(tags: réseauxsociaux reseauxinformels hierarchie wirearchy)
Back to Decision-Making Basics – Harvard Business Online’s Tom Davenport
How can we re-establish a connection between information systems and decisions?
(tags: decision systemedinformation)
(tags: innovation clients collaboration connaissance)
Mindset refers to the set of assumptions or methods held by groups of people which is so established that it creates a powerful incentive with these people to continue to adopt or accept prior behaviors, choices or tools
(tags: systemedinformation adoption maturité)
Knowledge workers who come up with innovative solutions may think it’s good practice to document them just in case the “exception†ever occurs again… and if it does a few times, well then it’s no longer an exception, but a (Barely) Repeatable Pr
(tags: thingamy erp brp process workflow)
The FASTForward Blog » A Modest Proposal to Kick Off the Ultimate User Revolution: Enterprise 2.0 Blog: News, Coverage, and Commentary
“Give end-users two virtual machines.†One virtual machine could be “buttoned-down, corporate, protected, fully supported, and strongly connected.†The personal virtual machine could be the “sandbox,†on which users can do anything their hear
(tags: DSI systemedinformation peoplecentrism)
Le web 2.0 est l’avenir de l’éducation – Steve Hargadon – Apprendre 2.0
IlLe web 2.0 aura un impact plus important culturellement, socialement, intellectuellement et politiquement que celui induit par l’émergence de l’imprimerie !
Pour ce faire, nous devrons peut-être changer nos conceptions de l’enseignement
(tags: enseignement education education2.0 web2.0 connaissance savoir)
But hierarchies don’t have to remain static … and this is one of the big deficiencies in current models and with the existing tools of organizational design.
(tags: hierarchie wirearchy organigrammes)
(tags: controle entreprise2.0 process)
The irony of enterprise 2.0 is that you actually get more control because the free form nature of the tools allow the business people to decide on where structure occurs, not the people who make the software.
(tags: controle entreprise2.0)
I believe that most of these efforts are going to crash and burn. The reason; non-alignment between internal cultural norms and the desired external perception.
(tags: socialmedia alignement culture communautés communication)
Les organisations font face à cinq défis majeurs en ce qui concerne les logiciels sociaux – M2IE : le blog du management de l’IE et de l’entreprise 2.0
(tags: entreprise organisation socialcomputing management2.0 gartner)
It’s not our job to deploy the new Enterprise 2.0 solution that will revolutionize the business and then force the business to change. We need to focus on the users, rather than thinking in terms of technologies and IT assets
(tags: culture entreprise2.0 management)