Liens de la semaine (weekly)


  • « Pandora is known as being a great place to work, and much of that comes from a strong focus on creating a positive experience for employees. But unlike many other organizations, employee experience at Pandora is largely driven by employees. »

    tags: employeeexperience humanresources casestudies pandora

    • In the end, the companies that enable their employees to be the happiest are the ones that have a strategic advantage and are more successful.
    • Each employee is given 40 hours of paid time off to volunteer each year and can use that time however they want.
    • As Pandora employees serve in the community, they also take part in service opportunities through Pandora partners and enjoy time away from their desks and serving others.
    • Pandora also runs an innovative program called PERGs, or Pandora Employee Resource Groups. Any employees with a shared interest can get together in groups of five or more people and apply for $1,000 in funding from the company.
    • There’s also a large focus on a comfortable office space,
    • Kristen recommends that managers get employees involved and engaged in the changes they want to see.
    • Employees wanting to see an experience change can share their interests and start planting seeds towards improvement.
  • « we’d like to share a visual overview of the artifacts that we use in our methodology. It’s designed as a poster, hence the details are very hard to see unless you print it in poster size or view it on a really big screen. Even if you don’t, you will get a picture of the type of artifacts. In the centre, there’s a digital workplace canvas (inspired by Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas) that helps organizations get an overview of their digital work environments and how to match demand with supply. »

    tags: digitalworkplace framework design canvas methodology

    • You can download the poster in PDF-format or download the high-resolution PNG image above
  • « Spécialiste de la vente à distance de matériels pour les professionnels, l’entreprise familiale Manutan embarque systématiquement clients et collaborateurs dans les différentes étapes de sa transformation digitale pour éviter les effets gadget. Aujourd’hui, 40% de ses ventes sont effectuées grâce au numérique. L’entreprise vient de lancer une application de réalité augmentée et teste un chatbot avec IBM pour simplifier le parcours d’achat. Un moyen aussi de contrer Amazon Business. « 

    tags: b2B B2Bbuyer chatbots AI watson casestudies manutan

    • utiliser la technologie pour amener de la simplicité auprès des clients, des collaborateurs et des nombreux (1850) fournisseurs. Preuve
    • Les équipes ont d’abord identifié un « point de douleur » chez les clients : le stress généré par la peur de se tromper de dimension dans l’achat d’un meuble ou d’un équipement, souvent commandé en très grandes quantités.
    • l’élaboration d’un chatbot, basé sur la technologie IBM Watson pour faciliter le parcours d’achat. « Nous vendons plus de 500 modèles de chaises différents. L’idée de cet assistant est de pouvoir proposer le produit le plus adapté aux besoins du client »
    • « Ils étaient dubitatifs et avaient le sentiment de se faire avoir par le robot », commente le directeur du numérique. Résultat, les équipes planchent d’ores et déjà sur une nouvelle version intégrée dans les filtres du site marchand dans l’optique d’obtenir le go des utilisateurs.
  • « To increase their odds of success in today’s turbulent environment, leading companies are complementing their traditional annual strategy-setting process with something more dynamic. We call it always-on strategy. »

    tags: strategy disruption resilience

    • . To increase their odds of success in today’s turbulent environment, leading companies are complementing their traditional annual strategy-setting process with something more dynamic. We call it always-on strategy.
    • Although the benefits are clear, companies are often uncertain about how to introduce always-on strategy into their strategic planning process.
    • In our view, always-on strategy should be designed to complement, not replace, the annual process. By integrating always-on strategy into a streamlined process, a typical company can make strategic planning less rigid and sequential and more agile and continuous.
    • Many executives criticize those processes for being overly bureaucratic and poorly suited to today’s fast-changing markets. Many also complain that participants in the strategy-setting process tend to elevate form over substance, investing time fulfilling procedural requirements at the expense of rigorous content discussion.
    • Outside of these fixed windows, executive teams rarely block time for discussing strategy; as a result, the process for adjusting it is ad hoc and inefficient.
    • By continually scanning internal and external sources, a company can quickly identify potential strategic issues.
    • To assess the signals detected by strategic scanning and decide on the appropriate responses, a company must create a strategic issues list, examine the issues through dedicated projects, and iterate on solutions.
    • To capture the benefits of always-on strategy, following through on implementation is essential. We see many examples of formerly great companies that accurately predicted changes but lacked the fundamental ability to implement a new strategy in response.
    • In addition to creating a strategy board, the company must establish the right cadence for its meetings.
    • The CEO should own the work of always-on strategy, just as he or she owns strategy in general. The CEO’s ownership ensures that strategic issues receive the required attention and resources.
    • To institutionalize the complementary nature of annual and always-on planning, the company should align and coordinate the processes and allocate the roles related to each activity. T

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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