Links for 05/29/2008

  • One of the key concepts in Richard Florida’s new book, “Who’s Your City?” is that of the “clustering force,” a knowledge-economy phenomenon that reward people for congregating in places where they can network and collaborate with one another. (

    tags: socialcapital, socialnetworks, innovation, bonding, bridging, clusteringforce, knowledgeeconomy, clusters

    • I would submit a hypothesis: The capacity of a region for innovation can be measured by the number of formal and informal networking organizations that create “bridging” opportunities across the broadest possible spectrum of society. The richer and denser the skein of bridging networks, the more easily ideas can be communicated through a region, the more spontaneously creative ideas will erupt, and the more speedily people can convert novel notions into business opportunities.
  • tags: socialmedia, relationship, connections, learning, conversations, benefits

    • Connect with people through common interests
    • Get to “know” the people I interact with because they share information
    • Constantly learn.
    • Carry on conversations with people as if I were in the next office
  • Demeuré pratiquement inchangé depuis le début du siècle dernier (Du Pont de Nemours), le calcul n’envisage que les retours financiers directs. Particulièrement pratique pour évaluer la rentabilité des investissements générant rapidement du cash, il est totalement inadapté pour mesurer la potentialité des projets de nouvelle génération.

    tags: ROI, TCO, intangibleassets, strategy

    • La principale difficulté se situe d’ailleurs à ce stade de la réflexion. Mettre en place une solution technologique comme un ERP, un produit CRM ou un système de Business Intelligence s’inscrit dans une démarche globale de concrétisation d’une stratégie établie. En aucun cas, un projet de ce type ne peut être entrepris après en avoir découvert le besoin par hasard, en croisant un consultant persuasif ou un client exigeant.
  • “A project is a localized energy field comprising a set of thoughts, emotions, and interactions continually expressing themselves in physical form.”

    tags: projectmanagement, interactions, project

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler
Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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