Two great initiatives for enterprise 2.0 and social media practitioners

I really wanted to talk you about two new initiatives that may interest many of my  readers

Je tenais absolument à vous parler de deux initiatives qui viennent de voir le jour et qui peuvent intéresser nombre d’entre vous.

First, the “Enterprise 2.0 adoption council community”.


I cannot agree more with Susan Scrupski.If being an enterprise 2.0 evangelist is not easy everyday for “externals” like her, me, and many other people, there are many other people who are convinced of the benefits of enterprise 2.0, who want to make it happen and are not in a comfortable position, who face more barriers than us and feel alone in their organization. They are the “internal evangelists”, those who try to make things in a difficult context, have to convince their hierarchy, prove things with few means and no internal support. It’s for those people and because of what she learnt from them at the recent Enterprise 2.0 conference that she launched a linkedin group in order to make them share their experience and progress together.If you’re trying to make things progress in your company and want to interact with peers in a vendors and consultants free community, this group is for you. To know more, read here.

There’s also a  Facebook page.

Media-Aces for european social media professional


This is the fruit of my friends Hervé Kabla and  Yann Gourvennec‘s thought.  Media-Aces is meant to be the european Blog Council. If, within your company, you are driving any kind of social media, Media-aces is the association you must join.

media aces

View more documents from Yann Gourvennec.
I hope you’ll find valuable things in both.
adoption, blog-council, enterprise 2.0 adoption council community, Entreprise 2.0, media aces, medias sociaux, social-media
Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler
Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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