Links for 04/19/2009

  • “You can’t manage what you don’t measure” is nonsense. The vast majority of what senior executives manage is immeasurable. They make judgment calls; they play hunches. How else do you select the right people for key jobs? How else do you choose your partners? How else do you divine the future? Organizations pay senior executives handsomely to buy their ability to make wise choices in the absence of simple measurements.

    tags: Enterprise2.0, ROI, management, measurement, intangible, intangiblesmanagement, socialsoftware

  • Social networks differ from regular websites in 3 fundamental ways:

    1. Activities and content are fully (or at least mostly) driven by the users.
    2. Users are expected to do things on the website – interact, post, vote, etc.
    3. Users are expected to come back to the website periodically and continue to do things.

    As a result of this, social networks should – I say should because not every social network does this – put greater emphasis on usability over, say, a corporate website. Don’t get me wrong, usability is important everywhere you go on the web, but the nature of a social network’s operation makes usability especially important.

    tags: socialnetworks, usability

  • Supporting my points about design and engagement in my previous post, the group noted that “the ‘ideal’ system and process still will have to be designed, and accepted”. These are some of the suggestions for improving performance management made within the article:

    * Cascading goals vertically but probably horizontally as well
    * Not using a forced distribution
    * Being based on the organisation’s needs and, where possible, on each employees’ strengths
    * Being employee driven
    * Being fast and frequent
    * Involving the entire community
    * Being web based
    * Being unique – not copying another organisation’s process.

    tags: performance, performancemanagement, humanresources, humanresources2.0

  • tags: no_tag

    • Indeed, like SOA, E2.0 derives the bulk of its value as a function of its success in doing just that. For that reason, and again like SOA, it is supremely sensitive to the vagaries of the true enterprise economy. Sensitive in a way, and to a degree, that a meme with a smaller scope (”let’s do CRM for the sales guys” defines a very small subset of the overall enterprise economy) is not. This is the truth that underlies all of the various discussions of “top down vs. bottom up”, “executive sponsorship” and whatnot.
    • If you think that ROI is a matter of getting some numbers into an Excel spreadsheet, then you are probably building a house on a foundation of economic quicksand. It will likely sink, and that would be unfortunate.
  • When we are ready to officially release an email will go out to nearly 8,000 people, but before that time comes we want to be ready.
    To tell you the truth I can’t wait till that time, as we can move on to the next phase of “community consulting”, that is, supporting and facilitating leaders of each community.
    In fact I think we have piloted too many communities that we can support and guide, as we are too busy developing, so it’s important we jump on this soon before the water gets cold for some people.

    tags: communities, communitymanagement, facilitation

  • And we call those systems currencies, i.e. trade currencies, reputation currencies, loyalty currencies, performance metric currencies, etc. In each case the flows they interact with, or the ways they interact with flows may be in different realms of social manifestation, just as sound, light and water waves all have wave properties in different realms of physical manifestation. But what we have found, is that once we recognize this common pattern, we experience a paradigm shift: we change our focus from the information tokens, to the flows themselves. We begin to actually be able to see these flows, and see how the flows are what create wealth, and how the information tokens just help us interact with the flows.

    Thus, the goal of the meta-currency project is to create a new expressive capacity, a “flow mechanics” that amplifies our ability to see and shape the flows that underlie healthy social systems. This is much like how “wave mechanics” is an expressive capacity that gave us amplifies our ability to build physical systems.

    tags: metacurrency, currency, openmoney, socialmoney, flows

  • While granting that “clouds are very cost-effective” for small and medium-sized companies, McKinsey argues that a large company would spend considerably more today if it were to shut down its data center and run all its applications out of a utility-computing cloud.

    tags: cloudcomputing, mckinsey, costs, Saas, utility

    • Nevertheless, the McKinsey analysis is a valuable one, not least because it underscores how early we are in the development of the utility-computing grid – and why we shouldn’t expect large companies to begin shutting down their data centers any time soon.
    • The real opportunity that the cloud offers large companies today is as a supplement or complement to their in-house operations rather than as a complete replacement
  • And so on. Note, we aren’t building a business case in the financial sense. This is not an ROI exercise – its a business value and outcomes exercise. And this is the type of analysis that needs to be done to shift from the laissez faire “if we build it” to a more thoughtful, targeted approach.

    tags: enterprise2.0, value, valuecreation, ROI

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler
Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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