Links for 06/26/2008

  • Nous devons partir du principe que ce sont les outils qui viennent étayer un mode de management et non l’inverse.

    Ces nouveaux outils et le succès des entreprises qui les utilisent illustrent une rupture fondamentale entre les économies du XXème et du XXIème siècle. Afin de comprendre en quoi cette révolution challenge les modes de management, il nous faut définir cette rupture.

    tags: knowledgeeconomy, organization, management, management2.0, humanressources

  • tags: web2.0, humanressources2.0, humanressources, hr, hr2.0, enterprise2.0, talents, retention, engagement, communities, socialmedia, employerbrand

  • Certainly Enterprise 2.0 is fundamentally about people, with in the short to medium-term one of the most obvious and powerful benefits being the ability to better attract, retain, and develop talented people. In addition, successful Web 2.0 initiatives in organizations are fundamentally about shifting attitudes and behaviors. Collaboration increasingly drives value creation in organizations, but for that technology is only an enabler. As such, HR will ideally play a central role in Web 2.0 initiatives.

    tags: enterprise2.0, humanressources, hr2.0, humanressources2.0, web2.0

  • So, yes it may sound off-the-wall at first blush, but it’s an insight that has helped me develop companies that are collectively worth over a billion dollars. It’s an insight that will lead to the development of future businesses worth far more than that. More importantly, it is going to change the world as we know it, revolutionizing the way we think about thought and the way we think about ourselves.

    tags: internet, brain, networks, neuronalnetwork

    • In practice, the Internet is clunkier, slower, and smaller than the average brain but the fundamental structure is roughly the same. When I look at Google and the other search engines, I see more similarity to how memories are stored and retrieved in the mind than I do to the underlying computer architecture. When I look at websites, I think memes and memories, not hypertext. When I look at, MySpace, and Facebook, I see social networks that are developing the way neural networks develop, a way that is different than Metcalfe’s Law of networks.
  • tags: power, influence, management, relationship, reward, position, expertise

    • If I was trying to build a power base to get things done as a matrix manager I would focus on expertise and relationships as a great place to start – if you have traditional authority that is a bonus in the matrix structure.
  • tags: organization, hierarchy, means, decisionmaking

    • L’acheteur n’a pas de vision globale des intérêts de l’entreprise (la « fin », le « résultat »). Pour faire son travail il doit les approximer par le « moyen » : le coût du consultant. Il aboutit donc à une solution peu efficace.
      L’acheteur est un représentant attardé de l’organisation ancienne de l’entreprise, le modèle hiérarchique (ou bureaucratique).
    • Ce type d’organisation a une raison d’être : il permet de construire rapidement une entreprise avec des personnels peu qualifiés. Mais dès qu’il entre en concurrence, il doit se complexifier. L’individu doit prendre en compte dans ses décisions les intérêts du groupe.
Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler
Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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