Links for 10/27/2008

  • “I left behind a gig and a half of email when I left NEC – I couldn’t look at it, and they erased it. My former coworkers couldn’t use that knowledge. A collaborative toolset helps to get information out of email into the shared social space. Sharepoint and others are working on that problem. You see productivity benefits. Now people can see where you are going, make suggestions on who to call there.

    tags: email, collaboration, knowledge, socialtools, socialmedia, productivity

  • Team familiarity helps team members successfully locate knowledge within a group, share the knowledge they possess, and respond to the knowledge of others. While team familiarity may help all teams to better coordinate their actions, it may play a particularly important role for teams with individuals looking to apply knowledge from their varied experience. This possibility leads to the question that provides the foundation for this paper: Does team familiarity moderate the relationship between variation in experience and performance?

    tags: teamfamiliarity, learning, knowledge, knowledgemanagement, knowledgeapplication, socialnetworking

  • JP Rangaswami of BT Design went a little bit further in that direction, by outlining how social tools can usefully become part of our working practices – and even build on some of the existing ones.

    Social tools enavble the communities within businesses to emerge. There are fewer figures of authority and it’s more a peer space than the traditional heirarchial business.

    tags: socialtools, communication, productivity, generationy, statuses

    • Young people today are going to come into the workplace used to pervasive. mobile communications and they’re not going to be impressed with the static, lock-down worsktations we have now.

      “They’re pre-trained not to think as stupidly as previous generations,” said JP.

    • “If we make everything we say a data object, and we can share and move it around,” he says. “It becomes valuable.”
  • According to a study done by the Sand Hill Group and Neochange, the most critical factor (70% listed it as number 1) for software success and return-on-investment is effective user adoption.

    tags: adoption, ROI, socialsoftware

  • SRI International based in Menlo Park, California, teamed up with military officers to build a new social analytics tool called iLink that generates models and helps streamline the process by which a specific expert in an online community can be found.

    In simple terms, iLink is a machine learning-based system that models users and content in a social network and then points the user to relevant content.


    The iLink system had several goals, including real-time learning by matching queries and communities users; adapting to user demands and directions, providing accuracy in message targeting and routing and, finally, dynamic user profile correction based on community behaviours and identification of community experts.

    The learning in iLink occurs by watching a natural social network, and selecting effective strategies that emerge from the system as the members try to solve problems. The system continuously monitors the real social network and it is capable of drafting from the social network’s learning.


    The iLink software uses artificial intelligence software and message routing technology to help the system learn about the online participants and move specific questions to those who are best equipped to answer them. The SRI scientists basically build a profile of each person in the community and the iLink system starts to learn about the movement of information around the community.

    tags: expertise, socialnetworks, problemsolving, profile, intelligenttextmining, mining, talent, talentmanagement

  • The innovation paradox is that the more your firm pays attention to innovation, the less likely it will be to be successful at innovation. That’s because, like any other foreign organism, the culture and bureaucracy of your organization identifies an external intruder that has not aligned itself with the organization and function of the rest of the body, and tries to force the innovation program or capability to adopt the decision making processes, risk tolerances, timeframes, perspectives and “best practices” that are part and parcel of the rest of the organization.

    tags: innovation, management, alignment, risk

    • As a management team, kicking off an innovation project or program without the “bubble” in a traditional, conservative, risk averse organization is usually a recipe for failure. That
    • To innovate, you’ve got to do things differently. This includes how you generate ideas and how you manage the ideas, as well as the way your innovation team works within the existing corporate framework. If your innovation team is forced to work within a culture and process that is not innovative, then your innovation team will not be innovative either.
  • tags: management, intangibleassets, strategy, crisis, cooperation, innovation, digitaleconomy

  • Imaginer que ces “pillages” peuvent avoir pour origine des dysfonctionnements dans la gestion des talents de leur propre entreprise, que la récente fusion de leur équipe de consulting avec une SSII a peut être dégoûté certains, ce genre d’idées, on ne l’évoque pas. Haro sur le voleur de poules !!

    tags: recruitment, retention, talentmanagement

  • Timothée Mervillon a réalisé un mémoire de fin d’études pour son master de Méthodes Informatiques Appliquées à la Gestion des Entreprises (MIAGE) intitulé : “Quelle valeur ajoutée en entreprise avec les technologies et usages du web 2.0”. Ce mémoire est une bonne synthèse du management de l’information et de l’utilisation des outils du web pour y parvenir. Outre le fait que ce mémoire fait une “bonne pub” à IBM, il permet surtout de mettre en valeur l’utilisation des médias sociaux en entreprise.

    tags: enterprise2.0, socialcomputing, collaboration, web2.0, IBM

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler
Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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