearly every consumer-centric industry through close collaboration among partners, institutions, and customers.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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