The Value Network Maturity Model
Levels of maturity are standard levels of competency that have been the foundation for many different kinds of maturity models. One of the best known frameworks is the Capability Maturity Model. The maturity model framework can be adapted to value networks as well. Such a model can help address questions of value network competency and aid in developing value network strategies.
Adoption Can’t Be Driven
If you have to “drive adoption†you’ve failed at 2.0 design and implementation. The fundamentals of 2.0 are based on design that is organic — meets the individual where they are and adapts based on feedback — it emerges. The ‘adoption’ comes from rigorous ‘adaptation’ — it continuously morphs based on involvement from the ‘masses’. If done right, you can’t keep them away…because you’ve brought the scratch for their itch.
SAP Social Media Guidelines 2009
SAP recently announced a new set of Social Media Participation Guidelines and an internal forum to help employees make the most of new social media channels such as Blogs, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. In the spirit of Web 2.0, and like other organizations such as Intel and IBM, we would like to share our guidelines with the community.
Simplicity: The Next Big Thing
But simplification is not the norm, and that’s a problem. The world is complex enough without human actions making it more so. We have been paying a price for too much complexity, creating — or allowing — so much variety that it is hard to sort through it, and adding so many loops to the chain that no one feels personal responsibility for the whole system or even comprehends it fully.
Enterprise 2.0: Culture Is as Culture Does
I put together the graphic below as a framework for thinking about things like culture and adoption. It’s a process flow for pilot deployments of social software, based on some of my experiences. There are actually several different points included in it.
The blogosphere moves quickly. You can find many excellent summaries of the events of the 2009 Enterprise 2.0 conference in Boston. But only now are more reflective posts emerging. What is the point of Enterprise 2.0? Can its benefits be measured?
Michael Krigsman started things by writing about the Kumbaya effect. The opportunities for better communication and collaboration afforded by Enterprise 2.0 technologies are interesting, but are they valuable?
So maybe we should consider Enterprise 2.0 a movement, a management style, or a vibe, instead of something intrinsic to the way business will be done in the future.
So maybe the right thing to do, if you believe in E2.0, is to engage directly with knowledge workers themselves. Maybe the business of Enterprise 2.0 is not about selling the CEO, CIO, or IT director on the merits of transparency, immediacy, and authenticity. Maybe it’s about winning the hearts and minds of business professionals with tools that make their work easier.
Dear Old People Who Run the World,
My generation would like to break up with you.
Everyday, I see a widening gap in how you and we understand the world — and what we want from it. I think we have irreconcilable differences.
Conversations with global leaders John Chambers of Cisco
In this video, Chambers explores approaches to decentralized management and leadership. He also provides perspective on the future of Web technology and the opportunity that an economic downturn provides for strategically minded companies
Six Important Conversations To Have To Bridge The Enterprise 2.0 Cultural Gap
Here are six conversations that I recommend occur in your organization that will help your organization bridge the cultural gap between the status quo and the organization as an effective user of Enterprise 2.0 tools. This builds on a previous post where I stated that “to optimize the technology and achieve improvements in organizational effectiveness…a focus on the overall organization is important.”
A preliminary step prior to these six conversations is to educate members of the organization about these new Enterprise 2.0 tools. The matters to be shared include: the nature of the Enterprise 2.0 tools being deployed; how the tools compare with the popular Web 2.0 tools with which people may be familiar (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, bookmarking, wikis, search); how the new tools fit with existing tools being used
We can compare these behaviors, attitudes, norms and values to what exists in the current organization. We can ask, in what ways will we have to behave differently or need to develop different attitudes and values.
We can create multi-level linkages with other organizations that have successfully adopted a similar package of Enterprise 2.0 tools and learn about their experience
Begin an ongoing conversation about how these Enterprise 2.0 tools can be used to enhance the production of the organization’s products and services.
In current working groups and at an organization-wide level, identify the roles that will be required for executives, mid-level managers and rank and file employees to effectively utilize these tools and to what extent this represents a change from current roles.
Finally, in all of these conversations, ask people to talk in person as well as to utilize existing communications and networking media. Ask them to begin to have their conversations using the new tools. Set up a mechanism using the new tools to highlight the knowledge obtained in these various conversations.
I found Tom Davenport’s discussion of Why 1.5 is Greater than 2.0 by way of Bill Ives in Mixing Old and New School Communication. Davenport talks about the social reasons in favor of a blend between social and traditional approaches. I think an answer to How 1.5, in this context, is Greater than 2.0 is both social and structural.
Les processus de décision au cœur de la crise
L’analyse des processus de décision, fussent-ils collectifs, montre comment l’excès d’optimisme, l’influence de la première proposition, le charisme des initiateurs, et l’autorité du décideur final biaisent toutes les décisions d’investissements, et pèsent sur leur rentabilité finale. Mieux vaut plusieurs scénarios d’investissement, analysés lors d’un bon débat de vrais experts. On peut apprendre à bien décider, estime Olivier Sibony, directeur associé senior chez McKinsey.
Entre ceux qui ont utilisé les outils d’analyse les plus avancés et ceux qui reconnaissent en être très loin, l’écart de performance est important : 2,7 points de retour sur investissement les séparent. Mais ceux qui ont aussi suivi un processus de décision rigoureux et objectif enregistrent une performance bien plus importante : le gain est de 7,3 points de ROI. En d’autres termes, il y a trois fois plus à gagner à utiliser un bon mode de prise de décision !
Elles organisent un débat réel avec des participants choisis sur des critères de compétence (spécifique au projet), et non seulement de rang hiérarchique. Enfin, elles encouragent dans ce débat l’expression et la discussion de points de vue divers, y compris contradictoires avec celui du leader.
