The future of microblogging is…. blogging !


A former post on how this two kind of tools can complete each other brought many discussions, both online and offline. Let me say that the approach that consists of saying that everything new is wonderful and has to replace all the things that were there befoore (and become “has been” de facto”) does not convince me. Generally, new things come when the existing lacks something in order to bridge the gaps. But, if once the gap are bridged the main structure is removed, we only get new gaps and have to reinvent what’s just been thrown away.

Example of a discussion on microblogging as the ultimate replacement for all personal publication tools.

140 characters is really a blocking limits for some contents. It does not matter. Tomorrow, microblogging tools will allow to get rid of this limit.

It’s not easy to find past information. That’s not a problem. Tomorrow, advanced tagging features will make it easier to organize publication and browse through contents.

having a structure view of the discussions that followed a post is impossible. In the future, it we be very easy to see all the reactions to a post.

So, in conclusion, the future of microblogging will allow longer and richer contents, more structure and have an instant vision of reactions and comments. So it will…be what we’re currently calling a blog. And its limits will make us reinvent the microblogging.

Enough jokes. This is the proof that interconnections between blogging and microblogging have to de developed, improved, but that none of them has to replace the other.

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler
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