This is the third (and last) post of the series about enterprise 2.0 and intangible assets. Why do “organization capital” ? It’s the ability to mobilize and support the change process that is needed to support strategy.
It’s made of four elements :
– culture : appropriation of the vision and key values needed to support strategy
– leadershp : presence of skilled leaders at every level of the organization
– alignment : link between objective and individual and collective reawards to reach strategic goals
– teamwork : shared knowledge across the organization;
In concrete terms those components are about behavioral change. Some are dedicated to value creation (focus on client, be reative and innovant, deliver results), some to strategy execution (undertanding the mission, the rules, link the financial aspects to strategy, communicate with transparency, team work).
Do we really need to add anything since the link with E2.0 seems obvious ?
I’ll consider enterprise 2.0 as being both about practices and tools.
For what’s about transparency, we’re obviously right into the target. Because 2.0 culture is made of transparency, because enteprise 2.0 tools have to be used with transparency to deliver their full power and also because communicating through web 2.0 tools help people being more comfortable with transparency in their every day life.
Let me also add that the best way for companies to deliver their message, their vision, is not to make it the usual top-down way but through conversations, discussion, explainations, which help people understand the message.
It’ the same for innoation. Web 2.0 tools are perfect for that but they also help an innovation culture to spread through the organization by virality.
In fact I’m only repeating here what I wrote in many occasions, and I mainly want to point out what seems essential to me : the financial aspect.
It’s very important that remuneration, rewards etc… are aligned on strategic goals. Once again “tell we how you’re assessed, I ‘ll tell you how you are working”. If, for example, collaboration is key to support your strategy, it has to be rewarded. I’m no talking about collaboration in a small perimeter but abou what makes people work as a company and not as many small groups.It’s impossible to assess what are informtion sharing benefits regarding to what it costs in terms of time in a business unit since the whole organization take benefits from it and thousand of people can use and reuse it. One hour spent by an employee to share informations, to storytell what how he did such or such thing, may make thousand people save many hours. To make it short : stop assessing locally behaviors that create value globally. This will also help middle managers to be facilitators instead because they won’t have to assess their teams on productivity only.
Whatever, we have one more proof that enterprise 2.0 isn’t disconnected from traditionnal companies but, on the contrary, that it really impacts the way companies make business…and money.
actifs immatériels , évaluation , balanced-scorecard , bsc , capital organisationnel , collaboration , culture , Entreprise 2.0 , leadership , organisation , Stratégie