Links for 10/10/2008

  • # The “millennials” will expect to use technology at work as freely as they do in their personal lives. They will also be ready to collaborate.
    # Senior management will have a clearer understanding of IT capabilities than is the case today.
    # Social networks will be a fixture in the 2013 workplace, despite executives’ ambivalence on their role.
    # The use of collaborative technologies will help cut through geographical and organisational barriers, and will give wings to virtual team-working.
    # Digital tools will give employees greater control over the information they can access, which means less control for managers.

    tags: prospective, business, organization, management, IT, socialnetworks, collaboration, information, control, teamwork, telecommuting

  • I want to talk to you about email, the psychology of email

    It is a vital part of business, we all depend on it and we don’t even think about how we use it despite the fact that it’s really very new – only had it in business for the last 10 years or so. As email spreads it tendrils and becomes more and more common – it’s ubiquitous now, there was a time when you had to make a business case for email, now its the first thing you get. And it’s starting to become a problem.

    tags: email, informationoverload, socialsoftware

  • Il n’y a que 7,4% de télétravailleurs en France (contre 15% en moyenne en Europe du Nord [5] et 25% aux USA [6]), dont 5,4% en nomade et 2% à domicile [7], malgré l’implication des partenaires sociaux pour augmenter leur nombre.

    Pourtant, les entreprises qui l’ont expérimenté énumèrent tous les avantages associés :
    – Amélioration de la qualité de vie des salariés (selon les étude, 46% [8] à 60 % [9] des salariés en rêvent),
    – Economies réalisées pour les collaborateurs (à minima sur les transports) et pour les entreprises (par exemple sur les surfaces de bureaux nécessaires),
    РProductivit̩ augment̩e de 20% [10],
    – Plus de motivation et moins de stress,
    РComp̩titivit̩ accrue via une augmentation de la flexibilit̩,
    – Attractivité renforcée de l’entreprise, voire sauvegarde de l’emploi,
    РAll̬gement des charges fixes, r̩duction de la pollution,

    tags: telecommuting, homeoffice, productivity, motivation, management

  • Le plus important, c’est de savoir ce que vous voulez faire et comment vous allez le faire. Le moyen choisi pour mesurer ne vient qu’ensuite. “

    tags: performance, indicators, KPI, goals, measurement

    • A force de marteler des slogans du type “On ne pilote que ce que l’on mesure”, on mesure un peu tout et n’importe quoi. Au final on ne sait plus trop ce que l’on pilote, ni même si on pilote. Je me demande s’il ne faudrait pas, durant un temps en tout cas, inverser la formule afin de se recentrer sur l’essentiel. “ On ne mesure que ce que l’on pilote”.
  • Talent Intelligence Onboarding Areas

    The following is a short list of areas for which managers interested in performance should take responsibility and for which they should make use of intelligence that is gained:

    tags: onboarding, recruitment, newjoiners, management, humanresources, talentmanagement

    • Accelerating time to productivity
    • Continuous recruiting
    • Competitive intelligence.
    • Setting a manager’s expectations
    • Understanding the employee’s expectations
  • In other words, crowd sourcing can get you the idea, but it can only go so far. Companies need to think about rallying experts to actually execute on various concepts

    tags: innovation, crowdsourcing, expertis, experts

  • tags: no_tag

    • Dawson says it’s important for CIOs trying to come to terms with Enterprise 2.0 to realize it is less about a collection of new technologies and much more about shifting organizations into the next phase of work.
    • That means the organization needs an architectural view in terms of how these essentially participatory bits of technologies are to be aggregated into things that will be of value to the organization.
  • , Email has become a de facto work flow solution – a function for which is is horribly unsuitable. This has happened due to the old “if the hammer is your only tool, every problem looks like a nail.”

    tags: email, workflow

  • Companies that give their workers the option of telecommuting are seeing greater productivity, lower costs, improved employee health and greater employee retention, according to a survey released today by the Computing Technology Industry Association.

    tags: homeoffice, telecommuting, health, productivity, organization, management, humanressources

        • 67 percent of the companies polled said employees were more productive, largely because they spent less time getting to and from work.
        • 59 percent reported seeing cost savings from reduced use of office-related materials and resources.
        • 39 percent said they have access to a more qualified staff, expanding their options to people who are located in – and not willing to relocate from – other regions. Likewise, 37 percent said telecommuting improved employee retention.
        • 25 percent said employee health was improved, largely by reducing stress levels associated with the commute.
        • Other benefits included promotion of safety through reduced highway use (18 percent) and environmental benefits (17 percent)
  • Il faudra bien se pencher alors sérieusement sur la productivité personnelle, un élément que l’information overload et la nécessité de transformer l’information utile en quelquechose d'”actionnable” rend de plus en plus critique. Son optimisation devrait être depuis longtemps une préoccupation des organisations car elle peut devenir un important levier de performance. Il est rare que les cabinets d’étude type Butler le soulignent et c’est donc d’autant plus significatif.

    tags: butlergroup, enterprise2.0, productivity, IT, management

  • Today innovation is the buzzword du jour, but there’s still a yawning chasm between rhetoric and reality. If you doubt this, seek out a few entry-level employees and ask them the following questions:

    1. How have you been equipped to be a business innovator? What training have you received? What tools have you been supplied with?

    2. Do you have access to an innovation coach or mentor? Is there an innovation expert in your unit who will help you develop your breakout idea?

    3. How easy is it for you to get access to experimental funding? How long would it take you to get a few thousand dollars in seed money? How many levels of bureaucracy would you have to go through?

    4. Is innovation a formal part of your job description? Does your compensation depend in part on your innovation performance?

    5. Do your company’s management processes—budgeting, planning, staffing, etc.—support your work as an innovator or hinder it?

    tags: innovation, management, organization

  • It is not a stationary relic I’m talking about. I’m talking about the brand new dinosaur on the block – the classical management pyramid. Time has come to dismantle it and adapt to a new evolutionary and unstructured model that leverages the team effect to ensure that companies can lead change rather play catch up or be left behind.

    tags: management, organization, control, pyramid, intellectualcapital

    • The Industrial Revolution brought along with it the problem of management and the Wars brought with them the solution. In every war there was the General, the man who controlled and commanded. He had ‘managers’ who reported to him; these managers in turn had several ‘assistant managers’ who reported to them, and the whole configuration went on to make the traditional organizational structure, or the Management Pyramid
    • Back then, things were rather simple: Manufacturing was the buzzword, selling was not a very complicated process, folks were simple, families were joint, and ‘top-down’ management worked very well.
    • And this old management model certainly does not create a conducive environment for teams of employees to thrive in.
    • Change, then, is the order of the day. And, when change sets in, this pyramid will get deconstructed. The ‘Me’ command will turn into the ‘We’ control.
    • .

      Yes, the traditional pyramid management structure needs some unstructuring.
      Flexibility is the key to survival in the 21st century, and organizational structure is no exception. It needs to be open to change, to take any shape that’s best suited to the organization.

    • t is the employees together who form the intellectual capital and, hence, need to be recognized as the most valuable resource for any organization
    • Business models have to change. In a football game, there are 22 players but only one has the ball at any particular time. The other 21 are forming a configuration. The open-ended structure we are in is not about the man with the ball, but about the configuration of the other 21 people.
Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler
Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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