Liens de la semaine (weekly)

  • « With the Apple Watch having a stunning opening weekend, plus the current availability of Android Wear (go Moto 360!), Microsoft Band, and other improving fitness trackers coming to market, the wearables trend is going mainstream. The Apple and Android options allow the installation of apps, meaning these have the potential to be used in conjunction with collaboration systems. »

    tags: wearable workplace collaboration

    • in Germany out of hours working was banned in 2013; walking in and out of the office could activate an employee’s status for all communications.
    • Find the file to share on your watch / wearable, and then flick it to the other person. Based on proximity data, the link to the file is shared.
    • the use of a wearable for informing Microsoft Lync and other presence/availability systems of a user’s presence and availability.
    • the ability to find an available meeting room “right now,” with directions sent out to all participant’s devices to guide them to where they need to go.
  • « Le Big Data permet d’optimiser les parcours clients sur le site de Demain il servira à gérer les achats de publicité sur internet. Quant au marketing du site de e-commerce, il gagne en agilité grâce à la réunion sur un même plateau des data miners, des data scientists et des équipes de business intelligence. « 

    tags: bigdata casestudies sncf predictivemaintenance datascientists customerstories customerexperience

    • nous ne sommes plus en mode client fournisseur, où il faut écrire un cahier des charges exhaustif et tant pis pour vous si vous avez oublié quelque chose
    •  Le Big Data permet aussi bien de prédire la durée de vie d’un boulon – ce qui intéresse le directeur de la maintenance de la SNCF – que d’améliorer l’expérience client, pointe la directrice du marketing digital. « Il s’agit de segmenter les internautes selon leur fréquence de visite et d’achat afin de personnaliser leur parcours client  » dit-elle.
  • « The Internet of Things (IoT) is being used to drive better decision making and detect faults before they cause an aircraft to be grounded »

    tags: iot airlines planes predictivemaintenance decisionmaking internetofthings

    • the daily cost of a grounded A380 Airbus to be $1,250,000
    • This not only damages the airline’s reputation, but also that of the manufacturer, to provide consistently reliable and available fleets. To maximise uptime and ROI therefore, it is critical for airlines and OEMs to find solutions to keep AOG events at bay.
    • IoT helps airlines collect and subsequently to translate vast volumes of data into meaningful business information that can then be applied to determine the status and performance of particular systems and subsystems within an aircraft.
    • Five years ago, this post-flight analysis may have taken many people many days to complete, whereas now there are solutions available that are providing useful maintenance data within minutes of a plane landing.
    • If, for example, one of the engine vitals fails mid-air, a standby system would kick in and run all of the necessary functions to enable it to complete its journey safely.
    • An alert would then be sent to the ground staff, who could use the real-time information to determine the cause of the failure, before engaging the necessary personnel and sourcing the components required to get the aircraft back up and running as soon as it lands.
  • In fact, it takes much more than people being willing to get together, share information, and cooperate. It more importantly involves making tough decisions and trade-offs about what and what not to do, in order to adjust workloads across areas with different priorities and bosses. And despite all the well-meaning cooperative behaviors, this is often where interdepartmental collaboration breaks down.

    tags: collaboration cooperation alignment

    • In fact, it takes much more than people being willing to get together, share information, and cooperate. It more importantly involves making tough decisions and trade-offs about what and what not to do, in order to adjust workloads across areas with different priorities and bosses. And despite all the well-meaning cooperative behaviors, this is often where interdepartmental collaboration breaks down.
    • s, I’ve seen that very few admit to being poor collaborators, mostly because they mistake their cooperativeness for being collaborative
    • but what they lack is the ability and flexibility to align their goals and resources with others in real time.
    • More often, however, the collaboration challenge resides with department heads, product leaders, and major initiative managers who need to get everyone on the same page – and shouldn’t wait for senior executives to force the issue for them.

      The bottom line here is that cross-functional collaboration is easy to talk about but hard to do, particularly because we tend to get stuck in cooperating mod

  •  » Ce billet 118 est dédié aux compétences digitales. Je crois qu’il symbolise le mieux ce que veut dire. Infatigable observateur de nos mutations, je vous invite à faire votre bilan digital en 12 points. Si vous échouez, je peux vous aider. Si vous réussissez, j’aimerai être votre ami sur Twitter @jibea. J’aimerai aussi lire vos commentaires sur ce blogue »

    tags: digitaltransformation skills digitalliteracy decisionmaking communication talentmanagement networking innovation accountability resourceallocation customercentricity

    • #1 Lecture de l’environnement digital
    • #2 Développement des affaires digitales
    • #3 Centration clients
    • #4 Prise de décision complexe
    • #5 Communication transparente et influente
    • #6 Savoir s’entourer et développer les talents
    • #7 Travailler en réseau
    • #8 Innovation flexible
    • #9 Imputabilité
    • #10 Disponibilité des ressources
    • #11 Interactivité
    • #12 Pensée analytique

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Operations @Emakina / Ex Directeur Consulting / Au croisement de l'humain, de la technologie et du business / Conférencier / Voyageur compulsif.

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