Links for this week (weekly)

  • tags: intranet, communication, worsepractices

  • “As Walton mentioned in our last post, the challenge is only in part technical. Broad culture change and user input became integral to Hello’s rollout and acceptance within the firm. This is one reason he staffed the team with as many change management people as technical people. Enterprise 2.0 systems are more transformative than many past technologies. Walton said that in the past a person with the most knowledge has power. Now the person with the most connections has power. “

    tags: boozAllenHamilton, casestudies, management, change, changemanagement

    • This transformation has to be both understood and accepted in the organization. Walton related a meeting with 25 partners about the new transparency

    • Hello is not a mandated system like email. It was rolled out in a “soft” launch and then promoted virally.
    • Walton started the roll out in the largest office outside of the central offices. He wanted people in the field to feel that the system was for them and supported their needs.
    • Prosci advocates building strategy around creating Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Action, and Reinforcement (ADKAR). Hello’s change strategy used the ADKAR approach to focus messaging for social media advocates, early adopters, mid-adopters and late adopters. They did not invest in resistors as they either will adopt at their own pace or will continue to resist.
  • “So what I have been trying to do in a new book is say what that looks like, and yes, I have incorporated certainly some of the things that we did in Management 1.0 and Management 2.0. I think it really has to have a different philosophy and a different orientation with respect to both organizational design, how we treat the work force, how we think about the work force and basically how we lead in this kind of economy and in this kind of competitive environment.”

    tags: management, management2.0, management3.0, organizationaldesign, involvement, control, organization, wirearchy

    • It seems to me that, if you are going to have a valid, viable 3.0, it has to include the right blend of leadership behaviours. Yes, where you inspire people by a sense of mission, sustainability, accountability – but also have a valid management approach which deals with fundamentals like goal setting and work specifications and product evaluation produced by employees.
    • I think it depends substantially on what business you are in, how sophisticated the business is, and how complex it is, but I see much more self organizing, much more use of information technology, social networks, and perhaps even internal markets to create the forum and allocate financial resources within organizations, and that’s an area where there would be enormous differences.
  • “Because of these potential benefits, some companies are moving quickly to embrace Web 2.0., but others see challenges and barriers that should be addressed before their organizations can realize the new technologies’ full potential.”

    tags: web2.0, enterprise2.0, kpmg, collaboration, productivity, innovation, benefits, adoption, security

  • “Bolting an “S” onto the CRM seem to make it harder not better. Of course in the days of Social Media companies need to do something. But sCRM seems to be the opposite direction. sCRM seems to be accelerating the disaster we have on the sales side. “

    tags: crm, socialcrm, dataadministration, relationship, sales, lead

    • The worst are the ones who still promote the “low touch sales model”.
    • We are customer data admins, not customer relationship managers. We manage the theoretic aspects of the relationship but I am about 10-20% of my business hours with a customer – at best
    • AT BEST. Other activities are reviewing the lead process, the nurturing process, we have very sophisticated processes and it takes a lot to actually go through them every day”.
    • Take the C out of the sCRM”. As our networks grow exponentially, we also may need a good tool, but we need a tool that helps us with the actual relationship
  • “It seems to me that English (or Chinese) are going to be replaced as the must know language. Tomorrow, we need to learn to talk to the machine. Technology skills will be basic skills for the future blue-collar or white-collar worker.”

    tags: technology, automation, language, knowledgeworkers, contribution, productivity, leadership, googlewave, bots, problemsolving

    • When a platform like Google Wave is adopted, the difficult thing will be to adapt to bots, to make them more friendly, and then to develop new ones, adapted to real needs
    • As a matter of fact, we already have bots all around us, we just did not know they were bots until someone (Google) called them by their names
    • We will be slowly entering a new era, the «I have to automate it era».
    • we’ll go from solving problems to designing systems that solve problems
    • Tomorrow, we need to learn to talk to the machine.
    • But slowly, in some enterprises, Enterprise 2.0 is gaining speed. In these workplaces, people are still users, but they need to get ready to continuously master new usages. Not learn them once or twice. Continuously change usages
    • If they succeed, the next challenge is to become contributors
    • When these corporate collaboration platforms are widely spread, we are going to become builders.
    • Training is the answer today to people obsolescence. Not enough. Because not everyone can be trained at the same pace, and training is still an industrial process, based on a mechanical view of the corporation. Adoption of collaboration platforms should also lead towards changing our mindset as organisation and value are concerned.
    • Contributors build value differently. They are helping the corporation built another key system : if we assume the IT network was built for users, now we needed the knowledge network for contributors.
    • What about builders ? We have builders all over in our corporations : leaders, researchers, managers, … But they are still in the minority side of the company.
    • When collaboration platforms are adopted, more and more people will be considered as builders, because building will be expeced of them
    • Users are left with a difficult choice : become a contributor or go be a user to any other, lesser, corporation; similarly, contributors are left with the choice to become builders or go contribute some-place else. Even builders, once they have put all they had in a bot, will have to learn to build bots for something different or go build solutions to other, lesser corporations.
    • Or maybe not most value will come from productivity … maybe, as some companies already do, people development will become the central process of the corporatio
    • Corporations are not bots. They are machines from hell. Whatever is expected of them, they do. Today, leaders expect quaterly earnings from corporations, at whatever cost. It will be good to challenge this short term vision.
    • At this point, one thing is clear to me: leaders are needed to define what the corporation needs to become. Otherwise, the disparity in household income that we consider high today, will have just been the beginning of a sad story.
  • “You may be the reason your company isn’t growing. You are micromanaging — and it’s stifling the organization you are trying to build.”

    tags: management, micromanagement, bottlenecks, decisionmaking, quality, revenue

    • Entrepreneurs cannot avoid getting their hands dirty with the nitty-gritty. That said, decisions and the information necessary to make them should be pushed down the ranks whenever possible
    • Successful entrepreneurs know that their time is best spent preparing their employees for potential difficulties and helping those same employees learn from their mistakes. Only then can future mistakes be avoided.
    • Routing every decision through yourself is unsustainable. Entrepreneurs that fail to evolve their management style from “doer” to “coach” will never have the resources to seek new opportunities!
  • “Measurement and metrics tracking is not a decision-making tool. It is a performance indicator. The numbers neither know what you are trying to achieve nor are they the only factor in understanding performance. Do not use them that way – it is simply poor management to rely on numbers to make your decisions. Use them to assess and evaluate.”

    tags: communities, socialmedia, indicators, decisionmaking, measurement, performance

    • From my experience, metrics are essential to understanding if where you are spending your time is working well or not
    • The result of the measurement is not to dock your pay, criticize you, or indicate that you should stop blogging.  It was to learn something about how you did something to improve it the next time.
    • .  Better management would say “Well, let’s track week over week and see where you are after a few months and evaluate whether we want you to continue blogging.
    • Combine them with content analysis, the business outcomes you are looking for, and some contextual judgment to make decisions about how and what to change if the numbers are not where you want them to be

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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