Transformer l’Entreprise pour améliorer sa performance
La crise qui s’annonce durable, contraint les organismes publics et privés à réduire la voilure pour traverser sans trop d’encombres la tempête.
Pour ce faire, celles-ci lancent des « programmes de transformation » de leurs fonctions métier et support en vue d’améliorer la performance (transformation de la fonction finance, transformation de la fonction It, RH, achats, supply chain,..).-
1. La première approche consiste à améliorer « l’existant ». Pour ce faire, on évalue l’organisation (finance, It, RH,…) en termes de coûts, délais,… La question est : combien coûte le processus de reporting par exemple, on compare ce coût aux meilleurs de la classe (benchmarking) afin d’identifier d’éventuels gains.
2. La seconde approche ne tient pas compte de l’existant. La question est : que devra / devrait être ma fonction X (finance, IT, RH,..) dans 3, 4, 5 ans compte tenu par exemple des nouvelles technologies, des nouvelles contraintes réglementaires, de la nouvelle organisation de l’entreprise. Cette approche peut/ doit conduire à la création de nouveaux processus qui porteront de nouveaux objectifs et à la suppression de processus existant.
Four Generations In The Workplace by Sacha Chua @IBM – DogEar 犬ã®è€³
f you’ve ever heard, thought, or felt any of these things, your team may have multi-generational issues. Find out how to adapt to four generations in the workplace!
With a social infrastructure in place, a company will manage its resources with best efforts to produce intended, or expected, outcomes. In addition, the transformation will produce emergent outcomes. Doing business differently will produce different results: product breakthroughs, process improvements, and broader interpersonal connections.
How GE Drives Change – HBR Editors’ Blog – HarvardBusiness.org
There seemed to be five reasons the program has been so effective:
* Intact management teams went through the program. As a result, each team reached a group consensus on the barriers to change and how best to attack them.
* Participants considered both the hard barriers to change (organizational structure, capabilities, and resources) and the soft (how the members of the team individually and collectively led–i.e., how they behave and spend their time).
* Attention was paid to the eternal leadership challenge of managing the short term and the long term simultaneously.
* The program created a new common vocabulary of change.
* Teams emerged from the program with the first draft of an action plan for instituting change in their individual businesses and there were mechanisms put in place to make sure that they delivered on it.
What Is The ROI On Connections? | Socialutions
The ROI on “connections†depends on what we do, create or solve with our connections which in turn creates a relationship. Get it?
Web 2.0 Represents A Fundamental Rethinking Of Business, And The Theory Of The Firm
As an economist — and a micro-economist specifically — I look at Web 2.0 through the lens of Coase’s The Nature of the Firm and the eventual refinement and expansion of his theory over the last 80 years. So what do I see when I look at Web 2.0, social media, social software, and whatever else you want to call this thing? I see a fundamental rethinking of the definition and function of the firm; the single biggest change since the industrial revolution.
What Web 2.0 software has done is give firms the tools to blow the doors to value creation wide open and invite customers, partners, experts, and prospects into the process.
firms now have the ability to conduct perpetual focus groups with as many people as care to join.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.