Links for this week (weekly)

  • “In short, intranet 2.0 is very similar to a social intranet, but you can have 2.0 tools and not have a social intranet. Intranet 2.0 is simply a vague label (just as vague as the Web 2.0) applied to the collection of social media tools being used on the corporate intranet.”

    tags: intranet2.0, socialintranet, socialmedia, participation

    • For the record, intranet 2.0 (note the consistent use of a non-capitalized “intranet”) merely describes, albeit vaguely, an intranet that features 2.0 or social media tools. Intranet 2.0 applications can include all of the fine social media we’ve come to love and overuse:
    • I defined the social intranet last week with the release of The Social Intranet white paper:

      An intranet that features multiple social media tools for most or all employees to use as collaboration vehicles for sharing knowledge with other employees. A social intranet may feature blogs, wikis, discussion forums, social networking, or a combination of these or any other Web 2.0 (intranet 2.0) tool with at least some or limited exposure (optional) from the main intranet or portal home page.

  • “# The Entrepreneurial Scope Assessment Framework: This tool enables CIOs and other business executives to evaluate the magnitude of the opportunity for an entrepreneurial organization. It is a requisite assessment to understand the scope of the task facing IT, as well as other business units.
    # The Strategic Change Road Map: This level-by-level tool provides a clear-cut assessment of the tasks that must be performed by an organization in moving from the current mind-set and behaviors of cutting costs to a mind-set that is entrepreneurial. It delineates today’s situation, compared with the desired future and identifies the changes that will transform today’s organization, infrastructure, processes and mind-sets into tomorrow’s state.”

    tags: gartner, IT, costreduction, costs, ITdepartment, culture

  • “I’ve been getting quite a few questions and comments about intranet 2.0 and social intranets. Here are a few footnotes and suggestions for supporting intranet social media:”

    tags: intranet, intranet2.0, socialintranet, process, changemanagement, culture

    • Process –
      Intranet 2.0 needs process and procedures. Moreover, it requires change
      management. The success of intranet 2.0 has more to do with the latter, change
      management (not technology). If you build it they will not come… necessarily.
      Most employees haven’t heard of a wiki so why would they use one? Employees
      need to be educated, sold, and cajoled to use these tools initially until they
      become a repetitive action that is part of the culture.  
  • “What is government 2.0? Tim O’Reilly describes it as government working as a platform. Others might describe it as applying the technologies that make up Web 2.0 to the practice of government, including blogs, wikis, social networking and crowdsourcing. The simplest way of describing government 2.0 may be any technology that helps citizens or agencies solve problems, either for individuals or the community, and enables government to operate more efficiently or effectively.

    The following are five ways that the U.S. government is using social media to deliver services or engage citizens in making better policy.”

    tags: government2.0, socialmedia

  • “My fundamental belief is summarised in this statement:

    The challenge is that the technology needs to become embedded in the business processes. If ERP was all about business processes, Enterprise 2.0 has to do with business relationships.”

    tags: socialmedia, organization, erp, businessprocess

    • You never know what will click in an organisation. There is a steel organisation where professionals with more than 20 years of experience working in a brick and mortar company suddenly took to microblogging. It happened because it takes less time to use and learn. They did not take on to the bigger tools that allowed them to upload fle, because it was diffcult to include in the day-to-day working.
  • The slide represents the results of polling customer, throughout the conference, about their concerns, their questions, about adding social channels to their customer service efforts. I know the slide is a little fuzzy but I am hoping to make it just a bit clearer through this post.

    tags: customers, customercare, customerengagement, socialmedia, conversations, customersupport

    • – In order to be successful in the long run you must define a business plan and understand how social media will weave into your existing strategy.

      – You need to set up Social Media Usage guidelines and make these part of your HR policies, IT policies, and train current staff as well as all new hires.

    • Typically, management of social media begins in marketing.  In my view the most important thing is that marketing and customer service jointly own, jointly take part, in the customer communication.
    • How do we measure satisfaction with Social Media?

      Let me ask you this…. How do you measure satisfaction today?  Social media is just another channel to interact on, right?

  • “It’s still a given that Enterprise 2.0 apps won’t end up standing alone. But putting them together with goal management tools could give them a more pivotal role than if they just get sucked into generic collaboration or business software suites. “

    tags: enterprise2.0, collaboration, content, contentmanagement, processes, goals, cubetree, successfactors

    • Since projects are usually tackled by people working in teams rather than individuals operating in isolation, that data needs to be presented in a team context.
    • Sharepoint will not help you form or manage teams. It won’t identify the data that’s necessary to complete the project.”
    • If you’re forming a team, you start with the people. The content and data they access is determined by who they are
  • “My previous post, Skip the buy-in and get ’em addicted, is about using a Proof of Concept and beyond model as a fast track to your fulfilling your vision. A way to penetrate the hierarchy in an unorthodox way, and get them to “feel it” and see living proof of it’s usefulness, rather than a Powerpoint pitch, or proposal document (or as living proof of your proposal).

    It’s cheeky, but you are doing them a favour at the same time, as you have living contextual proof of the viability (by going ahead and doing it yourself), as opposed to buy-in approval, strategies, time, more time, and some more time…only to not get approved.”

    tags: enterprise2.0, adoption, pilots, experimentation, proofofconcept

  • “Il y a un grand débat au sein des entreprises pour savoir si elles doivent ou non interconnecter leurs solutions de gestion de contenu avec des réseaux sociaux grand public. Ce qui nous conforte dans notre volonté de proposer ce type de fonctionnalité, c’est que les individus sont devenus matures par rapport à cette problématique. Aujourd’hui, les entreprises sont conscientes que cette interconnexion est recherchée par leurs collaborateurs, en particulier ceux de la génération Y. “

    tags: ECM, socialnetworks, opentext, integration

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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