Au contraire, l’enjeu est de mobiliser l’intelligence collective d’une équipe de management en organisant une confrontation de points de vue riche et constructive – avec les implications qu’on imagine sur le style de management.
Graphic of the week: McKinsey’s model for decision making on prize-based (open) innovation
McKinsey & Company has recently published a report with the title “And the winner is…” reviewing the current academic and business literature on prize-based innovation. The report is also partly based on a number of case studies from companies and governmental organization practicing such strategies in different forms.
La socialisation des processus de décision au coeur de la sortie de crise
Ainsi sur 798 décisions d’investissement étudiées l’écart de Retour sur Investissement est de 2,7 points entre ceux qui ont utilisé des outils “avancés†pour décider et ceux qui en sont loin. Mais plus que les outils c’est la rigueur dans la démarche de décision qui permettrait selon cette étude de gagner 3 fois plus. Voila pour donner une justification au fait que les processus de décision des entreprises sont au coeur de leur performance économique… et au-delà et dans le contexte actuel, de leur sortie de crise.
Mais qu’elle est le rapport (et l’apport) avec les usages 2.0 ? C’est en reprenant les pratiques déterminantes d’un bon processus de décision listées par le consultant de McKinsey que l’on peut justifier le “2.0″ (ou la socialisation) du processus décision qui n’est rien d’autre que le système nerveux de l’entreprise.
How to Identify Your Employees’ Hidden Talents
How to Identify Your Employees’ Hidden Talents
8:25 AM Wednesday June 24, 2009
Tags:Managing people, Organizational culture, Talent management
There’s no shortage of advice about finding and attracting the best people to work for you. Or even about scouring your own organization to identify top performers within the ranks. My experience in a variety of frontline, supervisory, and other positions has taught me that important as both of those endeavors are, it’s even more vital to look within individual employees for hidden strengths, especially at times when hiring and promotions are on hold.
The social process | Web 2.0 and business process management
The social process
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How social software is changing the way companies design and execute business processes-
“There is very little in the ERP technologies of today that wouldn’t be recognised by Henry Ford,†he says. “They are based around a very old-fashioned view of static business processes executed by people.â€
He also concedes that the view of a business process as a rigid sequence of events is one that does not suit human beings
With ‘white collar’ processes, the very reason you have human beings doing them is that you cannot standardise those inputs and outputs.â€
Is Enterprise 2.0 Just for Knowledge Workers?
Does that seem right? Only the knowledge workers have something to contribute in the emergent ethos that is social software? The reality is that knowledge workers have been participating while the rest of the company has been doing their own thing.
Does that seem right? Only the knowledge workers have something to contribute in the emergent ethos that is social software? The reality is that knowledge workers have been participating while the rest of the company has been doing their own thing.
3M told a great innovation story at the ARF annual conference about a new product that started with a complaint call into customer care. The representative did his own research online, came up with a solution, filmed a video that he put on YouTube and re-contacted the customer to see if that is what he was looking for
Everyone in a company has something to contribute. Employees are working in the trenches daily, and new ideas will occur regularly. They are ready to post these ideas and their knowledge. It just may not be via blogging or wikis.
That’s something we’ve seen here at Spigit. Employees find it easy to post the ideas they have. They generally are “feeling” the reason for the idea – customer requests, repeated issues, reading the latest developments in their industries, etc. The Spigit platform does include blogs and wikis, which our customers’ employees do use. But the locus of activity is around ideas. People really do gravitate to discussions of “what’s next?” Of course, we’ve also built in incentives for participation as well: platform currency, personal reputation scores, privileges based on your personal reputation scores.
Will social media kill off the intranet in years to come?
The majority of our readers believe the impact of Facebook-style social networks with elements of file and photo sharing, microblogging or status updates, phlogging (phone blogging), vlogging (video blogging), and instant messaging to name a few applications, will mean the end of the traditional intranet as we know it, but equally see the intranet evolve to incorporate large pockets of social networking.
But the reason we need to change the way we communicate is not just due to technological advancements, the principal driver is human evolution.
As Russell Pearson, communicator and intranet specialist says, there is now a need to realign to meet employee, not application or department needs.
Pearson, however goes further and believes that the advent of Google Wave, a new communications and collaboration platform that is currently in early testing, as well as social networks being accessible on each other’s platforms, will “accelerate the process of embedding online conversationsâ€.
“The problem is about privacy and secrets in organization. The intranet is a closed space, exactly the opposite of social media. Nobody will allow employees to share their internal information so there will be always a frontier between social media and intranets.
Social computing adoption issues due to scale
The population size of this system isn’t quite the issue, but I put some thought into what enterprise 2.0 deployment issues might appear with scale and came up with the following chart. I hope this can help other maturing e2.0 environments consider some of the issues they may be coming up agains
Enterprise 2.0 ‘Changes the Game’ for Business Process Management:
Introducing Enterprise 2.0 approaches may help shift the emphasis from business process re-engineering to business process re-energizing.
Pete Swabey has documented instances in which major companies started addressing critical business problems with enterprise 2.0 approaches. There is growing evidence that social software is changing the way companies design and execute business processes.
Gibson opened her talk with a statement that captures the essence of social media at Cisco.
“In a world where everything is open, we value openness and transparency.â€
There are three ways that Cisco uses social media especially blogs to drive customer engagement:
While Cisco is very focused on ROI, there are no standard metrics, so it uses a variety of metrics. For example: they look at the free media impressions from social media activities and measure how much does that would have cost them to assess cost savings. However, since social media is resource and management-intensive, the cost for it is still fuzzy.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.